
The Demon Exmon

Abby_Benjamin · Fantasy
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1 Chs


The taxi pulled up to a giant house. No. That is inaccurate. A mansion. The building was located in the middle of the woods yet...it was beautiful. A long path way surrounded by clean cut grass lead to the double doors into the house. The building itself was mad of bricks and stones set to give it almost an ancient look. several windows covered the front of the mansion along with vines creeping up the walls. Plants were set on either side of the steps and bushes covered the bottom of the walls.

This was the most beautiful house I had ever seen. And to think someone actually lived here. And to think....so might I.

I paid the taxi driver for the ride and stepped out of the yellow car. After closing the door and waving, the driver pulled away from the house, turned around and went back the way it had came. Only without me in it. I watched it retreat until it was lost in the trees and plants surround the dirt road.

As I took a deep breath which came out shaky, I turned to look back at the house. With slow and careful steps, I walked down the gravel path and toward the oak doors. With each step I took, the more nervous I became. This was my last shot to get a job. I had no where to live and no college degree due to having to take care of my little sister. I'm 24 and have never even had my own car.

If I didn't get this job, I would have to move in with my aunt along with my brother. That wouldn't be a problem if she didn't hate me. She adored my sister on the other hand. Approaching the steps, I tried to calm my racing heart as nerves and anxiety took over. Taking a few more deep breaths I told myself that I cannot afford to mess up this interview. I just couldn't.

I climbed the concrete steps and stood in front of the doors. I raised my shaky hand and knocked. Clapping my hands together in hopes for them to stop shaking, I waited for someone to answer the door.

After a few moments had passed, the door opened revealing a man dressed as a butler. He had grey hair with a clean shaven face. He looked to be in his late fifties or early sixties. He smiled at me as he saw me. It was a friendly smile and wrinkles surrounded the corner of his eyes making him look older. I smiled in response to him and decided to speak.

"Hello. I'm here about the open maid position for Mr. Night." Yes, my potential new job was a maid but the job paid well and was my last resort. Plus I would be staying here while I was employed. The old man nodded as he opened the door wider and stepped aside, giving me room to walk past him. When I started to cross the door way he started to talk.

"Ah yes. Come in. Mr. Night is on a phone call at the moment but you can wait a few minutes in here. You are a bit early." When I was inside, he closed the door and faced me, finishing his sentence. I nodded my head to show I would wait. I turned around and stopped immediately as the breath was almost knocked out of me.

The house top to bottom was decorated in a pretty gold color. Gold trim added a more aesthetic look to it. The whole room here was wide open and you could see into the living room and the stairs that lead to the second floor. The stairs were lined with an intricate pattern in a gold color and shinny hard wood that made up the stairs and all the flooring that could be seen. The furniture was leather with fancy brown wooden legs. Fur rugs covered the floor in areas with furnitures and side tables.

The ceiling had thousands of different patterns that made up one and gave the room the final touch. The colors blended beautifully with the light colored walls. I could barely breath. The outside had been amazing but this is another level. My mouth was hung open and my eyes were wide but I didn't care. I couldn't believe that someone actually lived here. It wasn't right. This isn't a home, this is heaven.

I spun in a small circle and took in the rest of the room. I looked at the butler with my surprised expression and he chuckled. I was clearly amusing him. " Looks like you like this house so far." He once again chuckled as I shook my head. " No. I don't like it... I love it. I have never seen anything more beautiful than this." I continued looking around as he said in an amused tone.

"The room is quite simple. Most people who come here don't really have that big of a reaction. Although most of the people that come here have better homes than this....." I looked back at him, my expression still shocked but doubtful. "I don't see how anyone can come here and not be amazed. I would live here for the rest of my life if I had a choice." I giggled after saying this but stopped short as I added. " Even though the best place I ever lived in was a two room apartment....so what would I know..."

I laughed sadly and looked back at the butler. He had a pitiful look on his face and was about to respond until a deep, husky voice spoke. " Henry, I will take it from here." I looked to the owner of the voice and when I turned around and looked up, I saw a man in a white button down and black pants walked down the stairs. He must be Mr. Night. He was as gorgeous as this house was, maybe even more so.

He had ash white hair with turquoise eyes.Was that even a thing? His skin was white, almost pale. His build was strong with wide shoulders and defined muscles. I could see the veins in his arms from his shirt since the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. His featured included a prominate jaw line and strong nose. His lips were thick and pink. He was a dangerous looking man. He made me feel small and insecure. I was in only a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a blouse, my shoes limiting to a pair of black flats that I had since I was 18.

He couldn't be any older than thirty, and that was even pushing it. As he reached the bottom step I realized I was looking at him for too long and looked away from him. He walked up to me as he had finished descending the stairs. I almost reluctantly turned my gaze back to him, avoiding his sharp stare.

" This way miss. We will start the interview." He held his hand in the direction of the door and I started walking. He followed close behind me as I entered the office first, him last, closing the door behind us. My heart raced again as I was now in a room alone with this man. Calm.Calm.

I made sure that my face did not give away my appeal for him. I was great at hiding my emotions so this would be easy... I hope. " Please sit." His voice was neutral as he gestured to one of the chairs that sat in front of his desk and I went and sit down in it. He took the one behind his desk and sat facing me. Grabbing a file he looked inside and I assumed it was my job application.

"Your name is Miss Lily Master, correct," he said after scanning my application. " Yes that's right," I said, my voice surprisingly calm. He didn't look at me for a few minutes as he went over the contents in my file. There wasn't much there I know that and it made me wonder what he was looking at for so long. My hands were still clasped together as I waited for him to start talking again. After a minute or two had passed he leaned back in his chair and rested his elbow on the arm of the chair. He finally looked at me.

" There is not much background info in this file. Nor is there any details of your past life or a degree from school. It seems you haven't even went to college. Am I mistaken?" His voice was still neutral but his eyes gave away a hint of curiosity.

" No, your right. I wasn't able to attend school after high school due to my personal situation." I answered honestly but didn't give any hint on to my past. Its not something I really like talking about let alone with a stranger.

"What was the personal situation you speak of?" I didn't know how to answer. How could I put this and not give away my past. I don't want him to know why I had to take care of my sister. With a deep breath I asked,"Excuse me, but I don't see how this is related to the job. My past should have nothing to do with this job. I don't mean to be rude but.... " I didn't know what the but was so my sentence trailed off.

"Oh no. I understand your hesitation. I only want to know who you are and the type of person you are. If you have no interest in telling me then I will find someone else for the position." He was about to stand until I hastily said, "Wait please. I really need this job I will tell you." He once again got comfortable in his chair and waited. I swear I saw the tiniest hint of a smirk on his face.

I was nervous. I have never told anyone or complained to anyone about my past. It was never important. People didn't need to know that my life sucked....but now, I was going to tell a complete stranger. And why? For a job I desperately needed. I took a deep breath and prepared to tell my untold story.