
The Demon Duke's Best Friend

Renia was just a tired, overworked server when she found a strange red book titled Drenuz Kingdom. Unfortunately, she never lived long enough to get home and read it. Her death wasn't her end though, as she now finds herself in a different world, in a Kingdom called Drenuz. She's not sure how or why, but she's determined to live freely in this new world.

PirateQueenD · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Spilling The Tea

"Emee's first tea party!" Jinx gushes. She was rushing about the moment she heard.

"Jinx it's not solid until we get an invite. There's no reason to get excited yet." Emelda tries to calm her.

"Don't be so modest! It was only a matter of time! I'm going to check your things! Surely there's something!" Jinx rushes upstairs at that.

"... I'm tired." Emelda sighs.

"I think it's sweet she's so happy for you." Bane nudges her. "But she's right it was only a matter of time. He heads to the kitchen.

Emelda looks at Raiden defeated. He meets her gaze and pats her shoulder understandingly.

"We should devise an escape plan." He breathes.

"You're the only one that understands... But... I don't want to disappoint Varen. So I'll give it a shot." She sighs.

"Aw... So what do I do when you're away?" He pouts. Emelda frowns and pats his shoulder in return.

"Go pick a job for us to do when the time comes." She responds.

"Deal." He nods. "Until then... I think we gotta work on dinner." He says looking upstairs as Jinx calls for Varen to help her.

"Seems so."

The invitation arrived just after dinner, sending the two servants into a frenzy while Emelda, Bane, and Raiden read it.

"Tomorrow? That's really short notice..." Bane comments.

"But I wanted to go to the job board tomorrow," Emelda grumbles.

"I'll get us a good one," Raiden assures lightly.

"M'lady!!! We must get you a dress and accessories!" Jinx gasps rushing to her. "And perfume!"

"We won't have time Jinx. It's too late now." Emelda points out.

"B-But... You gotta make a good first impression!" Jinx worries.

"Don't worry Jinx. We'll go first thing in the morning to get her the dress. I'm sure Mrs. Dolce will be able to help." Varen calms the maid. "We'll be back before you wake." He adds to Emelda.

"Do as you please." Emelda rubs her temple.

"We will!" Jinx rushes back upstairs.

"Get some rest, you have a big day tomorrow Varen breathes before heading down the hall.

"Too bad Varen's already going along. Having a knight would boost your popularity there." Bane says confidently.

"You just want a rich girlfriend." Emelda smirks, surprising him.

"Not at all, I prefer wild ones." He chuckles sheepishly.

"Emee's pretty wild... Like a Canake..." Raiden comments.

"I don't wanna be compared to a serpent feline." She objects quickly, making the demon laugh lightly.

"Yeah. Lady Emelda is more of my type." Bane agrees. She pauses with a blush at that.

"I'm going to bed." She decides to head upstairs. Bane smiles after her as Raiden follows.

"Let's have a bedtime story." Raiden hums nudging her.

"Oh? Tales of beasts?" Emelda raises an eyebrow.

"Tales of other worlds preferably." He tilts his head, looking her in the eyes carefully. She blinks as she realizes what he meant.

"I would... Really like that." She smiles. He returns the smile and they ease into her room, going and rolling onto the bed.

"Should I begin?" He breathes.

"Absolutely." She nods vigorously.

"I'm from a self-inflicted dying land... A self-raised orphan. Hiding from the adults, because all they sought was destruction. When it became evident that we were on the brink of extinction... They began using the children as experiments to find other worlds to take over and destroy..." He rubs a scar that she had never noticed on his left forearm.

"They had implanted a tracking device when they sent me into a portal. I wandered into this... Warping madness that churned my insides until I found a rip in the darkness, showing this kingdom... It was so beautiful... I instantly wanted to save it from my world, so I used my horn- they were much shorter then, to rip it out before leaping into this world." He murmurs.

"Then that lady found you." Emelda nods, guessing the rest. He nods thoughtfully.

"Your turn." He murmurs. So she told him her story, and at the end of it, he only laughed lightly. "That's just like you Emee... Or... I suppose Reni might be better." He offers.

"No. Let's not make it complicated... I'm Emelda Night. Renia died, and all that's left is her personality." She smiles at the ceiling.

"Well, still pretty amazing." He breathes. They peer at each other before he rolls over. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight Raiden." She responds rolling over as well and soon drifting off.

"This is too much." Emelda sweatdrops, looking at the rack of dresses that Varen and Jinx had woken them up by bringing in.

"I like the middle one. That's Emee." Raiden yawns with a point.

"Why are you in here?" Varen huffs at him.

"Fell asleep after stories," Raiden responds sleepily.

"I like the middle one too." Emelda peers at the dark blue with black lace and designs.

"Why not try something brighter?" Varen gestures to a pastel-green one.

"Put black lace on it and I'll consider." She responds. He pauses, before taking the dress back out. "Jinx isn't it a bit early..."

"No. You need to start getting ready, the tea party is at noon." Jinx tells her. Emelda peers at the rising sun outside her window.

"Alright. Let's get this over with." She sighs, getting out of bed. Raiden flops back down to go back to sleep. She sends him a jealous frown as Jinx drags her off to the washroom.

"Perfect timing," Bane says leaving the washroom. "All warmed up for you." He rumbles.

"You all are too excited for this." She shakes her head before entering with Jinx. The maid gets her all cleaned up and dressed in the undergarments before rushing to get the dresses.

"Look! Varen changed up this one for you." Jinx holds up the pastel green dress, now covered in a starry black lace design.

"... There's no way he..." Emelda feels it over, as unbelievable as it was it seemed pretty perfect. "Alright. I'll wear it since he put in the effort." She decides. Maybe Varen could use magic? Seemed like a normal thing here.

She finishes getting dressed only to be dragged along to her room for makeup and accessories. "Jinx we don't really have anything to go with this." She points out.

"Ah... Guess we'll just stick to black ribbon then... How about we keep your hair down?" Jinx suggests.

"Whatever you want," Emelda responds simply. So Jinx does just that, keeping Emelda's hair down and adding a black ribbon.

"There you go! So cute M'lady. I wish I had more opportunities to dress you up." Jinx gushes.

"I need to get you a doll..." Emelda shakes her head looking in the mirror. She was pretty cute like this and compared to her last life when the most she did to dress up was just a dress.

"Hehe but that wouldn't compare to you." Jinx teases. Emelda waves her off with a blush. "I hope we get more things to dress you in. Ms. Rebecca had nice ones ready, but I've seen nobles with dresses like starlight... You would look so beautiful in one of those." Jinx gushes. Emelda watches her in amusement.

"If anyone here needs more fashionable clothes it's our dependable servants," Emelda comments getting up from the chair Jinx had her sit in.

"Wha? Us? Don't be silly M'lady, you should always come first!" Jinx says sheepishly.

"I'd rather not... Hmm, I wonder what Raiden will suggest for you..." Emelda starts out, wearing her adventurer boots because she didn't have another pair.

"You really don't have to," Jinx calls after her.

Emelda reaches the bottom floor and goes to the dining room where Bane and Raiden were readying the table for breakfast.

"Raiden, I think the servants should have nicer attire." She hums. He pauses and looks over at her, his eyes widening a fraction as Bane whistles.

"M'lady, I haven't seen anyone as lovely as you." Bane rumbles.

"Oh, thank you." Emelda shifts her gaze before meeting Raiden's.

"Ah... Right... No, sorry you're so adorable your question just went over my head." The demon scratches his head as he tries to remember the question. "Oh! Better clothes for Varen and Jinx sound great. I hate those boring outfits they all get." His brain finally catches up, making Emelda giggle.

"Glad you agree. I don't know what we should change for them though."

"Me neither. but I think something like the ghost merchant's clothes will be nice." He rumbles.

"I do like his get-up." She agrees. They finished setting up the table, discussing the servant's attire as they all eat breakfast together. After the food is gone and everything is cleaned up, Varen goes over how tea parties normally go with Emelda.

Finally, they arrive at the Force manor, a grand beautiful building with marble columns. Emelda had been fine until they arrived, but now she was nervous.

"Are you ready?" Varen asks her lightly. She meets his gaze briefly before adjusting his collar and then smoothing her dress. She offers a nod as a servant comes to greet and escort them.

Along a path to a flower garden with a gazebo. On the gazebo, a few women were already present with Madam Force herself. They greet Emelda politely. She felt like she was entering a pit of snakes as she offers a curtsy.

"Welcome Lady Night." Madam Force smiles before hiding her mouth behind a pale blue fan.

"Thank you for having me, Madam Force," Emelda responds, taking a seat that Varen pulls out for her.

As they wait for five more to join, the others converse and gossip cheerfully. Emelda didn't feel ignored- but rather forgotten as she sat awkwardly. Once the rest got there though, that quickly changed as she became the main topic.

"I had no idea you left home! We used to talk at the dinner parties when my dad hosted..." One of the women gasp.

"Really?" Emelda blinks.

"Yes. Your father must be livid that the Grand Duke is courting you." The woman gushes.

"Oh, we're not together like that, more like roommates." Emelda corrects with a dismissive wave.

"Sounds scandalous if you ask me." Persephone comments, some of the others giggling in agreement. Madam Force's eyes bore into Emelda at that, still hiding half of her face behind a fan.

"Believe what you will, just know you're wrong." Emelda tells them unphased as she sips her tea.

"That's not much of a defense." Persephone comments.

"Defense? Does that mean you're attacking me right now?" Emelda peers at her coldly. The women's faces drop. "Because if so. You might wanna try harder."

"You're definitely different like the rumors say." The former acquaintance remarks.

"How unrefined you are." Another shakes her head almost scolding.

"An unrefined gem is all the better at cutting others." Emelda smiles simply.

"M'lady..." Varen says quietly in a warning. She peers at him and relaxes before looking at the ladies again.

"You're truly something... And your servant seems impudent." Madam Force finally speaks.

"Varen is quite smart and capable. I respect his input." Emelda responds simply.

"I see. I'd like him to pour me some tea then." Madam Force beckons him, making Emelda's hands twitch as she glances at Varen.

"Certainly Madam Force." He bows before approaching to pour her some. As he pours, there's a sudden jerk in the floor as his foot sinks down with a plank, spilling the tea everywhere. There are slight cries as the women move to get away, Madam Force not being fast enough.

"How incompetent!" Madam Force stands, raising her hand sharply, only for Emelda who had already approached as the spill happened, to catch her wrist easily.

"Hey. What do ya think you're doing raising your hand to Varen?" Emelda inquires in annoyance.

"You dare stand in my way?" Madam Force growls, but for some reason, Emelda didn't feel she was angry.

"Lady. I don't care who you think you are. I live with a demon. I don't fear you nor wild beasts, so don't think for a moment I'll let you hurt Varen or anyone else near me." Emelda responds with a lip curl.

"You..." Madam Force's eyes widen in shock.

"And don't bother coming after our money. We're kinda broke. But we're not afraid to earn it." Emelda informs.

"Release Madam Force you beastly woman!"

"How dare you touch her filth!"

The women start to hurl insults at them, but Emelda sends a smug smile in response and they silence in shock. Emelda releases Madam Force.

"Sorry Varen, I'm too wild for these women." She hums, starting to leave the gazebo and garden. Varen swiftly follows, not sure how to patch up the situation.

They make it to the gates but a servant stops them. "Just a moment." Madam Force is already behind them, but just her.

"What now?" Emelda turns, stepping in front of Varen protectively. Madam Force crosses the space between them to grasp Emelda's hand.

"Please come by when you can." She murmurs. Emelda looks at her utterly baffled.

"... Okay...?"