
The Demon God is a Big Sister

" Big Sister? Where did you get the food from?" " I got it from hunting." she smiled proudly, knowing that she would be praised for her good deed. He stared at her as he looked between the food and her The older brother glared at her with a very stern look as he grabbed his phone and began to call someone. " Hi Dad, I think Cora is going crazy; why? Because she brought home actually food... call the police? " " How much doubt do you have on your sister!?!" she yelled and questioned her little brother loyalty and belief in her but... she dosen't regret the way he acted because... this time she won't make a mistake.. WARNING: This Book will contain Mature scenes, for example, Blood, Death, and Sexual Content! Please read with caution!! Book will be a lite comedy

SourPlumBear · Fantasy
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History records humans, demons, gods, elves, monsters, and others that appear from strange portals for thousands of years. There were Battles and Wars for centuries after the long hash battle; miracles happened... A peaceful pack was made with other races becoming the human allies, but as they were partners... they were enemies too, The Demon and Monsters. They see no power in humans as they still attack. Still, after a few more years, the humans have begun to change with the newfound abilities that have been sleeping in them start to rise like a Phoenix is called Awakeners that fight off their enemies; the Awakeners are Call Hunters with different powers and ability can enter and fight the monsters and demon but only certain humans can active at different ages which were hard back then. Still, a scientist, blacksmiths, and Alchemists developed a device that can detect certain mana levels for humans. Now telling who is more robust and weaker from Awakener, they research the portals and creatures that live there.

They learn that the monsters that live in certain dungeons are different from each other, like the sizes and colors of Portals. Like their Allies, the High Elf and Dwarf are very high in intelligence, appearance, and understanding. Some creatures that call themselves Elfs and Dwarf in a particular dungeon aren't like them; they further research each critter that appears in dungeons.

They discover that each race of creatures is different in level and size.

Each monster and Demon are ranked in five levels

Nightmares - The highest Demon or Monsters that exists in history, mana or leave is undetermined by magic or machine.

Calamity - The Monsters are deadly creatures that exist; They are similar to S- A Ranks

Chaotic - A rank Monster or High B rank

Destroyer - B Rank monsters

Horror - C - D rank creatures

Each Portal Dungeon are different forms from others

Yellow Portals Are connected to Elfs, Dwarfs, and Fae races. They are Allies with Humans, that is written so far, they are permanently connected

Red Portals Are A or higher dungeons, last about 3-5 days, only appear one or two times yearly. Very rare.

Blue Portals Are B or C Dungeons last about one week or six days. it appears to be 80 a month

Greens Are C or Lower Dungeons No duration expiration will come and go. usual appear about 100 to 200 weeks or two week

The Human race that has Awakeners are divided into ranks and classes to make sure that they are evenly distributed equally for dungeon

Legendary Hunter- S rank hunter that suppresses the mana of 2000 over the years of living; they only are called in if the world is in danger or get hired for a critical mission.

S Rank - The highest-ranking that have rare skills and higher between 1000~2000 mana, there is one/100 chance that an S rank is born

A-Rank - a higher but below S Rank, mana is 800~900

B Rank -The second high rank with a few high skills mana is 600~700

C Rank - A average Rank with ordinary skills with one or two high skills. 300~500

D Rank- the lower rank with little average Skills and mana is 100~200

They are E Rank, who has the lowest mana and no skills. They usually gather or carry baggage for guilds, etc.

After years go by, humans notice that the demons and Monsters evolve higher and higher, making everyone fear them more. The Gods and others try to defeat them to ensure balance, but there is one kind of demon equal to their powers... The Demon and Monsters Gods... The Monsters God can be easily submissive by the S rank Hunters but the demon gods... are much more dangerous. Their abilities are considered Legendary Hunter or higher, but only a few exist in the world.

Seven Demon Exist in certain Dungeons and areas, Each with Terrifying, extraordinary powers that they develop over thousands of years. one especially... They call them Baal, the Dark Demon God of Death. A genderless demon with dark black horns and bloody redbone wings, its red-golden polycoria eyes put fear in whoever dare come close to them, skin pale as a dead body with strange black water cracking mark on its face and hands. With sharp shark-like white teeth, dark robes with the inner fabric red with light armor around their body, gold chains around their neck, and horns. Baal is more famous for its magic and strategies for battles, but... Baal has a dark secret...

Baal used to be a human girl named Cora Ashford, a C Rank Hunter Class Mage. She was your average awakener, who wasn't a significant impact on the Hunter social network but is very great on gathering and has a little skill of alchemy...

Then one day, everything changed.

She lost her mother due to her illness, but it was because of her no-good ex-father, who abandoned them at eight years old. He cheated on her mother when she gave birth to her younger brother for seven years; he only married her mother for the family wealth that he stole from them. It turns out the woman with who he has an affair has a seven-year-old son that is his... Cora couldn't believe such a man existed in her life but... somehow, she knew because he never showed any warmth or love towards them even if her mother had a son... Cora's mother loved her and her baby brother no matter what... they have each other...

.... After the who secret is out, his family sided with him. Still, her mother's family only blamed her weak personality that it happened... to add more salt in the heart, they adopted the Mistress and made her the new diamond of family eyes...

After the divorce, they kicked them out...

No money

No help

But it wasn't all bad... her mother got remarried to a lovely friendly man named Jonathan Ashford; he helped them after he saw them... feeling sad for their misfortune, he took them in. He owned a small restaurant that wasn't well known, but it was like your mother's warm home...

They help out with the small business, her mother and Jonathan became closer after a few months then... they fall in love. Cora knowing that her mother and they are safe with him, forget about her no-good birth father and another family. As long she has the family she has learned... then she is happy

After a few years, Cora had three half-siblings. It was a family of six now.

The father, Jonathan Ashford

The Mother Emily Ashford

Oldest Daughter(24) Cora Ashford

Oldest Son (16) Ethan Ashford

Twin Younger Daughter (7) Ava(Oldest) and Emma(Youngest) Ashford

Youngest Son (4) Levi Ashford

They were a happy family... A happy family... after her Youngest brother's birth, her mother has fallen ill; it was a rare case for Kidney failure at first. We thought it was impossible to get, but it turns out about 1% of US kidney failure each year is due to a pregnancy. The doctor explains to them that it got worst due to Cora's Awakening; her Mana energy decreased the chance of her mother's health and worst for others around her...

Cora blamed herself, but her family didn't; get father said if it wasn't Cora's Awakening, the family could be doing worst than before. Her mother and Sibling also agree and said they are proud of her, feeling the warmth and comfort. She dropped out of high school and started to accept any mission to help her family restaurant and mother's medical bills because of rare ingredients to help improve human health. It was a little more, but it was worth it until...

That day...

Her father died during a fire in the restaurant; her mother's family took Ethan because of his rare awakening skill, her younger was taken away by child services, and her mother.... was killed by the Mistress...

The Doctor lied, saying it was already too late to save her, but Cora knew... she knew they were lying because she has a confidential skill call...

Lie Detection

She can tell a lie between their words by the sound; it will be a disgusting demonic voice that twists your heart and makes you feel dizzy... At first, she didn't want to tell people because then people won't accept her, so she kept it under wraps. After she tries to expose those people, they ruin her life by calling her a liar and revoking her hunter license. They even got her arrest for false charges; she had to run away...

No one is on the side

No one is helping her

No one Will ever believes her

People... No human became disgusting to her, especially people's hearts; they are worst than demons and monsters... no matter what happens, she ends up going deeper into the darkness, her heart fills with hate and repulse by greed and pride of humans... it snapped... something inside of her just broke.

She begins to fall into darkness and has awakened a new system called The End.

She heard about the usual Awaken system that shows your status and skills, but... this one is different... it was like a game system...

With nothing left in her life, she began to use this new mystery system.

The End System was a private system that seemed like she could only possess strange hidden missions or notifications when confidence was required things happen. It also was more advanced in the system that everyone has...

After years of evolving and becoming less human, she took on a new appearance and name.

She completely forgot who she was after her first taste of killing S rank hunter... in the top ten, it was complex and challenging, but she did it... it felt cold and fear swipe in her body but seeing how easily death was... she completely forgot about being a weak human

The other demon gods took notice of her awakening and agreed to help her destroy humanity's heartless greed in return; she must work beside them... after her faithful encounter, she became the Mage demonic God Baal. She lost her human body and became a neutral gender wicked hybrid human with a high mana level between a Nightmare and Calamity. She was the youngest among them but feared by many below her...

But she still kept a piece of warmth for her family... Her family that only wanted to have a happy life... snatched from her hand...

Now... Now she can change everything

Then she discovers a new spell... a dangerous spell that requires a significant amount of time and sacrifice...

But Baal didn't mind because...

She won't feel any attachment to human death...

Baal was fear in many Hunters' hearts because of their cold, emotionless facade; many faced their dungeon, but none made it alive. Baal has many loyal followers who never betray their trust even in their dying breath. They follow them because they have no home, admiration, or longing for their affection. Baal didn't show any of those feeling after all... they abandoned their emotions a long time ago...

After Years of Gathering and killing... Baal finally was able to cast the spell... feeling warm and dark achievements that sink into their mind

" Finally... I can cast it" as they raise a dark reddish-brown hand feeling the powerful energy going through their body, a handsome male with long silver hair with demon red pupils eyes, pale skin that looks like a deceased body. Black trench coat with a bloody red Renaissance shirt and black pants with a sword.

He kneels towards Baal as his deep voice echos to them, his head lower in submission.

" Congratulations, My Lord, you can now achieve your long goal," his eyes full of deep emotion towards them

" yes... I'm sorry...Vlad," they reply with a cold hint of... sadness, making Vlad feel a stinging of pain in his dead heart.

" Don't Apologies My Lord!! I honor to meet you and go through this journey with you... you have shown me that there is more to being dead and empty. My life would be nothing but darkness if you didn't appear and save me. Even if others have a similar feeling like me to you, Baal...but I'll be the first to say...I Love you; I know you can't accept my selfish desire for you... even if you use me for this... I don't regret it... I'm thrilled to be just beside you" He smiles brightly at them with devotion. Baal was indeed selfish, but... they knew what must be done... They give Vlad one final look as they month twitch slightly upwards, making his eyes widen...

Baal smile...

It was a genuine smile...

Vlad's eyes tear up in pride as he begins to feel a small joy in his heart; he looks down like tears of blood fall to the ground... he never regrets falling for them...

" Vlad, thank you... I hope our path can cross each other... again " with a flick of their fingers, a bust of energy eruption, a bright light swallows them

" I hope so too... my lord" Vlad's body vanished in the white light

[ You have active the Hourglass Skill for one-time use, Do you wish to use it?]

" Yes," Baal felt their body vanishing into dust as their eyes saw the last words she ever read from The END

[ Active In 3...2...1... ]

As the light got brighter and brighter... Baal, No... Cora finally closed her eyes and turned into dust as the last thought in her mind was her family and close followers...

' Everyone, I'm Coming Home, and I hope I can you all again...' The image of her enemy appears in her head...

"I won't let those bastards have their way... not this time. They will go down into the fire of hell. '

[Saving The End System update... Keeping... Keeping... Beep... Beep... Complete!We will see you again... My @#$%#@]