
The Demon Duke's Best Friend

Renia was just a tired, overworked server when she found a strange red book titled Drenuz Kingdom. Unfortunately, she never lived long enough to get home and read it. Her death wasn't her end though, as she now finds herself in a different world, in a Kingdom called Drenuz. She's not sure how or why, but she's determined to live freely in this new world.

PirateQueenD · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Time For Change

"Tyran... So he's our client." Emelda recalls the regal man that had been concerned about her after the poisoning incident.

"Hm? You know him?" Raiden peers at her.

"I danced with him at the ball. He came to check on me after I drank the poison... Seemed like a good man." She explains.

"Well if you think so then that must be true." Raiden smiles thoughtfully before they stop at a big pair of gates. "This is it." He says as a gateman comes to greet them.

"Good afternoon Grand Duke, what brings you to visit?" He inquires as he opens the gates for them.

"We're here about the mine job." Raiden answers, making the man pause.

"Oh yes, of course. Follow me." He says hastily leading the way.

"Must've been bothering him for a bit now," Emelda remarks to Raiden.

"Seems so. We'll have to leave sooner than we originally planned." He agrees as they're led inside only to stop in awe.

"Now this. Is a manor." Raiden breathes.

"Carpet really changes a place." Emelda breathes.

"And pictures. Look at this guy, so regal." He points to one of Tyran's portraits.

"Right?" She grins at that.

"Excuse me, his office is this way." A servant greets. They blink and swiftly collect themselves before following. Upstairs to the center door, the servant opens it, and the pair ease into the office. "The Adventurers have arrived." The guest informs. Tyran looks up from his paperwork, peering over his reading glasses at them.

He blinks in recognition and sits up in slight surprise. "Ah. Welcome." He greets.

"It's been a while Lord Tyran." She bows slightly.

"Hey. Sorry I don't remember you from the ball." Raiden greets sheepishly.

"I... That's understandable, Grand Duke... And Lady Night it's a very welcome surprise. Please. Have a seat." He gets up to get a chair for Emelda. The pair sits down and then he does the same. "You've come to help with the mine?"

"Yes." Raiden nods.

"But why?" Tyran tilts his head.

"Because that foolish king won't pay Raiden. So we have to do what we can without that income." Emelda answers bluntly. There's a pause before Tyran chuckles lightly.

"I see... He is being foolish indeed..." He breathes in thought. "You said 'we'? Are you courting?" He inquires.

"No. We just live together happily." Raiden answers with a smile.

"Interesting... That's quite unheard of. Although I have heard the rumors." He nods slightly.

"Really? We haven't." Raiden and Emelda share a curious look.

"Tell us Tyran." She requests.

"Alright. According to some rumors, Emelda has lost her mind and ran away to the Demon Duke's side." He begins.

"Not much of a rumor there." Raiden nudges Emelda teasingly.

"Another rumor is that the Demon Duke enchanted Emelda and stole her away." Tyran hums.

"Hehe, well your eyes are pretty." She comments to Raiden.

"Only you could say that." Raiden rolls his eyes.

"And the most popular rumor is that you two are courting and plotting against the king." Tyran finishes.

"We can barely afford to stop and think right now, let alone plot against the king." Emelda scoffs.

"Sounds troublesome." Raiden sighs.

"I was kinda hoping for something more interesting." Emelda comments.

"Like I kidnapped you and threatened your father... And now I'm teaching you devil magic." Raiden wiggles his fingers at her.

"That's way better. These people need to be more imaginative." She snickers. Tyran watches them for a moment, letting them remember why they were there.

"Anyway. We'll clear that mine. Just show us the map." Raiden rumbles as Emelda brings out the magic map.

"Both of you?" Tyran asks carefully, looking at Emelda unsurely.

"That's right. Don't let her cute face fool you. She's a warrior." Raiden cups her face and squishes her cheeks making her lips pucker.

"Warrior." She agrees with puckered lips.

"Gods I hope you are." Tyran sighs rubbing his forehead before laying out the map. Emelda opens the magic map and places it over Tyran's.

"Remember." She breathes, the map appearing on the magic one. Varen had taught them more about it when they brought it home. "There." She rolls it up.

"Alright. When do you want us to get started?" Raiden inquires.

"As soon as possible... But be prepared." Tyran folds his hands together. "And be careful."

"See you later then." Raiden rumbles as the pair stands and shares a glance.

"Well, onto our next stop." She breathes as they head out.

To the castle, they went. A rather long trip even after Raiden scooped her up and started leaping into the air to hasten things. Reaching the castle by sundown.

"You okay?" Emelda worries as Raiden catches his breath.

"Yeah. Just haven't had to do that while carrying someone.

"We'll get a coach for the return." She rubs his back. He chuckles and peers at her.

"Good." He breathes before they start through the gates. The knights guarding the doors stiffen at the sight of Raiden. "I'm here to see the king." He announces. "So open the doors."

They shakily nod and do so. Raiden offers his hand to Emelda and she nods taking it as they enter. Through the halls and upstairs to the throne room. The guards seemed nervous by Raiden's presence.

The king sits up upon their approach, and to his right, Prince Glenn does the same. "What brings you here Grand Duke...?" The king asks warily.

"Money." Raiden answers simply. "I currently have no funding."

"Ah..." The king shifts. "Unfortunately we're a bit low on funds ourselves and can't afford to pay you."

"Weird. Must've gone to that golden statue out front." Emelda looks at Raiden.

"Perhaps I'll take that then." He meets her gaze.

"Now just a moment." The king speaks up.

"I'm sorry. Don't you think you're being a bit foolish?" Emelda asks. He looks at her sharply, his index finger twitches and in a moment a knight swings his sword at her neck. Her arm changes in time to catch the blade between her claws.

Those present recoil in surprise. A shock of lightning makes them all pale as the room seems to dim against the lightning that flickers around Raiden.

"I'll fucking kill you, old man. Have you lost your mind... Actually, maybe I should just remove you and deal with someone more reasonable." The demon snarls in rage, eyes glowing as they lock on the king. He starts towards the king, nails turning into claws.

Emelda flexes her hand, shattering the blade before returning to normal as the knight falls back already horrified. She calmly catches up to the demon as he leans towards the king, raising his claws. She places a hand on his shoulder, making the electricity disappear.

"Calm yourself." She breathes before looking at the king. "If you continue to overlook Raiden as a potential asset to your kingdom. You will soon die over your ridiculous pride. He is your grand duke, and you should treat him as such." She says calmly.

His eye twitches, he would probably blow a blood vessel once they left. "Bring them money, send them off with a carriage of it." He finally concedes.

"See how easy that was? Let's go Raiden." She starts away. Raiden leans close to the king.

"Try to harm her again, and there will be no one to stop me from skinning you alive before putting your head on a pike." He whispers before pulling away with a smile. "Good talk." He waves before quickly joining Emelda upon her exit.

"I think that went well." She jokes.

"Heh. They really think we're a couple of monsters now." He agrees.

They reach the gates and await the carriage, chatting casually for a bit. The carriage that arrives is black and red and filled with gold bags. The pair check each one to be sure before joining the coachman.

"So... Here's the deal. We're keeping the carriage. You can either be our driver and live in the shed. Or you can return on foot." Raiden informs, putting an arm around him.

"My family is here... So I'll walk back." The coachman stammers shakily.

"That's too cruel. We can pay his return." Emelda hums to Raiden.

"You're right... Sorry, buddy. I'm a bit angry. Guess I took it out on you." He says sheepishly.

"I'm fine Raiden. You don't need to be angry."

"But the audacity! We arrived together and he still tried to have you killed? You should've let me do it." He growls.

"His son was there. It wouldn't have made things easier... I think." She touches his back. He relaxes and grumbles in response.

"... Please tell me the King is alive," Varen says stressed out as the other two grab as many bags as possible to carry inside.

"For now." Raiden smiles.

"Raiden was so pissed it took me until this last hour to calm him." Emelda grabs a few sacks.

"What happened?" He questions.

"He tried to have Emelda beheaded in front of me." Raiden grabs a bunch.

"He came very close to dying." Emelda nods as they head inside. Varen sighs rubbing his face before grabbing some bags and following them in as Bane and Jinx come out.

"Did you rob someone?" Rainer asks, shuffling with Emelda.

"No. Just getting what Raiden was owed... Now we can make sure you are always comfortable." She sends the boy a smile. Rainer blinks in surprise before looking away with pink cheeks.

"... So it was for me?" He asks.

"Yes. You're far more important than us." She muses as they reach a small room beneath the stairs, tossing the bags in.

"I don't think anyone is more important than anyone..." He frowns. She pauses before petting his head.

"Then you're wiser than most." She hums. "Now go back to bed." She adds.

"Okay. You come to bed soon." He requests before going upstairs.

After a bit, they finish putting up the gold and stand for a moment to calm down. "So. We're good on money now." Emelda gives a thumbs up.

"Yeah. That was unexpected. You two got serious about keeping the kid huh?" Bane remarks.

"Well, we realized that we couldn't keep scraping by like we were." Raiden and Emelda share a look.

"We'll keep on taking jobs in the meantime. Not like the King will give Raiden any jobs for a while. He'll basically be paying to stay alive at this point." She tells them.

"I... I want to find another place to stay too." Raiden admits.

"We will keep an eye out." Jinx nods.

"We'll be leaving for the Mine tomorrow. So let's get some sleep." Emelda nudges Raiden.

"Right. See you tomorrow." He tells the others as they head upstairs.

Varen adds a lock to the main door and gold storage as everyone else heads to bed.

Emelda gets in bed, Rainer half asleep. This was the sleeping arrangement since they didn't have another bed for the boy yet.

"Still awake?" She hums when he turns to her.

"When I get better can I go places with you? You been gone all day." He frowns slightly.

"Of course. Sorry. We still have much to do before we have a room ready for you... Now that we have money it shouldn't be much longer." She breathes.

"Will you still tell me stories?" He asks.

"Mhm. Would you like to hear one now?"


"Alright. Let me tell you about Rapunzel..."