
The Demon Empress's Husband is a Part-time Hero

"The Demon Empress's Husband is a Part-time Hero" is an enchanting fantasy novel that follows the journey of William, a man burdened by tragedy and determined to protect his niece, Aimee. After losing his parents in a devastating accident, William selflessly takes on the role of a father, nurturing Aimee's fragile spirit as she grapples with the trauma that has rendered her voiceless. Unexpectedly, William and Aimee find themselves transported to a magical realm brimming with wonders and dangers alike. The inhabitants of this world hail William as a Hero, but he rejects the path of fame and glory, choosing instead to create a haven where he can raise Aimee in peace and safety. However, fate takes an unexpected turn when the Demand Empress, a once-powerful ruler who suffered a great betrayal and lost everything, becomes enslaved by William. Bound by a shared sense of loss and longing, the unlikely duo forges an intricate bond as they navigate their new reality together. As William settles into a peaceful city, dedicating himself to his daughter's well-being, he is plagued by haunting dreams and the awakening of latent powers. In a momentous decision, William embraces his emerging abilities and assumes the mantle of the Hero of Darkness. (Note - He does not become a Hero for fun. The situation around him forces him to cover his face with a mask and since then he has been using his second identity to deal with problems around him while living his normal life as a merchant in Emberfall City.) "The Demon Empress's Husband is a Part-time Hero" is a captivating tale of love, sacrifice, and redemption. Through William's journey, readers will be immersed in a richly imagined world where the line between darkness and light blurs, and where the strength of a father's love and the resilience of the human spirit triumph over adversity. ------------------ So what can you expect from this novel? This is the question that every reader unconsciously or consciously thinks about before reading a novel. If you have read till here then let me some highlighting and catching points of this novel. - a romance between Demon Empress and the Hero? [Yes] - Harem Novel? [Yes but with proper character development.] - Character Growth? [Yes] - System? [Yes] - The Story of a Hero? [Yes] - No NTR? [Yes] ____________ Note - First of all I would like to clear everyone's misunderstanding that William will become a Hero because he has a strong sense of justice. He has a secondary identity that starts as a result of his desire to have powers to protect his daughter. And this is a Hero that is not like your typical Hero who stops robbery or stops thugs at night. This is something much more than that. The stakes are a lot higher and more personal. I am not talking about Heroes like Captain America or Spider-Man. William is very different. He did not become a Hero because it sounded like fun. He was forced to take that role because of the situations that he had been put into. This is a slow novel. Especially the whole first volume might feel very slow for you as in this volume, a background of this fantasy World and William's daily life in Emberfall city is established. ---------------- Tags - Romance, System, adventure Action, Harem, R-18, Hero, Bloodline, Dragon, Elves, Demon Empress, Demons, Good and Evil, Slice of Life

Dark_Bangali · Fantasy
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271 Chs

Chapter 16:- The Birth of the Twilight Monarch

As the rain poured down relentlessly, William stood firm amidst the tumultuous chaos that surrounded him. The winds howled through the trees, shaking them violently, and the stream surged with its forceful current. Despite the growing chill in the air, William's determination burned bright, fueled by his encounter with Goddess Nyx.

"I am a man of my word, and I will not waver. Even if it means sacrificing my own life, I will keep my promise to free Goddess Nyx," William declared, his voice resolute and filled with unwavering determination. His fists clenched tightly, symbolizing his unwavering resolve.

Throughout his life, William had been known for his calm and collected demeanor, approaching every situation with a level-headedness that allowed him to navigate through the complexities of his business career. However, the encounter with Goddess Nyx had shattered his composure, stirring within him a potent mix of anger and powerlessness. It was a new experience for him, a feeling of vulnerability that he had not encountered before.

Back on Earth, William had possessed wealth and the power that came with it. Money had been his instrument to bend the world to his will. But in this fantastical realm, he found himself stripped of his earthly privileges. He lacked political influence, financial leverage, and even physical prowess. The realization of his limitations had struck him with a sense of urgency.

"I must grow stronger," William resolved within himself. The life he had once envisioned for himself had been replaced with a new purpose. The path he must now tread was one of self-discovery and self-improvement, driven by his determination to fulfill his promise and rescue Goddess Nyx from her confining cage.

As the rain continued to pour and the darkness enveloped the surroundings, William couldn't help but notice a newfound ability within himself. His vision, once hindered by the impenetrable darkness, now seemed to pierce through the inky blackness effortlessly. The world around him, illuminated by an unseen light, revealed its secrets.

"Have I possessed this ability all along?" William questioned, his voice filled with a mix of wonder and curiosity. Prior to his encounter with Goddess Nyx, he had been blind in this darkness, struggling to navigate and perceive his surroundings. But now, he found himself equipped with an extraordinary clarity of sight. Even within the depths of this pitch-black realm, he could discern every minute detail, every hidden creature lurking in the shadows.

His vision seemed to have transcended the limitations of natural sight as if the darkness itself had become a canvas for him to explore. The small lightning fox, concealed among the bushes, became visible to him, its gaze fixated upon him. Though he sensed the fox's intent, a potential threat, William remained composed.

Something had shifted within him after his encounter with Goddess Nyx, though he couldn't quite pinpoint the exact nature of this transformation. It was as if a dormant power had been awakened within him, empowering him to perceive the world in a way he had never experienced before. The depths of darkness held no sway over him; instead, they served as a catalyst for his newfound clarity and heightened senses.

[Ding! You have been blessed by the Goddess of Night.]

[Ding! You have been blessed to become the Prince of Darkness.]

[Ding! You have obtained Mythical class, Twilight Monarch.]

[Ding! Being directly blessed by the Goddess of Night in the form of a kiss has increased your stats. Each of your stats has been upgraded to [S rank]

[Ding! You have unlocked your Innate skill. Shadow Manipulation]

[Ding! You have unlocked a new passive skill. Healing Touch]

[Ding! You have unlocked a new Innate skill. Night Vision]

[Ding! You have unlocked a new Passive skill. Unyielding Willpower]

[Ding! You have unlocked a new Innate skill. Psychic Resistance]

[Ding! You have unlocked a new passive skill. Enhanced Agility and Reflexes]

Opening the system panel, William was taken aback by the flood of messages that greeted him. Each notification represented newfound skills, abilities, and increased stats. "So meeting Nyx not only unlocked my class, but it also granted me an array of powerful blessings and enhancements," William marveled, his focus fully consumed by the system messages. Unbeknownst to him, the level 1 Lightning Fox that had been preparing to attack was momentarily forgotten.

Seizing the opportunity, the fox stealthily closed in on William, its fangs bared and ready to sink into his vulnerable neck. But just as the creature leaped forward, its fate was sealed. A firm grip closed around its throat, halting its attack mid-air. Panic and fear swept through the fox's eyes as it realized the tables had turned, with the hunter becoming the hunted.

With a swift, decisive motion, William exerted a fraction of his newfound strength, snapping the fox's neck effortlessly. Its lifeless body was cast aside, carried away by the current of the nearby stream.

[Ding! You have killed a Level 1 Lightning Fox. You have gained experience points.]

With his mind consumed by thoughts of the encounter with Nyx and the newfound abilities bestowed upon him, William made his way back to the camp. The rain continued to pour, drenching his clothes and adding to the eerie atmosphere of the night. Despite the discomfort of the wet clothing, William felt an unusual sense of ease and familiarity in the darkness that surrounded him.

As he walked, his mind wandered, contemplating the blessings he had received from the Goddess of Night. "It must be her divine influence," he murmured to himself, realizing that his affinity for the night and darkness was no mere coincidence. The connection between his skills, class, and the blessing he had received became clear. Everything was tied to the essence of the night, the very realm over which Nyx held dominion.

Not only had his abilities and skills been enhanced, but William also felt a surge of strength within him, surpassing anything he had experienced before. The disparity between his past self and his current form was staggering, as if he had become tenfold more powerful. It was a realization that both excited and unsettled him, leaving him pondering the depths of his newfound potential.

As William continued his journey back to the camp, his heightened senses allowed him to perceive the world around him in remarkable detail. Every sound, every movement, seemed sharper and clearer than ever before. He could feel the strength coursing through his veins, his body feeling more durable and resilient. The encounter with the lightning fox had revealed his enhanced reflexes and reaction timing, granting him the ability to swiftly overpower and dispatch the creature.

But it wasn't just his physical attributes that had undergone a significant transformation. William could sense a surge of energy within him, his stamina, mana, and magical capabilities all greatly amplified. It was as if the blessings bestowed upon him by Nyx had infused him with a potent vitality, unlocking hidden reservoirs of power he had never before tapped into.

Understanding the mechanics of leveling up in this world, William knew that the path to advancement was not an easy one. While the system did not provide a clear indication of the experience points needed for each level, he had learned from the tales of other adventurers that the journey from level 1 to level 2 alone could take years of accumulating experience points. The difficulty only increased as one sought to progress further, with the belief that each subsequent level required double the experience points of the previous.

Armed with this knowledge, William recognized the immense challenges that lay ahead. The road to becoming stronger and achieving his goal of freeing Goddess Nyx would be arduous and fraught with peril. Yet, with his newfound abilities and the resolve burning within him, he was prepared to face whatever trials awaited him, ready to push himself to the limits and beyond.



Scene change______

As William approached the campsite, he noticed the adventurers busy securing a water-resistant cloth above the campfire. It was a makeshift shelter to protect themselves from the relentless downpour. The large square-shaped cloth was carefully positioned, tied at each corner with ropes to keep it elevated above the campfire and the heads of the adventurers.

Spotting William's return, one of the adventurers waved at him, concern etched on his face. "Hey there, you took quite a while. Did something happen out there?"

William paused for a moment, contemplating his response. It was crucial to maintain his facade of vulnerability, to appear as just another traveler seeking safe passage through this treacherous world. Revealing his newfound powers and skills would only invite unnecessary attention and potential danger. With a hint of sarcasm in his voice, he replied, "Got a bit disoriented in the darkness, but fortunately, I managed to find my way back. Thought I'd be wandering aimlessly all night."

The adventurers nodded, understanding the perils of navigating through the darkness. In this unpredictable realm, where unknown creatures lurked, it was wise to exercise caution and travel in groups. They didn't press further, content with William's explanation. After all, they had their own concerns to attend to, their focus fixed on staying safe and weathering the storm.

With a sense of relief, William joined the group, blending in seamlessly as the ordinary traveler he wished to be perceived as.

William took this chance to talk with the adventures and get to know them better. William was an Extroverted Introvert person. He is someone who enjoys being alone. He feels mentally tired when interacting with new people. Though once he has connected with a person, he enjoys hanging out with that person and spending time with that person. After that incident, William didn't have any choice. He had to step up and take over so that Aimee can have a better life.

Even now, if possible, he would like to avoid speaking with the adventurers. But talking with these adventurers would not only give him more knowledge about this world but also a deeper insight into how this world works. He would be able to know more about the political structure of this world. And the adventurers would have a sense of familiarity with William. And being familiar with the people that were going to protect him and his family was an advantageous thing.

As the adventurers gathered around the campfire, their weary faces illuminated by the dancing flames, William listened intently to their stories. The topic of their conversation turned to the fearsome Venomspine Serpent, and one of the seasoned adventurers, a grizzled warrior with scars across his face, began to share his tale.

"Ah, Venomspine Serpents. Nasty creatures they are," he began, his voice carrying a mix of caution and admiration. "I remember a time when my party and I encountered a particularly challenging one. It was a level 2 beast, one of the largest and most aggressive we had ever come across."

The adventurers leaned in closer, their eyes reflecting both curiosity and a tinge of apprehension.

"We were exploring the depths of a dense jungle, searching for a hidden temple said to hold ancient treasures. Little did we know, the Venomspine Serpent had claimed that temple as its domain. It was a cunning hunter, blending seamlessly into the vibrant foliage, waiting for unsuspecting prey to stumble into its lair."

He paused, letting the gravity of the situation sink in.

"We found ourselves face to face with that monster, its scales glistening with hues of emerald and sapphire. Its dorsal spines stood tall, a testament to its lethal nature. We knew we had to be cautious if we wanted to survive the encounter."

Another adventurer chimed in, his voice filled with both awe and wariness. "The venom of those serpents is no joke. It can paralyze a grown man in seconds, leaving them at the mercy of the serpent's fangs. And the pain... it's like nothing you've ever experienced before."

Nods of agreement passed among the adventurers as they remembered their own encounters with these creatures.

The grizzled warrior continued, his voice carrying a touch of pride. "But we were prepared. Each member of our party had undergone extensive training, honing our reflexes and mastering our skills. We knew we had to strike with precision and speed to avoid the venomous onslaught."

He leaned closer to William, his eyes filled with determination. "It was a fierce battle, my friend. We danced with death, dodging the serpent's lightning-fast strikes and countering with our own well-timed attacks. Our spellcasters unleashed spells of fire and ice, creating a chaotic symphony of elements."

The adventurers around the campfire nodded, their own memories intertwining with the tale.

"After what seemed like an eternity, we managed to wear down the serpent's defenses. It thrashed and writhed in agony, its venomous strikes becoming weaker with each passing moment. Finally, we delivered the fatal blow, and the creature slumped lifeless to the ground."

A moment of silence settled over the group as they remembered fallen comrades and the dangers they had faced.

"It was a hard-fought victory," the grizzled warrior concluded. "But it taught us the importance of preparation, teamwork, and respect for the creatures that inhabit this fantastical world. The Venomspine Serpent is a formidable adversary, but with skill, courage, and a bit of luck, one can emerge victorious."

The adventurers nodded in agreement, their eyes glinting with a mix of admiration and caution. As the night grew darker, they continued to share stories, each tale revealing the perils and wonders of their encounters in this fantastical realm. And in their shared experiences, William found himself gaining a deeper understanding of the world he had been thrust into, as well as the challenges he would have to face on his own journey.


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