

My mom, entered the room quietly, not wanting to disturb my gaming session. She smiled to herself as she watched my intense focus on the screen, my fingers flying across the keyboard and mouse with a speed and grace that belied my frustration and anxiety. My mom sat down in the chair beside me, observing me for a few moments without drawing attention to herself.

As she watched, her mind wandered back to the countless times she had tried to get my attention while I was gaming, only to be ignored or dismissed with a curt "Just a minute, Mom." It was a familiar pattern, one that my mom had grown accustomed to over the years. But today, she sensed something different in my demeanor, a tension, and unease that went beyond the usual competitive drive to win.

I was a bright and talented young woman, with a quick mind and a creative spirit. But lately, I had been struggling with anxiety and self-doubt, my confidence was shaken by a string of rejections and disappointments. Mom had tried to be supportive, offering words of encouragement and advice, but it seemed like nothing was working. I was stuck in a rut, and she was at a loss for how to help me.

As she sat there, watching my character navigate the virtual battlefield, she felt a pang of sadness and frustration. She wanted to reach out and hug her daughter, to tell me that everything would be okay, but she knew that I wouldn't appreciate it. Not now, at least.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Mom gently tapped my shoulder, causing me to jump slightly in surprise. "Hey, kiddo," my mom said softly, trying to sound casual. "I was thinking, how about taking a break from all this?"

I turned to my mom, my eyes narrowed slightly in annoyance. "What do you mean?" she asked gruffly, her fingers still flying across the keyboard.

My mom hesitated, choosing her words carefully. She didn't want to push me away, but she needed to get through to me somehow. "I was thinking, why don't you take a little holiday? Go visit your Aunt Justina for a bit. you can get your mind off things, forget about school and gaming, and all the stress that comes with it."

My expression changed from skepticism to consideration, my eyes drifting back to the screen as I weighed my options. My mom could almost see the wheels turning in my mind, the pros and cons of taking a break from my routine.

"It's not like I'm avoiding anything, Mom," I said finally, my voice a little defensive. "I just need to focus on my game right now."

Mom nodded understandingly, trying not to push too hard. "I know, sweetie. But sometimes, taking a step back can help you see things more clearly. And Aunt Justina's place is the perfect spot to relax and unwind. You can help her with the animals, go for walks in the woods... it'll be good for you, I promise."

I sighed, my shoulders slumping in defeat. "Fine, Mom. I'll think about it."

I smiled, relieved. "That's all I can ask for, kiddo. I'll go call Aunt Justina and see when would be a good time for you to visit."

As my mom got up to leave, I turned back to my game, my fingers moving across the keyboard with a newfound sense of purpose. My mom smiled to herself, feeling a small sense of hope. Maybe, just maybe, this was the break I needed to get her my back on track.