
the demon goddess transmigrated into danmanchi?

I was once called many titles - a rising genius, the sword Goddess, and many more. But even geniuses meet their demise. No matter what you do in life, you're still dancing with death at every step. It seemed like death finally claimed me as his next victim. Succumbing to my wounds, I took my last breath. However, it seems some god took pity on these old bones and gave me a second life. In a world where gods roam the streets and monsters reside below a tower, it seems like a perfect place to settle down and try to live a peaceful life, free from past karma. Maybe I'll even teach a few students. away from the past of demoness of the battlefield

ashenlight · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Seal loosen

Hello, I'm back. I... don't know what to say. I don't want to leave this ff unfinished. though the thought of bouncing between 3 things to work on while also trying to manage my social life is quite burdensome.


Arriving at the 37th floor, a white spacious room greeted us, a large figure stood in the middle, a skeleton bigger than the Bloodsaurus we encountered before, with animalistic traits of a goat horn and a large bone tail extending from its back occasionally swaying back and forth.

"Be careful, that is Udaues, the floor boss after we defeat it we will be charting the territory of the white palace" Fin informed, this information both excited and scared some of the guild members.

Excited about them being the first who will pass this point. Fear that the white palace is as brutal as it was said it was.

"I would like to challenge it alone" Xian Ya suddenly intervened in the middle of strategizing

Some guild members frowned 'Even if you showed off your skill that doesn't mean you can just recklessly charge into there' All of them looked towards Fin, he was the leader of the expedition and the smartest person in here.

"Sure" After some contemplating Fin agreed shocking some of the guild members, and Xian advanced alone toward the boss

"Captain, I know you favor Xian but you can't just accept such a reckless request!" One member tried to reason with him

"Don't worry Raul, I didn't agree because I favor her, I.. you'll understand when you see it" Fin recalled the moment he saw Xian at the practice ground facing Bete, it was like he was facing an unfathomable monster from the dungeon

"ROAR!" Red bright eyes filled the empty sockets, raising one of its hands and plunging it to the ground a loud tremor was produced as several skeletal arms rose from the ground as if answering their master's call.

Huffing a breath cold air escaped my mouth before dashing straight to the boss, the sound of unsheathing was heard all across the room.

'Third, the rite of the devourer, beneath the starving gaze.' Almost instantly the whole room excluded heavy pressure as a strong smell of blood overwhelmed everyone's sense of smell.

An image of littered corpses spread throughout the whole floor creating fear in everyone in the room, Fin's instinct went wild as if he was in the same room as an unstoppable starving beast that had been chained for years.

 Fin quickly looked over to the source of the cause, Xian Ya whose hair was originally white pearl now become bright red and her eyes under the blindfold glowed.

The Udaeus felt an immersive sense of death and quickly swung its giant arm at the Xian.

Xian Ya unbothered by the giant incoming arm swung her frozen katana, and as they met the dark bone was cut in half severing it from its body.

"Roar!" Udaeus screamed in pain but was interrupted by a sudden force it felt on its chest knocking it back to the dungeon's wall, a large crack grew from the impact.

Skeletons from everywhere swarmed toward Xian Ya, trying to damage the intruder but once they entered Xian's range they were cut down instantly.

Unbothered by the incoming skeletons her eyes are locked on Udaeus, with an exhale Xian takes a step forward and disappears, after a flash of red the skeletons surrounding her instantly cut down.

"Monster" The guild member looked in shock, this is the person they have been traveling with? if they hadn't seen the transformation in person they would probably scoff at the person telling such a crazy story.

Xian reappeared once again before Udaeus, now one-armed Udaeus burred his arm deep underground before emerging again along with a sword.

With a desperate attempt, it swung it down to Xian with all the strength it could muster

"Flimsy" Xian commented before deflecting the sword upward, surprising the Udaeus.

How much strength do you need to deflect a sword from the size of a pillar, only legends told in fairytales could do such a feat.

"Disappointing" Xian expressed her displeasure, she thought she could have more of a challenge but she signed in disappointment it could handle a small margin of her strength.

Xian stood still before an inhuman screech came from her, but it quickly died down as Xian held her head with a pained expression.

"Slaughter" Xian said with restraint the urge to go berserk flared up, killing everyone in sight for the taste of blood

"No... it's not time yet" Xian refocused on Udaeus who was swinging at her once more.

But before the sword makes contact with Xian she disappears and re-appeared on Udaeus' shoulder.

"Do not interrupt me" Slashing at Udaeus's spine it easily broke into 2, ending its life in an instant.

The Loki's famillia watched all the spectacle in silence, not a cry of celebration was heard, only shock.

Who was Xian, was she a former member of Zeus's famillia, they heard tales that members of Zeus's famillia could cut down armies of mobs in a few seconds.

Fin silently entered the boss's room slowly walking to Xian.

"W-well thank you for"

"Don't come any closer!" Xian held her head in pain, the restraint in her voice was apparent quickly thinking of a solution Xian turned to the entrance to the lower floor.

Turning to Fin "Thank you for guiding me here, I'll be alone once more" Before Fin could react Xian's figure disappeared leaving a trail of red to the entrance of the lower floor

"Captain? What was that?" The rest of the Loki famillia looked at the spot where Xian disappeared.

"I don't know" Fin looked at the drops from the boss's death, mostly dark bones from Udaeus and several large crystal

"So what do we do with these?" One of the members picked up one of Udaeus's bones, Xian was the one who killed it, it would be ingenuine of them to claim the loot as theirs.


Xian was dashing through the floors, instantly killing every monster, making the white palace look like a normal dungeon run, and looking for the Colosseum Fin talked about, on the way she encountered rooms similar to the one Udaeus's room.

But the second time she encountered the room she noticed another entrance east of the room. remembering Fin saying the entrance of the Colosseum was the east entrance of a room similar to Udaeus's room, she instantly disappeared into the door.

After a dark tunnel, she arrived at a large room, monsters were constantly spawning from the ground and fighting each other

"Prey," Xian said unconsciously and dropped the katana from her hand before reaching between her chest, a rift appeared, and a handle wrapped in white corroded cloth appeared.

As she grabbed the handle the cloth loosened itself, revealing the blade of the katana, now filled with several eyes with bloodshot eyes that instantly locked themselves on the monster fighting.

The heavy pressure and the smell of blood and death excluding from Xian were overpowering, as all the monsters fighting a moment ago stopped and turned to Xian simultaneously.

"The rite of blood has begun, feast on the fallen enemy of mine oh sword of devourer Kirion!" As if answering her call, an inhuman screech engulfed the room as a rift appeared below her feet and hands grabbed onto her legs.

The dark hands grabbed into her body as Xian felt her consciousness slipping, after sealing the sword, its hunger for blood only grew more in silence, and now that it's unsealed the overpowering urge to kill clouded her very mind.

One hand pulled on Xian's blindfold ripping it from her head and her bright red akin to blood was revealed.

Trying to fight for her consciousness she eventually slipped and her vision went dark, but her body still moved locking her vision to the closest monster she found.

She instantly dashed in front of the bird-like monster and decapitated it, blood sprayed from the wound before gravitating to the blade of the sword, and mouths emerged from it and drank the blood.

Feeling the pressure from Xian, the monster instantly charged at Xian, they felt they could not kill her alone so they silently agreed to focus on Xian.

Within the deep consciousness of Xian, she stood on a battlefield, a fragmented memory of the wars she participated in, she faced a floating sword. Kirion, whose eyes were locked on her.

"Look at all of these people, they.. were US... WE suffer under your blade, YOU separated US from OUR family, OUR beloved OUR home!" Multiple voices said simultaneously.

"You participated in a war, yet you expect to survive a ruthless war where you're just a pawn of a king" Xian coldly said, and tried to control the souls using soul magic but discovered she was unable to

"You try to control the US? That THING is OUR power, WE gave you that power yet YOU try to suppress US with OUR strength?" Kirion slowly morphed into a figure, Xian's figure to be exact

"WE are your blade, WE... ate for you, WE... kill for you, yet YOU suppressed OUR desire!" Kirion summoned another Kirion itself in its hand and dashed at Xian.

Xian summoned an ice blade and blocked the attack but feeling danger she backed off instantly.

The blade that was swinging down suddenly changed direction, almost as if it were an illusion, a perfect copy of Xian's fighting style.

"WE are YOU, YOU are US!" Kirion persists in attacking Xian, her face hardens as she acknowledges she is fighting a copy of her, no, a prime version of her, the version where she fought for blood, not peace.

"YOU are stuck with US, for ETERNITY" Multiple clashes were heard across the bloody battlefield as the two figures similar to each other clashed, one hair was red blood while the other was moon white.

"If this battle will take an eternity then, I am sorry, I cannot wait that long, I have people waiting on the surface" The Hostess of Fertility crew's faces come to mind and another face popped, a child-like smile that always plastered in his face and hero like ambition similar to her's once, she always treated him as a son.

"Feel OUR pain!" Instantly blood covered Kirion's blade and each swing reproduced a flying bloody projectile, Xian instantly reacted by doing the same with the ice projectile produced by her blade.