
Imperial academy(2)

"Huh!" Ferron suddenly exclaimed in shock. Even though he was accustomed to Ryujin's eccentric requests, like burning down entire forests or orchestrating the elimination of certain individuals, this request was particularly peculiar.

"Young master, I thin—" Ferron attempted to reason with Ryujin but was swiftly interrupted. "Ferron, just do as I say. I don't care how you procure the blood—whether by hunting animals or purchasing it. Just do it!"

Ryujin stated, turning to face Ferron with a firm gaze before adding, "Get me the blood of at least 200 different animals."

"Understood, young master," Ferron responded, bowing his head slightly. Despite his composed exterior, a trace of confusion lingered on his face. It wasn't that he feared Ryujin personally, but the Iginisar Clan that stood behind him was a different matter.

"Then, young master, shall I drive you to the Imperial Academy first?" Ferron inquired, his voice a notch louder yet still dripping with politeness.

"No, I'll drive myself," Ryujin replied, heading towards the palace's garage. As he approached, the garage door sensed his presence and opened automatically.

The garage housed a diverse collection of vehicles, including sports cars, luxury models, supercars, and even some ostentatious show cars.

After a moment's consideration, Ryujin selected a vehicle resembling a Lamborghini, yet bearing a different marque—"Filia."

He simply placed his finger on the car's handle, which immediately recognized his fingerprint and unlocked. "Just like in the mortal days," Ryujin mused as he settled into the car.

He started the engine with his fingerprint and drove off from the mansion towards the Imperial Academy.

In this world, the legalities surrounding driving were distinct. Commoners were permitted to drive from the age of 16, whereas nobles faced no age restrictions for driving. They were granted the privilege irrespective of their age.

[A/N: I smell upcoming rebellion here]


A few minutes passed—exactly seven minutes—and Ryujin was already on the highway, pushing the Filia to speeds around 180 km per hour.

"These clothes are quite good," Ryujin mused halfway through his journey, contemplating the Imperial Academy's uniform he was currently wearing.

He had massacred hundreds of beings in the dungeon and was drenched in blood, yet these clothes had cleansed themselves in just two days.

This was possible because the Imperial Academy had infused the uniforms with top-tier cleaning magic, allowing students to wear them for extended periods if they chose.

This feature alone highlighted the technological and magical advancements of this world compared to Earth. However, such advancements were largely due to the inhabitants' ability to wield something called "Mana" for casting spells and their innate abilities.

But if you were to compare them to Earthlings devoid of mana and innate abilities, Earthlings would undoubtedly solo this bastards.

[A/N: Call it favoritism or racism, but I won't let Earthlings lose.]

Soon, Ryujin arrived at the gates of the Imperial Academy, which swung open automatically as he approached. He then drove his car into the academy's grounds.

The Imperial Academy resembled a grand palace, boasting many large and beautiful buildings, dozens of gardens, and the main academic building constructed from the most expensive materials.

"It would be so much fun to burn this place down," Ryujin thought, sporting a psychopathic smile, as he stopped his car to park it in the area designated for parking, located at the academy's entrance.

"Hey, kid, move your car. I need to park mine here." The moment Ryujin stepped out of his car, he heard a voice from behind, accompanied by a hand on his shoulder. Turning around, he saw a boy with long black hair and brown eyes, dressed in shorts and a colorful shirt.

"Kid, didn't you hear me? Move your car, or else—" The boy's sentence was abruptly cut short by a sudden kick to his face from Ryujin.

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