
The Demon Duke's Best Friend

Renia was just a tired, overworked server when she found a strange red book titled Drenuz Kingdom. Unfortunately, she never lived long enough to get home and read it. Her death wasn't her end though, as she now finds herself in a different world, in a Kingdom called Drenuz. She's not sure how or why, but she's determined to live freely in this new world.

PirateQueenD · Fantasy
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46 Chs

The First Attempt

 "Finally cleared out." Raiden huffs before checking the spear's magic stone sphere. "And almost all the stones were drained."

 "We'll have to get that restocked then." Emelda hums as they others ready to leave the site.

 "How far is the Winter Kingdom from here?" Raiden inquires. Emelda pauses and looks at him at that.

 "About four days travel." Tyran informs, everyone moving on while Raiden lingers. Emelda and Kage stop to wait for him. 

 The demon stares down the road for a few moments before turning to follow the group to the carriage. Something catches his eye and he perks.

 "What's-" Kage cuts him off, tackling him down as a narrow beam of light shoots at them. 

 "Kage! Raiden!" Emelda gasps, stepping forward. Kage looks back at her, a fresh cut on his cheek.