
Chapter 16

The next morning Li Mei woke up late she normally woke up earlier but yesterday she was extremely tired after her success in beating that mission . She was already 30 minutes late for school but she didn't rush she lazily got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash off ,after a few minutes she came out of her room looking charming as ever even when she was wearing a uniform. She looked around the house and saw her Grandmother sitting in the living room but she just ignored the woman and headed towards the front door just as she was about to leave she heard the old woman's voice

" Come back here you unfilial granddaughter you saw me seated here and you didn't even greet me don't pretend like you didn't ignore me on purpose"Grandma Li shouted as she looked at Li Mei with anger written all over her face

" why would i pretend ?, i did ignore you on purpose and i didn't want to greet you because you aren't deserving of my greetings " Li Mei said bluntly as she turned around to leave again

Grandma Li pointed angrily at Li Mei " how dare you talk to me like this is this what your thrash of a mother taught you how to speak to your elders "

" Grandmother if you know what's best for you you would stop insulting my mother you don't want a repeat of yesterday now do you ? " Li Mei said emitting a frightening aura from her making grandma Li to move back out if fear .

" Y-you "Grandma Li stuttered

Li Mei didn't bother with her and just left the mansion and hailed a cab and drove off to school


Li Mei arrived at her prestigious school and payed the cab man and walked towards the school gate and headed inside .She arrived at her class and as she expected there was already a teacher teaching there but she still headed inside ,once she came in everyone's eyes turned to her in suprise they all thought she wasn't coming back to the school after all the news about her breaking those girls arms .

Li Mei didn't bother with their stares and just sat down on her seat and crossed her long legs looking like she didn't have a care in the world. she looked at the board once before looking away and opened her bag and started bringing out her books.

Because of her actions Mrs Wei Shen was infuriated she always hated Li Mei she felt someone like her was not befitting of her class.

Class A was the top class in the entire school and she was the head teacher of this class so she always felt prideful because of the bonuses and praises she got because of this but ever since Li Mei came to this class she was always the lowest in the class and because of this Miss Wei shen hated her because she was bringing the class down.

Miss Wei shen looked at Li Mei with disdain" Li Mei you are late get out of my class !"

Li Mei ignored her and continued to bring out her books from her bag .As she was being ignored Miss Wei Shen could not help but hit the table loudly " Li Mei!!!, I Said Get Out Of My Class Now !!!!" She roared .

" No " Li Mei responded simply , Everyone turned to her and looked at her like she was mad .

Miss Wei shen lips twitched " What do u mean No i said get out my class i didn't ask u to respond !!"

" I have every right to be in this class , give me a good reason why i am being sent out when i have done nothing wrong" Li Mei said as she folded her arms and looked at Miss Wei Shen mockingly.