
Chapter 12: can you even afford it?

Li Mei and Jin Yexuan comes out of the elevator and walk to his office . Li Mei sees a comfortable sofa and decides to Lay there . When Jin Yexuan saw this he found it funny cause No one had ever dared to sit down until he told them too and here this woman was getting herself comfortable in his own office.

" So why did you call me " Li Mei said

" Umm yes about that i called you over to show my gratitude for saving me " Jin Yexuan said , He remembered he hadn't giving her anything for saving his life so he thought he could pay her back.

" No thanks ,i didn't save you so i could get anything from you " She said nonchalantly.

Jin Yexuan was confused he thought she would be ecstatic and start listing down all the things she wanted from him .

" Fine but at least take this " He said as he shoved a black card in her hand

" This contains billions of yuan don't try to return it cause ill keep sending it back to you " He said triumphantly.

Li Mei sighed and finally gave in.

" If that's all I'll be leaving..." Just as Li Mei was about to leave a man carrying a laptop rushed in looking extremely worried

" President Jin it seems that someone is trying to hack into our company files , Me and Our best hackers are trying to fight back but it seems that this hacker is particularly strong " The man said wiping off the sweat on his brow. Jin Yexuan didn't know what to do just as he was about to say something he was interuptted

" I can help " Li Mei said

They both turned to Li Mei in shock. Then the man snickered " do you even know the first thing about computers just keep quiet " , He didn't believe she could actually help and thought she was only trying to impress president Jin.

Li Mei ignored the man and snatched the laptop he was holding and started typing on it . The man wanted to get it back from Li Mei but Jin Yexuan signaled for him to get back with his hand .

Li Mei brought a watermelon flavoured lollipop and put in her mouth she then looked at the string of numbers on the screen . she checked into the company's mainframe and from the looks of it their security was really low she used her amazing hacker abilities to upgrade their firewall and swiftly beat the hacker who was trying to steal the company's files .

Then she shut the laptop and tossed it towards the man." I'm done " She said cooly

" Ha ! That's impossible you must be lying there's no way you could have done it that easily do you take us for fools ..." The man retorted

Just then another man rushed in and whispered into the man's ear telling him that someone had just beaten the hacker miraculously , suddenly the man went on the floor " how is ... that ... possible " He said staring at Li Mei in horror .

" because I'm me " Li Mei said Nonchalantly

" No ... how ..what..!!"

" That's enough Your fired get out " Jin Yexuan said coldly he was already getting irritated by this man ever since he walked in .

" No sir you can't...."

" Are you questioning me? " Jin Yexuan said giving him a death stare

" No sir ... of course not.. i just mean you can't get me fired because of this wom..."

Li Mei went to the back of the man and slightly hit a pinpoint in his neck causing him to fall unconscious the man was giving her a headache.just then Jin Yexuan assistant walked in and called security and they came and cleared the man out .

Li Mei the turned to Jin Yexuan " see ya pretty boy " She said, as she turned around and then walked out before giving Jin Yexuan any time to talk .

' This woman was really something ' He thought to himself she had helped him twice already something tells me that there's more to this girl.

" Umm sir Zane said that he's done with director Cheng's mental torturing and that you can come over to put the ' final touches ' Assistant Shen said as he gulped he knew what Zane meant when he said put the ' final touches' he meant his boss should come over and that meant things were going to get bloody .

When Jin Yexuan heard this the smile on his face widened causing Assistant Shen to shiver He knew what that smile meant it meant his boss was in killing mode

" Alright then let's go " Jin Yexuan said as he got up .


Li Mei leaves the tech shop in the mall after buying what she needed and decides to buy a dress for her mother since she still had some money left on her. She walked into the place and when she walked Li Mei couldn't help but grin the place was highly beautiful and it was highly prestigious the clothing was also made in good quality she saw a beautiful Red velvet dress that had a golden belt in the middle and it hugged the body really well and best thing about it was it was the exact size for Li Mei's mother. She held the dress and just as she was about to give it to the cashier to purchase someone came and snatched it , " I'll be buying this "

Li Mei turned around and saw it was none other than her stupid aunt " Give me back i took it " Li Mei said as she met Li Wei gaze , Li Wei was afraid of her but stood her ground "i don't care i want it and can you even afford it ? this dress cost Thirty thousand Yuan" Li Wei said as she looked at Li Mei mockingly , she couldn't believe Li Mei could actually afford a dress like this , even she could barely afford it but because she liked how it looked she was willing to spend her monthly allowance that her husband gave her. Because Li Wei said it loudly it attracted people's attention and they all started whispering to each other and looking at Li Mei the cashier had a skeptic look on her face but remained silent .

" I can and i will buy this dress " Li Mei said

Li Mei then snatched the dress away from Li Wei and brought out the black card that Jin Yexuan had given her and gave it to the cashier . Everyone gasped they couldn't believe this young girl had a black card of course it was not that rare to see a black card in a place like this since it was mostly the rich that came here but everyone was stunned because Li Mei looked like she was only eighteen and the clothes she was wearing looked really plain and her next words stunned everyone. " I'll buy this dress for triple the price "The cashier then made the purchase and gave Li Mei the dress with a look of excitement .She was glad she hadn't done anything she would have regretted.

Li Mei walked away leaving Li wei standing there with shock.

Author : yeah what a nice chapter Li Mei proves her aunt wrong ,gets a black card show off her hacking skills awesome chapter am i right anyways please comment and tell me what you think and support me i really appreciate it bye 👋😊