
The Demon Duke's Best Friend

Renia was just a tired, overworked server when she found a strange red book titled Drenuz Kingdom. Unfortunately, she never lived long enough to get home and read it. Her death wasn't her end though, as she now finds herself in a different world, in a Kingdom called Drenuz. She's not sure how or why, but she's determined to live freely in this new world.

PirateQueenD · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Preparing For Job Three

"I'm back," Emelda enters the manor. Jinx and Bane come to greet her.

"Already?" Jinx frowns lightly.

"I uh... Found them rude." Emelda scratches her cheek.

"Madam Force invited her over again." Varen assures.

"Well that's good at least." Jinx relaxes with a smile.

"Is Raiden still gone?" She asks.

"Yes. I'm sure he'll be back soon." Bane comments. Emelda blinks and nods, going past and up to her room. Jinx frowns before looking at Varen.

"She confronted Madam Force before she was invited back, so she's a bit shocked still." He informs lightly, though he wondered if that was the full truth.

"I'll go talk to her." Jinx assures them before going up.

Emelda eases off the dress, pausing when Jinx enters her room. She looks back at the maid before continuing to strip to change.

"Are you okay M'lady?" Jinx asks. Emelda pauses before slipping into a normal dress.

"I feel bad. I didn't even try to gain favor. I just wanted to get out of an uncomfortable situation... I'm sorry Jinx. I know you were excited for me." Emelda breathes. Jinx blinks in surprise before looking down briefly.

"You know... The old you probably would've been bullied by the other women, given her timid nature." Jinx tells her coming closer. "I'm pretty proud of the Emelda that won't let herself be pushed around... I just hope she can make friends with worthy allies." She touches Emelda's shoulder with a light smile.

Emelda meets her gaze and relaxes a bit. "Well, as weird as it was, Force seemed rather happy with me." She admits. "So maybe you don't have to worry.

"I believe Madam Force will be a great friend if that's true." Jinx chuckles.

Emelda finishes changing and heads out with Jinx to go count their current funds. They gather in the office to start, Emelda stacking the coins neatly before counting.

"We have two hundred gold, and fifty silver." She tells the household. "Here's your pay." She gives each twenty gold coins. "Raiden wants this half donated to the church. She moves seventy away. "Half of this is for food. and the rest is for whatever." She sacks 35 coins for food and hands it to Jinx. The church donation is given to Varen before Emelda sacks the last bit of coin.

"We're really scraping by. Why not just give us ten?" Jinx asks.

"Because you're not expendable. We need you guys around. Running this big ole place alone would be difficult, let alone shopping and cooking between jobs. So that's your pay. Until we figure out a better way...." Emelda puts her hands together in thought. Her knowledge from her old world was limited and she's not sure she could help with advancements besides new recipes.

"What are you thinking?" Jinx asks.

"Maybe a restaurant. With our line of work we could get the ingredients ourselves, preserving them would be the main challenge..." Emelda sighs.

"I think you should go with it. Pave your way Emelda." Varen smiles thoughtfully. She meets his gaze for a few moments before looking away with a small blush.

"Alright. We'll give it a shot." She mumbles.

"I'm back!!" Raiden's voice sounds downstairs.

"In here!" Jinx calls back. Raiden soon pops in and pauses, blinking at Emelda.

"You're back already?" He beams coming over and giving her a hug.

"Yeah. They couldn't handle me very well." Emelda says lightly.

"I'm sure they couldn't. Look at the job I got us." He opens the paper he had carried in. "It's a mine that needs to be rid of beasts." He grins. "Oh but, you need armor... And a new weapon.." He straightens and picks up the coin bag. "I don't know if this'll cover it..."

"Yes it will!" Jinx puts half of her pay on the table, the other two doing the same. "We need you just as much as you need us. So do what you have to, and return home safely." Jinx says.

"As we are now, we can't very well go with you without getting in the way." Varen tells her.

"I'll go help with local jobs while you two handle the away ones." Bane decides.

"You guys really are dependable..." Emelda smiles as Raiden adds the coins.

"Lets go see Larc then. Maybe he has something for armor too." Raiden grins.

"Alright. Let's leave in two days, we'll help around town until then." She decides.

"Perfect." Raiden agrees as they head out together.

"Think we'll be rewarded with a jewel for the new job?" She asks as they go out the door.

"Maybe." He smiles. "If not we can take some from the mine."

"Feels a bit dishonest though." Emelda comments. "Lets decide after we meet the client."

"Deal." He nods. "So do you want me to go scare those women? They made you upset right?" Raiden asks.

"No its fine, I think I scared them plenty." She chuckles. "How's Caster?"

"He was out helping a farmer today, Jake was there, he just got back from an escort job." He responds lightly.

"Glad he's doing well." She smiles lightly, looking ahead. "You know... Today it felt like I really didn't belong in this world." She breathes. He glances at her and puts an arm around her neck, bringing her closer.

"I get it. But you're not leaving me here alone." He teases, pinching her cheek playfuly.

"Hehe. I won't." She chuckles moving his hand away. "You're being cuddly today. Did you miss me?" She teases.

"Yeah. It's been a while so I forgot how it was before you came here." He says sheepishly.

"Well next time you should make an appearance." She muses.

"You're going to go to another party then?" He comments.

"Jinx seems to think I should have more friends... So I'll try if I get another invite." She nods.

"Alright. I'll support you if I can." He decides.

"Thanks. I think you should make friends too. But it's bound to be a lot harder." She comments.

"That's very true." He agrees with a nod. "But that's fine, I really only need one."

"I'm glad it's me then."

They eventually reach the blacksmith, going in and making Larc straighten. "Good, you're back." He greets, standing up and grabbing something of a shelf nearby, bringing it over to her. a pair of gauntlets, mostly purplish metal with golden designs. "I got a spark of inspiration after you left and spent a day crafting it." He says as she takes them lightly.

"For me? Thank you... How much?" She tries them on but pauses, pulling on the straps that felt like an elastic band. Her eyes widen, pulling on it. "What's this? You make it?" She gasps

"Yes. it's what took me the longest. I wanted it to be comfortable for you." He says.

"You need to sell this to the tailors." She tells him seriously. "This will change clothes as we know it."

"Ah... Okay..." Larc blinks in confusion at her sudden intensity.

"Do you have any armor that will fit Emee? Her last outfit kinda has scratches in it." Raiden tells him.

"Perhaps some chainmail will work." Larc nods going to the armor area of his shop, pulling out some folded chainmail bringing it over and helping Emelda slip into it. She staggers slightly at the weight.

"Geez..." Emelda breathes. "This'll take some training to get used to... How much do we owe you?" Emelda asks, feeling a bit nervous as Raiden brings out the coin sack. Larc blinks, looking over their expressions before taking the sack and pulling out two coins.

"I'll take two coins for now. But you owe me fifty. Pay when you can." He tells them. Emelda and Raiden blink before sharing a look.

"You're sure?" Raiden gasps. "We have enough for the payment."

"Yes. I'm sure we'll keep dealing in the future. I don't want to leave you guys worrying for money." He assures.

"... We're going to repay you big." Raiden decides as Emelda nods in agreement.

"I have no doubt you will. Stay safe on your next adventure." Larc rumbles. With that the pair head out.

"Should we get a mini job for tomorrow since we're over here?" She asks Raiden.

"Sounds good." The demon nods and they head for the Adventurers Guild.

"We should try for a hunting job." Emelda murmurs.

"Yeah, bring the Dolce's more hide and have meat for the manor." He agrees.

"Ah. Raiden. Emelda." A familiar voice makes them look over to the Guild master as he carries large sacks.

"Hey boss. let me help with one." Raiden goes to take one.

"Thank you. I received a report from your client. You both did well on your last job. Keep it up." He praises.

"Thanks boss." Emelda nods.

"We'll be taking on a few more jobs around town before the next big one. Emee needs to get used to her armor." Raiden says.

"I see. Then I just received a small job on the way here." He offers a paper. "Merchants in the south district are having trouble with thieves. You get a reward for each one you catch."

"Sounds easy enough." Emelda nods as Raiden takes the paper.

"We'll handle it." Raiden agrees.

"Good. Before long you'll be promoted to C rank." Caster smiles.

They reach the guild, going to the kitchen to drop off the food sacks. Some members coming to greet them.

"Emee! Raiden said you went to a tea party. Did you have fun?" Jake smiles.

"Kinda. Good to see you in good health." She greets.

"I heard you took on a dragon Raiden. You're a real warrior." Emerson comments.

"You think so? you should've seen Emee taking on an otherworldly beast. No weapons. And still won." Raiden grins.

"Rai..." Emelda frowns self-consciously.

"Really? Not bad Emelda." The guys praise making her chuckle sheepishly.

"Anyway. We should head home, we have a lot to prepare for the next job." Raiden tells them.

"See you two later, take care." They wave off the pair.