

I finally returned to the warehouse after a few days of recovering from my illness. I was feeling better, but my mind was still reeling from the embarrassing encounter with my dad at the mall.

As I walked into the warehouse, I spotted him standing by the inventory shelves. I quickly ducked behind a nearby stack of crates, my heart racing as if it was about to leave my chest.

I peeked around the corner, watching as he worked, his focus intent on the task at hand. I felt guilty for avoiding him, but I couldn't shake off the lingering embarrassment from the mall incident.

My dad had made a scene, asking loudly if I was getting pads, and I had felt like a child being taken by her dad to go get pads in front of everyone.

Now, I was hiding from him, feeling like a criminal caught in the act. I took a deep breath and tried to compose myself, knowing I couldn't hide forever.

I slowly emerged from behind the crates, hoping to go unnoticed. But he looked up, his eyes locking onto mine with a knowing glint.

"Hey, welcome back," he said with a smile. "I see you're feeling better. But maybe we should talk about what's going on?"

He mentioned that he had noticed me hiding and asked for an explanation, but I struggled to find the right words.

Then he bent down to look at me and introduced himself as James. I reluctantly told him my name was Amy, and he complimented my name before walking away, leaving me stunned.

Throughout the whole day, I felt strong and healthy enough to do any work assigned to me. I was in high spirits, but I felt like everyone was staring at me like I was a mental patient.

After a long day of work, I saw him resting under a tree. I hid and just kept staring at him, and then I decided to get an energy drink so we could rest together under the tree. I got the drink, went to where he was, gave it to him, and turned to leave, hoping he would ask me to sit with him. As I turned to leave, he asked me to sit down, and I did, feeling elated.

He asked me why I, the boss's daughter, was working in the warehouse when there were plenty of other workers. I explained that I wanted to challenge myself while I waited to hear back from the university I had applied to.

"That's nice. It's good to challenge yourself and try new things," he said. I found myself getting lost in his voice and just wanted to keep staring into his eyes. I felt like I was becoming a creep.

As we were enjoying our conversation, one of the workers told me that my mom was waiting for me. I felt disappointed because I didn't want to leave his side. I wished he would just take me home with him. I said goodbye to James, feeling a bit sad, and left for home. Deep down, I wished for a hug or something more.