
The Demon Empress's Husband is a Part-time Hero

"The Demon Empress's Husband is a Part-time Hero" is an enchanting fantasy novel that follows the journey of William, a man burdened by tragedy and determined to protect his niece, Aimee. After losing his parents in a devastating accident, William selflessly takes on the role of a father, nurturing Aimee's fragile spirit as she grapples with the trauma that has rendered her voiceless. Unexpectedly, William and Aimee find themselves transported to a magical realm brimming with wonders and dangers alike. The inhabitants of this world hail William as a Hero, but he rejects the path of fame and glory, choosing instead to create a haven where he can raise Aimee in peace and safety. However, fate takes an unexpected turn when the Demand Empress, a once-powerful ruler who suffered a great betrayal and lost everything, becomes enslaved by William. Bound by a shared sense of loss and longing, the unlikely duo forges an intricate bond as they navigate their new reality together. As William settles into a peaceful city, dedicating himself to his daughter's well-being, he is plagued by haunting dreams and the awakening of latent powers. In a momentous decision, William embraces his emerging abilities and assumes the mantle of the Hero of Darkness. (Note - He does not become a Hero for fun. The situation around him forces him to cover his face with a mask and since then he has been using his second identity to deal with problems around him while living his normal life as a merchant in Emberfall City.) "The Demon Empress's Husband is a Part-time Hero" is a captivating tale of love, sacrifice, and redemption. Through William's journey, readers will be immersed in a richly imagined world where the line between darkness and light blurs, and where the strength of a father's love and the resilience of the human spirit triumph over adversity. ------------------ So what can you expect from this novel? This is the question that every reader unconsciously or consciously thinks about before reading a novel. If you have read till here then let me some highlighting and catching points of this novel. - a romance between Demon Empress and the Hero? [Yes] - Harem Novel? [Yes but with proper character development.] - Character Growth? [Yes] - System? [Yes] - The Story of a Hero? [Yes] - No NTR? [Yes] ____________ Note - First of all I would like to clear everyone's misunderstanding that William will become a Hero because he has a strong sense of justice. He has a secondary identity that starts as a result of his desire to have powers to protect his daughter. And this is a Hero that is not like your typical Hero who stops robbery or stops thugs at night. This is something much more than that. The stakes are a lot higher and more personal. I am not talking about Heroes like Captain America or Spider-Man. William is very different. He did not become a Hero because it sounded like fun. He was forced to take that role because of the situations that he had been put into. This is a slow novel. Especially the whole first volume might feel very slow for you as in this volume, a background of this fantasy World and William's daily life in Emberfall city is established. ---------------- Tags - Romance, System, adventure Action, Harem, R-18, Hero, Bloodline, Dragon, Elves, Demon Empress, Demons, Good and Evil, Slice of Life

Dark_Bangali · Fantasy
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271 Chs

Chapter 2:- A New World; Foreign rules, Foreign culture

William and his daughter strolled outside the grand Royal Palace, stepping into a world vastly different from their own. The moment they ventured beyond the palace gates, they were captivated by their surroundings, their eyes filled with wonder and curiosity.

The streets, lined with pure white stones, stretched out before them, welcoming their eager exploration. A broad main road, measuring a generous 10 meters in width, beckoned them onward. As they embarked on this new path, their gaze shifted to the verdant sides of the street, adorned with a delightful assortment of lush, green trees. The foliage seemed to whisper secrets of the realm, casting a serene ambiance over the bustling thoroughfare.

And what a sight it was! Shops and restaurants of diverse origins thrived on both sides of the street, their doors open wide to welcome passersby. Each establishment boasted its own unique charm, enticing the curious onlookers with tantalizing aromas and colorful displays. The air buzzed with a harmonious blend of laughter, chatter, and the clinking of glasses, filling William and his daughter with a sense of delight and anticipation.

Yet, amid this vibrant tapestry of life, it was the people who truly stole their attention. As they observed the eclectic array of individuals traversing the street, William and his daughter were astounded. Long-eared figures with golden locks, faces resembling noble lions, and tails swaying gracefully caught their eyes. Alongside them, individuals with fox ears and fluffy tails moved with a certain grace and mischievousness. There were those of varying heights, from the petite to the towering. The fantastical sight continued to unfold before them, with people possessing serpentine bodies, graceful wings, or even majestic horse-like forms. This veritable cornucopia of races and creatures reaffirmed that they had indeed entered a world unlike any they had ever known.

Back in their own realm, the arrival of such extraordinary beings would have sparked pandemonium, leaving the entire Earth reeling in shock and disbelief. Yet, in this extraordinary place, the denizens of diverse races coexisted without a trace of racism or discrimination. Harmony and acceptance seemed to permeate every corner, a testament to the profound unity shared by the inhabitants.

Enthralled by the spectacle unfolding around them, William and his daughter's gaze gradually shifted to the architectural marvels dotting the landscape. The buildings, gracefully constructed along the sides of the road, were adorned in a gentle palette of light brown and black hues. Though modest in stature, none surpassing two stories, each edifice exuded a timeless elegance. Remarkably, they bore a striking resemblance to one another in shape and size, forming a harmonious tapestry of structures. Spaced thoughtfully apart from one another, these buildings allowed narrow cobblestone paths to weave between them, discreetly connecting the smaller roads to the grand Main Street.

It's important to mention that in this world, there were no creepy, dark alleys where beggars and thugs lurked. William couldn't spot any beggars on the streets or in any hidden corners.

To keep the streets clean, there were dustbins placed on both sides. William even noticed individuals dressed in black outfits and masks diligently cleaning the roads. What caught his attention were the slimes near the dust bins, happily devouring the waste. It dawned on William that pollution didn't exist in this world. That explained the refreshing air and clear sky of the city. In this aspect, he found this world to be superior to Earth.

Along the sides of the roads and the main street, small blue transparent stones were placed inside glass boxes. These square glass boxes were hung or attached to iron rods, about 1 meter in length. During the nighttime, these stones would glow, providing illumination without the need for electricity. The people of this world had found an alternative solution to light up their surroundings.

As for the residents, both humans and elves typically wore simple pants and T-shirts. William immediately noticed that many travelers, regardless of their race, adorned themselves with black or brown cloaks. Different races had their own distinct clothing styles. For instance, the Fox race often wore Kimonos and Yukatas, while the Cat race preferred lightweight garments. William even observed a small hole in the tails of Cat race individuals.

The Lion race, on the other hand, favored loose, baggy clothes. Some Lion race men confidently walked around with their muscular upper bodies exposed, without anyone seeming to mind. This cultural difference indicated that the people of this world had distinct beliefs, morals, and values. It was evident that the Lion race individuals had more body hair compared to other races. With their lion-like faces and human bodies, they appeared taller and more muscular than the average human male.

While they continued their stroll, William and his daughter couldn't contain their curiosity about this new world. Their wide eyes absorbed every detail, eager to explore.

After a while, something caught William's attention, causing him to stop in his tracks. His daughter followed his gaze and saw a man, unmistakably a slave, wearing an iron collar around his neck. He wore tattered black pants, with his upper body bare and a large bag covering his head. The sight was heart-wrenching, as the man appeared dirty, malnourished, and marked by countless scars and burns.

Witnessing this cruel scene reminded William that this world was not entirely peaceful. Regardless of the realm, true peace seemed elusive, as each person's definition of it varied. To a slave, peace meant regaining freedom and leading a normal life. However, for a regular individual, the notion of peace would differ.

As he observed the unfortunate slave, William couldn't help but feel a mix of pity and sorrow. He understood that he couldn't single-handedly save all the slaves in this world, despite his desire to help. It was the harsh reality they faced.

Wanting to divert his daughter's attention from the distressing sight, William gently directed Aimee's gaze elsewhere. "Aimee, don't worry. God always helps those in need and the less fortunate. If he is a good person, I believe he will find a better life." Aimee nodded, shifting her focus to observe the diverse people passing by.

Although relieved by his daughter's response, a pang of sadness gripped William. Aimee had lost her ability to speak and had been traumatized since that fateful incident. Prior to that, she had been learning to speak like any other child her age. That incident had not only taken away her voice but had also left a lasting impact on both their lives.

"I wanted to shield my daughter from violence and cruelty, yet fate has led us into this fantastical world," William mused, his heart heavy with the weight of fatherly responsibility. Aimee's well-being meant more to him than anything else.

"Now that I've decided to forge our own path, where should we go? Somewhere far from the capital, where Aimee won't be in danger. But before that, there's something I must do," William contemplated, turning his gaze back to the slave standing about 100 meters away. An idea began to form in his mind.

In their previous world, William had hired ten maids to care for his daughter, but none of them succeeded. Only he could effectively care for Aimee, as she grew stubborn and difficult in his absence. However, with their new circumstances, William realized he needed help. Being a multimillionaire on Earth, money wasn't a concern for him.

"As we plan to settle down, finding a female slave to care for my daughter and handle the cooking would be a sensible choice," William reluctantly acknowledged. He had to admit that his cooking skills were far from desirable. Each attempt had resulted in disasters, like setting the kitchen on fire. Cooking seemed like an insurmountable challenge for him. Accepting his limitations, William knew he had to find someone capable.

"Once we secure a female slave, I should also invest some money in acquiring armor and potions," William contemplated further. This world was perilous, and he couldn't afford to jeopardize his daughter's safety. In preparation for their upcoming travels, he wanted to ensure they were well-equipped to handle any adversity that may arise.

As William and his daughter strolled along the bustling streets, a peculiar carriage caught their attention. It was a wooden carriage, pulled by a creature unlike any William had ever seen before. The animal resembled a horse, its body brown and majestic, but what truly captured their gaze were its fiery eyes.

The carriage came to a halt right in front of William and Aimee. An elderly man wearing a straw hat stepped out, giving off an air of mystery. "Sir, are you in need of transportation? I can take you anywhere within the city for a fair price," the old man offered.

Curiosity piqued, and William thought it might be a good opportunity to learn more about the city and this unfamiliar world. He had no intention of settling down here, though. The King and the Pope held no trust in his heart. Should he choose to reside in this city, there was a lingering fear that the King might send his men to spy on or even harm William and his daughter.

"Sir, how did you know I am a hero?" William expressed his surprise.

The old man smiled knowingly and replied, "Your attire gives it away. After years of driving carriages, I can tell at a glance if someone belongs here or not." Carriage services were quite common in this world, as the cities were vast and carriages provided the fastest means of travel within them.

"I am indeed a hero, but sadly, I possess no extraordinary skills. I won't be pursuing a career as a hero. My only wish is to live a peaceful life and raise my daughter," William sighed, his gaze softening as he looked at his daughter, who was captivated by the magical horse. Aimee had never seen such a creature before.

"Are you planning to become an adventurer then, young man?" the old man inquired, assuming that William would follow the path many heroes took in this world.

"As I mentioned earlier, my desire is to lead a peaceful life," William calmly reiterated.

"In that case, where would you like to go?" the old man asked, preparing to set off.

Noticing that darkness was descending upon them, William realized the need to find a place to spend the night. But before that, he had to visit the slave market and acquire a capable slave. "Grandpa, could you please take me to the slave market?" William respectfully addressed the old man, sensing his kind-hearted nature.

"Climb in. I know just the place where you can find any kind of slave at a reasonable price," the old man offered. William and Aimee eagerly boarded the carriage, taking their seats behind the old man.

"Hold on tight. This horse is a swift one," the old man warned, as the carriage set off, surprising William with its incredible speed. It raced past other carriages, faster than any he had ever seen before.

"Are you enjoying the ride, Aimee?" William asked, his voice filled with affectionate warmth.

Aimee nodded, her gaze sweeping over the surroundings. However, her expression remained unchanged. Ever since that incident, she had been emotionally distant, her vibrant smile a distant memory.

William longed to witness his daughter's radiant smile once again. He yearned for her happiness, yet he knew that fulfilling this dream wouldn't come easily.


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