
The demon hanzo

The mc has been reincarnated as hanzo from mobile legend bang bang by god who just send the mc to anime world without mc know. [I don't own nothing. This just pure fanfic that I make "Ezkuchan"] *update random*

Elysiae · Anime & Comics
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The begin of new life

Long ago, the House of Akakage was hailed as the Gods of Ninja Arts. For generations, the Akakages researched and taught advanced ninjutsu. In order to achieve the pinnacle of ninja arts, the Akakages used forbidden ninjutsu to rid their hearts of evil, anger, and greed by condensing them into a demon called, Hanekage. No one expected that Hanekage would have consciousness despite lurking within their bodies.

When the legendary One Hundred Ghosts attacked the House of Akakage, the demon within them merged the ghosts to become a single entity. Thus began a bloody feud between the Akakage and the powerful demon. Hanekage. At a grave cost, the Akakage used the ninjutsu, Blood Shadow, to temporarily seal the demon. In order to permanently seal Hanekage, the Akakages used their sacred tools to create a legendary sword, known as Ame no Habakiri. Not long after, the forefathers of the Akakage perished from the world. Their grieving disciples hid Ame no Habakiri in an unknown place that the only members of the Akakage family could reach. Little did the Akakage know, the cunning Goddess of Death, Izanami, observed these events and secretly inserted a part of her soul in one of their progeny to one day resurrect Hanekage.

After many generations, the House of Akakage was divided into the Crimson and Shadow factions. The Shadow Faction gave birth to the strongest Akakage the clan has even seen — Hanzo. As one would expect, Hanzo became the head of the Shadow Faction.

However, one day, Hanzo's team discovered his secret. All this time, Hanzo secretly fused Hanekage's power with his own body, feeding the demon with blood of his enemies. When confronted by the Akakage's Crimson Faction, Hanzo killed them all in cold blood. Absorbing the blood of such powerful people, Hanekage regained consciousness once again.

Hanekage told Hanzo that his noble clan hid the powerful Ame no Habakiri, as well as scared ninjutsu, in a secret location only the Akakage could reach. The power-hungry Hanzo abused his blood right to acquire the forbidden ninjutsu and the fabled sword, Ame no Habakiri. The remaining members of the Akakage furiously chased after the clan's traitor

Emboldened by the power of the Hanekage, Hanzo used his own clan's sword against them and tore the powerful energy from their flesh. Desperate, the two Akakage factions came together once again to take on Hanzo as one. Heavily wounded, the final members of the noble House of Akakage could only watch Hanzo escape.

Hanzo secretly takes refuge recovers from his injuries. Night and day, Hanzo practiced the Akakage's forbidden ninjutsu with Ame no Habakiri. After a decade, Hanzo could not achieve the pinnacle of ninjutsu like his forefathers. Hanekage consumed the flesh and blood of fallen ninjas and transformed into a magical armor for Hanzo. Hanekage struck a deal with Hanzo. In exchange for feeding Hanekage more blood, the powerful demon will help Hanzo reach the pinnacle of ninjutsu. Possessing the ability to reach the pinnacle of ninjutsu and the Ame no Habakiri, Hanzo brought blood bathe to the world.

Mc: huah I don't know that hanzo has his own story or I'm just lazy too read well let's start another rank!


Mc: huh just need 1 more game and my rank will up to mytic.

The mc is now pick his hero too play(hanzo) but before he can pick some random player in his team tell him to change his hero to tank.

Ggod(player): Oi use uranus!

Mc: nah I don't have that hero.

Mc is lie cause he just don't want to use tank because is not his role.

Ggod(player): Don't lie too me I know you have.

Mc: dah of course I have I just don't want too pick it because I'm not good using tank you know.

Ggod(player):urgh just do what you want. if we lose I'm gonna report you.

At the end mc just pick hanzo and the player name by Ggod is use layla.

The game start it almost take 26 minute to finish the game and at the end mc team loose.

Mc: damn it argh

Mc almost threw the phone out the window before he can threw it but someone just massage him it's The player that tell him too pick uranus.

Mc look at his phone and let out heavy sigh

*Sigh*and he click the massage


Ggod: hahaha don't fill sad buddy you play very well we just loose because some is trolling.

Mc: I know sigh.

Ggod: well wanna play again with me. I see your skill is quit good you know.

Mc: of course I am.

After some talk they play together the friendship both of them has grew stronger

{1 year later}

They always play games together, talk, streaming, watch movie and etc. For 1 year they new each other. well they never meet each other they just online friends that mc cannot reach. Mc really happy because he get his new friends because in his whole life he always get bully when he in middle school and high school many people avoid him because they scare the bully will target them that's why mc really happy when his make new friend with player name Ggod. of cource his family too but that happiness may have an end.

Right now the mc inside room he lay down on the bed.

The mc is surrounded by many people 1 of them is doctor and other is his family.

News from doctor that make the mc familly wide eyes but expect from his little sister because she don't know what is happen.

One of his family member say to doctor.

Mc mom: doctor! Is there anything that cure my son! I will do anything! Help him doctor *snif*

The mc mom say with teary eye because of the news that she hear.

Doctor: sorry we can't because he already critical. I recommend you and your family too spend time with him because....

Mc dad: because what?

Mc dad glare to the poor doctor

Doctor: because tomorrow maybe he will let out the last breath so that wh-

Mc dad grab the doctor collar and shout at him. That almost every one outside the room can hear.

Mc dad: Don't you dare joking around!!

Mc dad is ready to punch the doctor but his wife stop him before he could punch that poor doctor

Mc mom: stop darling our daugther is here! Let go of him because not his fault that our son become that state....*snif*

Mc dad let go of that poor doctor and the doctor cough and let out his sigh


Mc dad: sorry doctor! I'm sorry because of my emotion I almost hurt you!

Doctor: It's okay I will do the same if he my son too. I will take my leave here you guys can stay here too spend your time with your children.

Doctor exit from the room.

Mc lil sister: Mom what happen too big brother? when will big brother get out of here?

Mc little sister ask her mom with innocent face but her mom cannot tell here the true.

Mc mom: well your big brother will co-

Before mc mom can say mc dad say the true too his daugther that make mc little sister eye become red and tear start drop from her eye.

Mc little sister: mom is it not true right?*snif*

Mc mom: *snif* I'm sorry*snif*

Mc little: i-it can't be true!! but big brother already promise me that he will never leave me!!

Mc little sister shouted angrily and start too run too her big brother(The mc) bed.

Mc little sister hug mc lifeless body and say....

Mc little sister : Big brother! you cannot go! Big brother you already promise to me that big brother will never leave me!!*snif*

Mc little sister start to cry and hug her brother lifeless body tightly and say "please don't go big brother!!!" again and again but her brother still no reaction because the diseases make his hearing almost stop working but he can still hear ,his body very weak and almost all his organ stop working but.....

Mc little sister shout again and again until someone hand pat on her head. she look up and saw her brother smile at her and say.

Mc: I-I'm s-sor-sorry nina. I can't stay and play together with nina from now*snif*Big brother hope nina *cough* be a good girl and listen to mom and dad ok?*snif*

Tears start come out from mc eye and flowing to his cheek.

Nina: b-but! big brother already promise me!! That big brother will never leave nina!*snif* I will hate you!! if onii chan go away!

mc mom and mc dad start talking too.

Mc mom: Mother really sorry for make you like this*snif*.

Mc dad: son I'm sorry that I cannot help you because of I useless father that make y....ou like this.

His dad eye start watering.

Mc: It's okay mom dad is not your fault because of my careless that *snif* I'm be like this *snif*.

Mc and his family start hug each other until mc say "Thankyou" and then close his eye.

"Thankyou*snif* mom dad nina Thank you"mc say with smile on his face and his vision start blurring and in that time he already let out of his last breath.


The mc gonna start the advanture!! Yea!

Fufufu what world(anime) will unknow guy send our mc too?

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