
The Demon Duke's Best Friend

Renia was just a tired, overworked server when she found a strange red book titled Drenuz Kingdom. Unfortunately, she never lived long enough to get home and read it. Her death wasn't her end though, as she now finds herself in a different world, in a Kingdom called Drenuz. She's not sure how or why, but she's determined to live freely in this new world.

PirateQueenD · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Time To Go

Varen found himself panicking when Emelda drank the poison. He never expected it, rushing over to hold Emelda up. The foam left her lips turning pink from blood.

'No! Why did you drink it?! I was trying to save you-' Varen blinks and pauses. Wait. When Emelda originally died in his novel, the demon had flown into a rage and tore her apart over the poisoning attempt. But this was just poison, he could give her an antidote for it. Or...

"Court Wizard!" Another voice calls as Tyran kneels beside them.

"Let me take her." Tyran requests, carefully moving Varen away to pick her up. Varen blinks, mouth opening to object, but then remembers that he was posing as a maid. He follows Tyran to the castle infirmary, the court wizard quickly joining them.

"Any idea what sort of poison?" The Court Wizard inquires.

"I... believe it's Crisomin leaves. My uncle died of something like this." Varen tells him.

"I see. Then I'll have to heal her stomach as well." The Court Wizard swiftly gets to work at that.

"There! That maid is the one that carried the poisoned drink!" Jack bursts into the room with the prince to point at Varen.

'Came to cover his tracks...' Varen glares at him lightly.

"I did not-"

"If I recall correctly, this maiden was not near when you took the glass and then insistently gave it to Lady Emelda to deliver it to the Grand Duke." Tyran steps forward, putting an arm in front of Varen to shield the God from accusation.

'Yes! Get him Tyran!' Varen thinks, silently cheering for the man.

"So if anyone here seems suspicious in this situation, it is you," Tyran concludes. Jack pauses, panic flickering in his eyes briefly.

"Don't be foolish. Such an attempt would be suicide!" He shouts trying to take control of the situation. "Perhaps it was her! Trying to get attention or make a ruckus! It's normal for her! You don't know her as I do!" He switches his accusation to Emelda in a moment.

Again Varen found himself admiring his own writing as he feels a surge of annoyance. The Prince, who had listened quietly until this point decides to interveneit e.

"I've decided. If she wakes I'll ask her directly what happened. However, if she doesn't wake, I will place you both under arrest until the investigation is over." Prince Glenn proclaims, looking between Jack and the accused Maiden.

"Understood," Varen responds as the color left Jack's face, obviously not sure what to say.

"Very well. We shall wait then." Glenn says taking a seat. So they all waited for the Court Wizard to finish healing her. About an hour later Emelda starts to stir before finally sitting up.

"Are you okay?" Varen asks her. She blinks and meets the maid's amethyst eyes, seeming a bit dazed. 

"I don't think I wanna do that again." She murmurs shaking her head. Varen chuckles slightly at that, touching her back.

"That wouldn't be wise." Varen agrees.

"Hello Emelda, I'm glad you're awake. Can you tell me what happened?" Prince Glenn requests, coming over with a polite smile. She blinks at him, admiring his face for a brief moment. 

"Well. I was dancing with Lord Tyran, Jack came to interrupt, then you and the King came. Jack was still bothering me, and that's when the Demon Duke came and then Jack gave me a glass and told me to go greet him." Emelda summarizes.

"I see... And where did Sir Jack get the glass?" Prince Glenn inquires.

"I don't know. I was looking at the demon- What's his name?" She asks, not wanting to keep referring to him as 'the demon'.

"Ah... I... Don't know." Glenn admits.

"I think his name is Raiden," Varen informs lightly.

"Raiden." Emelda nods as she echoes the name before looking at Glenn. "I was too busy looking at him to see what Jack was doing." She finishes her answer.

"Why would I do anything to endanger my fiancée?" Jack suddenly claims.

"Fiancée you say? Although she treats you as an annoying stalker?" Tyran raises an eyebrow. Jack turns red at that, looking at Emelda.

"Tell them...." He breathes throughgrit teeth.

"I don't know what you mean." She responds.

"I will go discuss this with the King. Let Lady Emelda rest for the time being." Glenn decides, straightening up and leading the way out. Varen touches Emelda's arm as Jack lingers.

"You should go. Or you'll get into trouble." Emelda tells Varen lightly, not seeming worried. Varen hesitates, glancing at Jack before carefully heading out.

Emelda didn't get a chance to relax, Jack ceasing her throat in an instant. "You really are so useless. You couldn't even deliver a simple drink." He hisses in her face. "Your only worth is in your beauty but I've already grown tired of it."

"Then perhaps you should leave the maiden be." A rumble sounds as an arm drapes around his shoulders. Jack and Emelda pause as the demon leans forward, his mismatched eyes glowing, a bluish lightning flickering beneath the cracks of his horns as small bolts of lightning flash about them.

Jack had released Emelda that instant, terror in his features. Raiden smiles a bit, picking up Jack by the back of his neck like a cat. "You tried to poison me." He breathes.

"N-No! It was her!" Jack gasps in a panic.

"You're a terrible liar." Raiden takes him to the window, unlatching it before pushing it open and dropping Jack out of it. He then turns to Emelda and sits on the window seal.

"... Did you just kill him?" She gasps in shock.

"Hm? Nah, it's only the second floor, probably just broke his leg." Raiden shrugs casually before a cry sounds from outside. "Oh. No, that was a broken arm scream." He corrects himself. She gets up carefully, staggering to the window, and peering out with Raiden.

"Serves you right! This shitty engagement is over!" She calls down to Jack. "And I'm taking the carriage so have fun walking home!"

"You should throw something at him," Raiden says.

"Like what?" Emelda blinks at him. He hums and peers around before picking up a simple vase and handing it to her. She smirks and throws it down at Jack, who dodges in his agony.

"Have you lost your mind!?" Jack shouts at her. Emelda grins in response making him pause uneasily. 

"Nice throw." Raiden nods. She chuckles and straightens up, hands on her hips. 

"Thanks. Think I'll leave now. Want a ride back to our province?" She inquires lightly.

"Ah... Sure." He blinks before standing up. They walk out together to find Tyran and the maid coming to check on them.

"What happened?" Tyran asks Emelda, glancing at Raiden in confusion. 

"Jack attacked me so Raiden dropped him out of the window." Emelda blinks, pointing at the demon.

"Kinda wish I had done more." Raiden comments.

"Please don't." Tyran requests, holding up a hand.

"You should be resting." The maid breathes in concern to Emelda. 

"I'm fine. I just want to head home now and get away from that guy." Emelda assures lightly.

"Would you like me to escort you?" Tyran offers.

"No thank you. The Grand Duke wants to go back too. Right?" Emelda smiles at Raiden. He blinks at her before returning the smile.

"Yeah. I was bored the moment I got here." He jokes.

"Alright then. We'll let Prince Glenn know." Tyran nods, seeming to figure there was no stopping them.

"Take care." The maid tells her with a bow. Emelda nods at her before looking at Tyran.

"Thank you for your kindness, Duke Tyran." She offers a bow. He raises a hand to her now.

"No need for that. I hope we meet again soon Lady Emelda." He rumbles.

With that, Emelda and Raiden leave the castle, going out to the carriage. The coachman greets them with a smile as he opens the door so they can climb in.

"So we live in the same area?" Raiden asks as the carriage starts awayfromthecastle.

"Yes. My father isn't too happy about it." She shrugs.

"Wouldn't this get you into trouble then?" He inquires, glancing out the window. 

"Yeah. Along with me breaking the engagement forced upon me." She smiles simply.

"Sounds like you're walking into hell then." He tilts his head, folding his arms with a look of concern.

"More like a warzone... But I won't be staying there for long." She assures, startingtosmile as an idea comes to her head.

"So you're leaving... Where will you go?" He tilts his head.

"Hmm. I'm thinking of an old manor. That sits above the province." She hums.

"Wait... That's..." Raiden blinks catching on.

"Yep." She smiles.

"You're crazy." He huffs, a smile forming on his lips. "And when were you going to ask the master of the manor?"

"Eh. I'm sure he wouldn't mind having someone around that looks past the horns and tail." She responds. His face changes then, a mixture of surprise and a bit of sadness as he drops his gaze.

"You're right. He doesn't mind..." He breathes. "Is that why you drank that poison?"

"Well no... I figured if Jack poisoned it, then me drinking it would annoy him to no end." She admits. He chuckles a bit at that and shakes his head.

"I'm sure spilling it would've had the same effect." He points out.

"True. But I like this outcome better." She points out, doubting they'd be talking like this if she had done that.

"True. But there's no way you could've foreseen this." He says. "... Right?"

"No way. I thought for sure I would die with how fast it was." She tells him.

"I thought you would too. Weren't you scared?" He asks.

"Mm. I'm sure I was but I was too shocked to register that it was actually happening. More like an, 'Oh.' moment, you know?" She shrugs.

"An 'Oh.' Moment indeed." He laughs in amusement.

They conversed like this for most of the ride until Emelda fell asleep. Raiden simply smiled when she did before looking out the window.

By morning they were stopping in front of the Night estate. "You want me to go with you?" Raiden murmurs as Emelda opens the door to get out of the carriage.

"No. I can handle getting a few things of importance." She sends a smile before hopping out and going to the doors, opening them, and heading up to her room. As she opens her door, she finds Jinx already inside fluffing her blankets.

"Oh, perfect, I figured you'd want to sleep in a fresh bed when you returned." Jinx sends her a grin.

"While that's tempting, I came to get some of my things," Emelda tells her. "Are you ready to go?" Jinx blinks at her in surprise before grinning brightly.

"I packed just in case!" She chimes, dropping the blanket to rush out excitedly. Emelda chuckles before grabbing a satchel from the wardrobe and packing some clothes, and her last allowance before heading out the door to the hall. Jinx meets her as she comes out and they start down the hall.

"Where do you think you're going?" Her father's voice sounds behind them. He scowls before seeming hopeful. "Wait, are you going to Sir Jack's?" He inquires.

"No. I dumped him at the capital." She sends a grin. "Don't worry. I'm leaving now."

"You! Insufferable! Useless woman! What can you possibly do once you walk out those doors?!" He shouts face suddenly red.

"Simple really." She starts as she and Jinx start down the stairs. "Be free!"

Jinx and Emelda were laughing excitedly as they left the manor. "So. Who will we be staying with?" Jinx inquires as they start down the path to the carriage. Before Emelda can answer her father bursts through the doors behind them.

"Stop right there! Both of you!" He demands. Jinx halts, suddenly seeming nervous as Emelda turns to him with a raised chin.

"What now?" She huffs. His eyes couldn't get any bigger with rage.

"You are not to go unless I say so." He snarls approaching her until he loomed over her. "I will not allow you to further disgrace this family!"

"You don't need to worry about me doing that. You already do that by yourself with your gambling habits." She responds calmly. His eye twitches before he swiftly raises his hand. Emelda raises her chin more to give him a good shot. His hand comes down and she doesn't even wince.

Nor does she feel any pain since his hand had been caught in a sudden handshake. Eric Night throws a glare at the owner of the hand only to pale as a demon smiles at him.

"Good morning Duke Night." Raiden greets, stepping in front of Emelda. With that Emelda nods to Jinx and they rush to the carriage.

"Ah, wai-" Eric cuts off with a sudden hiss as Raiden squeezes his hand harshly.

"It's rude to ignore a guest." Raiden hums. "Now. You should listen carefully." His heterochromia eyes start to glow. "If you ever raise your hand to a woman again, and I see it." He jerks Eric's hand, making the taller man nearly fall to his knees. "You will cease to have a hand." He breathes next to Eric's ear. "Okay have a good day!" He flings Eric's arm up, making the man lose balance before falling on his butt.

With that, Raiden returns to the carriage and climbs in. "Emelda, do you like pain?" He asks carefully.

"No. Pain sucks." She blinks confused, making him chuckle.

"Just checking." He shakes his head.

"Emelda..." Jinx murmurs beside her, glancing at the demon unsurely. 

"Oh. Jinx this is GrandDuke Raiden. Raiden, this is Jinx, she's my friend and maid." Emelda introduces.

"Nice to meet you. But I'm telling you right now I can't afford you." Raiden tells her. Jinx seems to relax at his demeanor before smiling st him.

"That's okay. I rather work for Emelda free than be paid to tolerate Duke Night." She chuckles.

"I can't say I blame you there." He comments.

The carriage eventually stops before Raiden's manor, looking the same as Emelda last saw it. The three leave the carriage soon stopping at the steps of the manor. There's a moment of silence before Jinx breaks it.

"What a dump." She comments before catching herself and paling and shakily looking at the demon in horror. Raiden and Emelda share a look before laughing together.

"How honest." He chuckles.

"She's the best." Emelda giggles making the maid go from pale to pink.
