
The Demon Duke's Best Friend

Renia was just a tired, overworked server when she found a strange red book titled Drenuz Kingdom. Unfortunately, she never lived long enough to get home and read it. Her death wasn't her end though, as she now finds herself in a different world, in a Kingdom called Drenuz. She's not sure how or why, but she's determined to live freely in this new world.

PirateQueenD · Fantasy
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46 Chs

The Demon Duke

It's been months since Jack started to actively court Emelda. Three months to be exact. And while it sounds blissful, Emelda has not enjoyed any of it.

Jack had more red flags than California in dry weather. She tried to seem unappealing in so many ways. She had done the maid's work while he was present. Played with the street orphans before he would come just to look dirty and unkempt. She even resorted to eating like a barbarian. This only halted the restaurant outings. At this point, her father was pushing for marriage before she could have Jack call it off.

"You insufferable wench! You stop your nonsense already!" Her father shouts at her. "Now, you will go to the ball with Jack and make your debut and be a proper woman or this is the end for you!" He threatens, fiery eyes glaring down at her.

"...Yes father." Emelda concedes. She is then dismissed to get ready. Jinx joins her along the way to her room. The maid seemed worried by the fiery defiance that glowed behind her master's eyes.

"What will you do?" Jinx asks quietly, closing the door behind them.

"If I can't find a better... Partner at the ball. Then... Maybe I'll find a way to get executed instead." Emelda breathes.

"No! Please, Emelda! Think of another way! Any other way!" Jinx suddenly takes Emelda's hand and holds it to her chest firmly, mossy green eyes looking up at her pleading. It made Emelda pause, taking in Jinx's sincere posture.

"... Fine. I won't try to die..." Emelda sighs.

"Thank you. I'd miss you dearly, Emelda." Jinx releases her hand.

"I promise to take you with me if I can get out of here." Emelda smiles.

"I can't wait for when that happens." Jinx beams. "Now let's make you as beautiful as can be! Perhaps we'll make you desirable to even Prince Glenn." Jinx gushes, starting to change Emelda's clothes enthusiastically. The indigo-haired woman laughed at her.

"Easy Jinx! You're gonna rip something!"

Outside the window, a white creature that appeared to be an owl with some raccoon features, such as a face, grabby hands, and fluffy ringed tail- sat in the neighboring tree. Its amethyst eyes watch for a moment before the creature turns away and hops from the branch, wings opening so it could safely glide to the fence around the manor. With a quick check around the creature slides down the wall to the sidewalk, hopping off to turn into a man wearing simple peasant clothes.

This is not a man, but a God. His name is Varen. This world was one he had created and planned. He was quite proud to bring the tale of his created hero to another world to see what outsiders would think of it.

However, no matter where he left the book, no one would even try to pick it up. It had been in that world for a month before Renia finally took it up. The first one to give it a chance. He had been so excited to watch her reactions.

Then she died.

He could've let her go like that, but he still wanted to know her thoughts on his story. So he sent her soul back to his world. If only he could have avoided her obtaining Emelda's body. After all, Emelda was the one who would soon be walking into Death's embrace.

He could change the events leading up to that very easily, but he was hesitant to change the story too much. He was also curious to see what she would do differently.

He has been shadowing and interacting with her since he returned. Posing as Kerim, a blind street orphan named Rome, a coachman, and various creatures of this world. So far he has found Renia, or the New Emelda to be quite adaptable to the new world.

He gets into the coachman's seat, looking over to the gates as he awaited Jack and her. He already knew what they would be wearing. He had written it after all.

Well, at least he had expected Jack's attire. However, Emelda came out in a pastel green dress, her luscious midnight blue hair cascading over a shoulder. She adjusts the black lace gloves she wears quietly before glancing up at him and offering a nod of acknowledgment.

He just blinks at her, taken aback as Jack opens the door and assists her into the carriage. "Eyes in your head. make sure you get us there smoothly." Jack tells him, seeming in a foul mood for a moment before shifting back to his fake self and getting into the carriage.

'... I sure wrote him well.' Varen thinks before getting the horse-like creatures that pull the carriage, into motion.

It took a day to reach the center of the Drenuz Kingdom where the castle sat. It was every solstice when the castle held a ball. This would be Emelda's debut, and the first time the Demon Grand Duke was to attend. Varen peers at Jack and Emelda as they get out of the carriage for the second time that trip. Both looked worn, but Emelda seems even more exhausted. Jack surely droned on the whole way.

Jack heads into the inn to secure their reservation and Varen hops down to check on Emelda. "Are you okay M'lady?" He inquires.

"I wish to remove my ears before the next long trip." She grumbles, trying to smooth her dress. Varen almost laughs at that before clearing his throat.

"That would be offensive M'lady." He manages, making her pause at his response before sending a very tired look.

"His lordship IS the offense." She retorts grumpily.

"Oh, dear." He breathes before looking over as Jack comes out.

"Our room is ready." Jack rumbles.

"Rooms." Emelda corrects.

"Unfortunately, there was only one left." He responds. Emelda visibly twitches at that before going to the carriage and climbing inside by herself. "Emelda? Shouldn't we get ready?" Jack huffs in surprise at her behavior. She sends him a rather sharp look.

"I've been ready since we left. If you require more time, then I will await you here." She responds, her annoyance seeping out. Jack blinks at her, a rather wild look glinting in his eyes before he smiles and nods.

"I shouldn't be too long." He bows before briskly going inside. She shudders when he's gone, feeling like a chill had passed through her.

Varen shifts, looking at the doors, then at Emelda. "I-If you need to leave early, you need only to find me, M'lady. I'll return you home." He tells her lightly. She meets his amethyst eyes before closing her own with a sigh.

"I will hold you to your word Coachman." She responds. "... Thank you." She adds lightly. She seemed rather withdrawed suddenly, making Varen feel a bit guilty for his part in bringing her here. Then she huffed, smoothed her dress and straightened up. "I'll be okay." She assures with some determination.

Jack returned after a bit in a fresh suit that almost matched her. Which she found unpleasant since the whole purpose of her switching dresses was so they wouldn't match.

'This annoying bastard...' She thinks watching him as he climbs into the carriage. She briefly had to fight the urge to lift her foot and stomp his face to force him back out of the carriage.

"Now then. Let's go have fun." He rumbles to her. Emelda doesn't respond, watching him uneasily. It's a bit longer before they reach the castle. It was an oddly quiet trip too.

Once they arrive they're escorted to the castle's ballroom. The castle itself seemed made of granite. the interior polished and decorated with maroon. It was rather beautiful in her opinion. The ballroom was large and crowded, and a lot like they were in the movies.

Jack puts her hand on his arm to keep appearances as he led her about to greet others. As soon as she could, she pulled away from him to wander through the dancing pairs and chatting groups. She already felt bored, and could feel numerous stares on her for some reason.

"A drink M'lady?" a white-haired maid inquires, her round amethyst eyes watching her with a smile. Emelda takes a glass from her tray, looking her over. There sure seemed to be a lot people with white hair and purple eyes in this world.

"Thank you." Emelda breathes before taking a sip and relaxing, it was tea, thankfully. She lifts her gaze to peer around the crowded room. No one really stood out to her.

"Excuse me." A voice from behind makes her look back at a dark skinned man with gold threads embedded in his long and thick braids. His eyes were amber and he wore a dark coat with gold threaded designs. He looked so regal that for a moment Emelda thought he might be the king.

"Ah. Y-Yessir?" She manages turning to him. He offers a brief smile.

"My apologies. But it would you grace me with a dance?" He offers a bow as well as his hand. Emelda was flattered, but she could also feel glares on her now.

"I must warn you. My dancing skills are rusty at best." She breathes, taking his hand.

"So is mine." He assures before putting his other hand on her waist and taking the lead. She follows his steps as carefully as she can. "Sorry for the sudden request. I was being hounded." He murmurs.

"No problem. I hate when that happens." She offers a smile. "I'm Emelda Night." He blinks at her name before smiling back.

"I'm Duke Tyran Alistair, it's a pleasure to meet you." He rumbles.

"Duke? Which province do you stay in?" She blinks curiously.

"You don't know?" He raises an eyebrow.

"No. A few months ago I lost my memory, so there's a lot I'm relearning." She shrugs slightly. He hums before nodding in understanding.

"I'm in the province south of your father's. I watch over the border of the Wilds." He tells her.

"Oh. So you keep the beasts out." She recalls with a nod. "How interesting. What's been your biggest opponent?" She starts to smile more, brimming with curiosity. He blinks in surprise before an amused smile comes to his lips.

But before he can answer, Jack interrupts their dance. "Excuse me. May I steal M'lady for a moment?" He asks Tyran, but Emelda is quick to answer.

"No." She responds bluntly, surprising them both.

"E-Emelda..." Jack's eye twitches slightly.

"We are dancing. I wish to finish it." She tells him firmly. A sound leaves him, she could tell that she had struck his last nerve with that. It almost makes her smile to see him struggling to keep from losing his temper.

Then the sound of a trumpet steals everyone's attention as the ballroom doors open and the royals are announced to enter. Emelda straightens, her and Tyran breaking apart to bow and offer the royals a greeting with everyone else. When she straightens she observes the royals. Seemed to just be the King and the Prince. Both blond, the king was a short man with a scruffy beard and blue eyes, and the Prince with short wavy hair and magenta eyes who was probably foot taller than Emelda. They wore white and red suits with gold accessories.

She had to admit, the prince was pretty cute, but it was obvious he was trying not to actually look at anyone.

"Perfect, come Emelda." Jack grasps her arm, but she instantly rips it away. He grits his teeth and raises his hands with a tight smile. "Come on Emee', we should go greet-" He breaks off as a sudden surge of shock ripples through the crowd from the ballroom doors. They look over at that, the crowd clearing away from a single man.

"No way." Emelda breathes, the Demon Duke that everyone has been gossiping about, was an actual demon. He had bright blond hair, combed back but still had a wild look, a tuft of bright red hair sat above his forehead reminding her of a firework bloom. Two orange horns sat above his eyes looking like scythes pointed towards the sky, not very big, just sharp looking, black cracks were spread over the orange, like spider webs almost. His eyes were heterochromia, left eye red, right eye fiery yellow. He also had a tail too, a dark scarlet one that flicked behind him like a slightly annoyed cat. He wore a black and red suit, but it didn't seem well-kept, even had a dust splotch on an elbow.

"It's him." Jack breathes, quickly taking a glass from a tray as a servant stood frozen beside him. He feels the rim for a moment. "Emee. You should go greet him." He tells her, passing her the drink.

"Hm? Okay." She blinks in slight confusion.

"Don't. The King wishes for him to be ignored." The maid from earlier is suddenly beside her whispering to her. Emelda just looks at her in growing confusion.

"Begone." Jack hisses at the maid. "No matter what they say, it's rude to ignore him." He adds to Emelda with a smile.

"Alright. I'll take it. But you should leave me alone." She huffs.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Tyran says, though he had stayed silent until now, making her forget him for a moment.

Emelda looks between each of them before looking at the demon who was getting ignored by everyone else, his face darkening slightly. A feeling of sympathy coming over her.

Without another word, nor a second thought, she approaches the demon. He meets her gaze as she stops in front of him. "Would you like a drink sir?" She offers a smile. He blinks in surprise before becoming suspicious.

"Why? Is it poisoned?" He questions harshly. She blinks at him.

"Poisoned?" She echoes before looking at the cup. It would explain why Jack was so insistent on this. "I don't know." She informs the demon, looking him in the eye. "So I'll drink it." She adds before drinking it all. The demon's eyes widen in shock at her.

"What-" He manages as she feels something burning surge up from her stomach, foam coming up into her mouth and spilling out. She feels the burning spreading through her veins, her eyesight darkening as her body starts to convulse making her fall to the side before blacking out.