
The Demon King's Cowardly Vessel

Synopsis: Certain things are not meant to be touched, especially ancient weapons of unknown origin. Meet our protaganist, Juin, a less than average human from Earth; a thin, well-known weakling who was afraid of his own shadow and was basically everyone’s favorite punching bag. An incident in the past made him even more of a wimp than before. One day, while being bullied, he accidentally summoned a demon from another world. And what made it worse was that… He had summoned a Daemon King from another dimension; one who had the emotional maturity of a teenager and the mouth of a sailor. With Juin's fear of basically everything and the arrogant Daemon King who was afraid of nothing, what would the 16-year-old's life be from now onward? With the help, guidance, and insult from the Daemon King, as well as other supernatural beings that kept popping out of nowhere, Juin soon learned that he had to either grow faster or die a horrible death. Along his journey, he met with all sorts of temptations and exciting adventures, as well as finding out that there was more to what he thought he knew about himself. At the end of the day, could the Daemon King find a way to separate himself from his vessel, or are their destinies more interlinked than they thought? xxx Note from author: Except for first chapter, which is a prologue and set in another dimension, the rest of volume one would focus mostly on Earth. The first volume would focus Lucifer and Juin's developments, especially the latter's development both in skills and character. It might seem a little slow pace at first, but that's because I'm trying to build a piece everything up one by one, giving you a better immersion as you journey through the Demon King's Cowardly vessel. Honestly, I would love to hear your opinions on the development of the characters and the world. If you like to discuss more with me, please go to the discord link below. https://discord.gg/Bva8QhZ And if you would like to support me monetarily outside of WN, please consider buying me a ko-fi at the link below. Every ko-fi helps in my journey to be the very best, like no one ever was... (lame, I know) https://ko-fi.com/luoyeyouling Regards, LuoYe [ NOTE : The cover is only meant to be temporary, until I save enough to commission an original. ]

LuoYeYouLing · Fantasy
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365 Chs

Elimination Battle : Final Stage (10)

"Arghhh!!!" Luca screamed out in pain as he felt something burning deep within him; something unnatural… 

His body was fine, yet it was not. He thought he could smell a charcoal-y, sulfurous-like scent… almost like burning skin. 


His scream intensified as he fell onto the ground and crouched in a fetal position while grabbing his chest. It felt like something was being torn away from him. If not for the loud half-frozen gale wind that he created out to protect his image, someone would have heard his painful, ear-piercing screams. 

Soren and Lann looked on with frowns on their faces. Like the other spectators, they could not see what was going on with Luca. The half-frozen gale wind that Luca generated around him to protect him was blocking everyone's view, including theirs… But they knew something was wrong.