
Chapter 3:Help me get revenge

She looked at the middle aged woman who was staring at her like an exotic animal

Li Mei how ...how...did you...how...is.."her mother mumbled

"um mother are you okay ?,should we go to the hospital ? " Li Mei said trying to dodge her mother's questions.

"oh no , I'm fine ,we should probably clean up this mess "her mother said as she looked around

Before her mother could get a broom Li mei stopped her "you should probably get some rest "

"are you sure I don't think you'll be able to handle this by yourself ?"Li Fei said

"Don't worry about me ...goodnight"Li mei said

Li Fei felt it was strange but she didn't dare to argue , she also knew that she indeed needed some rest,when Li Mei felt Li Fei had gone to bed she quickly slipped out of the house


At an abandoned bakery, The hoodlums that Li Mei had beaten were seen looking fustrated and angry

"Dammit ,Dammit, Dammit ,how in the hell did that young girl freaking beat our ass" a man said clutching his arm , that Li Mei had dislocated

"I know right ,she was like a freaking monster is she a kung fu lover" Man B said

"yeah but she's so young and small how could she had beaten us like this"Man C said clutching his broken ribs

"i don't know man but if i ever see that bitch again I'm going to make her wish she wasn't born" the leader said

" yeah will make her regret what she did to us"another member said

"Oh really"

The hoodlums all turned around only to see Li Mei ,

they all tried to run away but their bodies wouldn't move ,They started wailing and begging her to leave them alone.

"Oh come on i thought i heard you say that when you see me again you'll make me regret ...,well here i am "she said with an evil grin

"No...No ..No ,we never said that...r...r.. rig ..right boys"the leader mumbled

"yea..yeah " They said

Li mei rolled her eyes, are all humans this cowardly she thought to herself,Her original aim of coming here was to have a nice sparring match with them but this guys were just so damn weak it pissed her off.

"whatever i have no use for you anymore so time to die"she said looking bored

"wait before that hand over the money that bitch paid you"Li Mei said

"sure" the leader said ,He then reached for something in his pocket ,he brought out a ... gun.

"Let us go or else I'll shoot "The man said

"that's not what i asked for"Li Mei's faced darkened she hated when people threatened her

"what the f**k i said I'll shoot ya i ain't joking"the man said with an annoyed look

Li Mei ignored him and started walking towards him

The man was shocked and started trembling"i..i... I'm ..s..serious"

Li Mei ignored him and started walking closer to him

"i warned ya NOW GO TO HELL!!!" the man screamed as he pulled the trigger


The man fired the bullet just as the bullet was about to hit her , Li Mei then caught it. She looked at the man who was now kneeling and begging for his life she then snickered " did you really think you could kill me with this" She gave him an evil grin and approached the man .


Li Mei licked the blood on her hands as her bloodshot eyes stared at her handiwork ....,the blood and various body parts of the men were all over the place ,she removed the money from the man's pocket and snickered "i warned them but they didn't listen what a pity"she said with a mocking smile and after clearing every evidence she left .


She then went home ,she looked around the place and realized she hadn't cleaned the mess those gangsters had made in her house .

After some time she finally finished cleaning just as she was about to go to her bed she suddenly felt dizzy everything suddenly started Spinning then went dark.


Li mei saw herself in that dark room again but this time .... she was Lucina, she saw an old man sitting there ,he looked at Li Mei and said " Hello I'm the original Li Mei's guardian ,Now that your in her body please help me with these tasks"he then told lucina to help him get revenge for the original Li Mei on all the people who hurt her and that she should so help protect her mother ,he explained to her about

how she died ,he told her that Li Rong had poisoned the original owner some months ago with a time bomb poison and that was the reason she died so suddenly the time bomb poison activated today ,he then told her about how Li Rong had wanted to kill the original owner because their grandfather was going to give his entire fortune to one of them for his 80th birthday , Li Rong thought if Li Mei was dead he would have no choice but to give it to her.

he then pointed to the old book , he then explained that once she opened it again it would give her infinite knowledge about every single thing about the human world ,From history to technology to people and many more so that she could help her. Lucina hesitated a bit but then The old man told her something shocking " if you help me get revenge her spirit will be free and u'll be sent back to the underworld before the war you'll be able to prevent your grandfather's death " This made Lucina more determined she would do anything to get her grandfather back ,Lucina then clenched her fists and then stepped forward to where the book was and opened it and immediately she did all sort of information filled lucina's mind causing her to feel nauseous before she fainted.