
The Demon Duke's Best Friend

Renia was just a tired, overworked server when she found a strange red book titled Drenuz Kingdom. Unfortunately, she never lived long enough to get home and read it. Her death wasn't her end though, as she now finds herself in a different world, in a Kingdom called Drenuz. She's not sure how or why, but she's determined to live freely in this new world.

PirateQueenD · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

Growing Trust

"Raiden. If that thing gets anywhere near here people are going to die." Emelda tells him, earning his gaze.

"I'll try to hold it off." He nods before they look at Caster expectantly. The big man looks between them before looking at Emerson.

"Grab everyone and head for the Kingdom gates just in case. Raiden and I will slow the beast. Bane, Emelda, and Jake will go after the leader." He orders his men.

"Right. Come on Emee, if we don't destroy that horn, taking out the beast won't stop the problem." Bane waves. Emelda and Raiden look at each other at that.

"Be safe." She tells him.

"You too." He nods rushing for the beast with Caster.

Emelda runs with Bane and Jake down the moonlit path that the bandits had traveled to get to the village. This felt crazy to Emelda, like a dream, she never imagined something like this happening.

"Alright, chances are he's nearby and knows what happened at the village, keep your eyes peeled," Bane tells them. Emelda nods while Jake huffs in response, both searching the darkness for the shape of the leader.

The ground starts to shake as the creature starts to move. The trio looks over uneasily until a flash of lightning collides into its face.

"Raiden." Emelda breathes.

"That puts me at ease." Bane manages.

"There!" Jake suddenly gasps, grabbing them as he stops making them both fall. "S-Sorry..."

"What is it, Jake?" Bane sits up, helping Emelda as he peers about.

"There." Jake kneels with them, pointing towards a fiery glow nearby.

"The camp. Split up and sneak over to it. If you spot someone with the horn, your priority is to destroy it." Bane tells them.

"Right." She and Jake respond, pausing as everything shakes. They look back at the bear beast as it stumbles backward.

"What're the chances of it falling on us?" Jake murmurs.

"Zero if we destroy the horn first, now let's go," Bane answers moving to the left. Jake and Emelda share an uneasy look before moving toward the camp as well.

Emelda reaches it first, peering about cautiously. It looked empty like the bandit leader had already gone. Bane and Jake are the first to creep toward the fire. Emelda joins them as Bane curses.

"A trap?" Emelda offers uneasily.

"Then where..." Bane looks at her along with Jake but their eyes are drawn up to the sky, making the blood leave Emelda's face as she looks back, finding the towering creature looking down at them. A movement to the right of them catches Emelda's eyes.

"He's there!" She tells them, darting for the shape as the beast raises a large paw. Bane and Jake swiftly chase after her. The paw comes down on the camp, the shock wave tossing them forward. Emelda tumbles, managing to keep her grip on the spear.

As she gets to her hands she catches the glimpse of boots and swiftly looks up as the leader raises his axe. She manages to roll away and get to her feet but his foot kicks out, connecting with her chest and knocking the air from her lungs as she tumbles back into a tree.

The ground shakes as Raiden and Caster continue their assault on the creature. The bandit leader swiftly approaches, readying the axe to swing but Bane's feet collide with his side, sending him tumbling away.

"You okay Emee?" Jake gasps moving between her and the leader as he fights Bane. She coughs, getting her breath back in gasps as she stands.

"Yeah." She manages as Bane gets knocked away. Jake nods and rushes the bandit leader with his twin blades, clashing with the axe. Emelda moves to help Bane to his feet.

"He's pretty tough. Could you destroy the horn while we fight with him?" He requests, switching his gauntlets for something stronger. Her eyes lock on the horn at that as it dangles on the leader's hip.

"Leave it to me." She nods. With that Bane rejoins the skirmish, taking shots with his fisticuffs. Emelda moves to the leader's blindside, eyes locked on the horn.

He must've sensed her, knocking back Jake's blades before grabbing him and throwing him into her. They fall back but Bane clocks him in the chin making him stagger before swinging his axe at Bane. Bane blocks it with his gauntlets but gets knocked back.

The bandit leader staggers back, grabbing the horn from his hip. Jake gets off Emelda but his gaze goes to the sky instead of the bandit leader. The beast falls towards them. Bane and Jake freeze in horror. Emelda swiftly stands, swinging the blunt end of the spear at the bandit leader's face as he brings the horn to his lips to regain control of the situation.

The horn shatters as the end of the spear crashes through it and against the leader's mouth. Bane and Jake tear their eyes away from the falling beast and crash into Emelda to cover her as darkness comes over them.

Then there was green light around them, the trio looks up as glowing green orbs surround them before drifting into the sky.

"Huh... You did it just in time." Bane huffs, the guys slumping in relief.

"And you took out that bastard." Jake looks to the leader.

"Too close either way. What would've happened if he blew it again?" She asks.

"If the runes were ready, he would've summoned a second one." Bane answers.

"That's just unfair." Jake huffs. "Good job Emee." He pats her arm.

There's a flicker of lightning nearby before Raiden appears. "Emee! You alright!?" He gasps reaching them.

"That was too close." She tells him.

"Heh. You're telling me. I didn't know what to do when I spotted you guys beneath it." He says kneeling in front of her in relief.

"Yeah, I think everyone froze when they saw it coming down." She chuckles.

"Yet you moved anyway." Jake reminds her.

"There's just... More time than you think in those moments." She murmurs, remembering another life.

"That's... Really amazing." Bane shakes his head, Caster joining them.

"Well done you three. The village is safe. The others are probably returning to it now. Let's go meet them." He tells the group.


The village elder thanks Caster profusely once everyone is back in the village. They pay the guild in meat, hides, a few gems, and a curious relic. Peering at the relic it seemed to be a stone tablet written in English instead of the odd alphabet this world uses.

Everything is loaded up into the carriage before Adventurers are led to the village inn to rest as Emerson takes the carriage back.

Since the inn is so small, they need to have three people per room. Raiden, Emelda, and Bane find themselves sharing a room.

"Guess we're sleeping on the floor." Bane comments to Raiden.

"Alright." Raiden nods.

"Seems a bit mean though." Emelda frowns, and while she appreciated the gesture having them both sleep uncomfortably felt unfair.

"So what do you suggest?" Raiden hums. "Is there a way to make a hammock?"

"Maybe if there's a big enough sheet and a way to tie it up." She tilts her head.

"What's a hammock?" Bane mutters as the pair look around before working on one.

They were able to make one next to the bed. They let Bane try it out, but he instantly falls asleep. The pair share a shrug before deciding to climb into bed together.

"Goodnight Raiden."

"Goodnight Emelda."

The next day, Emerson returns with the carriage around noon and the Adventurers start for the Kingdom. The others that had helped with the brief evacuation, had taken the bandits to the Kingdom for the reward.

Caster had offered Emelda a ride on his mount, a tiger-looking creature the size of a rhino. "Careful Emelda, if you're too stiff Masta will buck." He warns.

"Eh?" She squeaks, shifting slightly.

"Relax." Caster chuckles in amusement. Emelda peers ahead at the carriage, Raiden watching from within the carriage. He offers a grin and a wave at her when he feels her gaze.

"We're going to fall behind at this rate." Emelda murmurs to him.

"Are you in a rush? Your next job is still a few days away." He says lightly. She peers at the guild leader as he walks beside them.

"Be honest. Would I be in this guild if I hadn't shown up with Raiden?" She asks. He glances at her before looking ahead.

"Has that been troubling you?" He inquires.

"Not really, just curious." She admits. He hums with a nod, still looking ahead.

"You are... Like me." He says lightly. "We are... Protective of the weak, but we don't have the restraint of a Saint." Emelda swallows down a lump, peering at him. "You were probably called a monster for it too. Weren't you?"

Emelda's fingers twitch and she looks away. "That's..."

"You needn't say anything. Just know we can understand each other. So about your question. I would've accepted you no matter what." He adds.

"Good to know." She relaxes looking ahead. As if her relaxation was the key, Masta starts to trot forward, catching up to the carriage easily. Caster chuckles, quickly rejoining her.

"Looks like you got the hang of it. Ready to rejoin Raiden?" He rumbles.

"Yes. I don't want to slow you down anymore." She answers. He nods, helping her dismount but then tosses her to Raiden who catches her easily. "Ah!"

"Heh. Look at your face!" Raiden snickers at her, bringing her into the carriage.

"Please don't throw me, Caster!" Emelda gasps making the big man laugh as he gets on his mount.

"That was just a toss, Emelda, you'll know when I throw you." He assures.

"I rather not know." She shoots back. "That sounds scary."

"I thought it was fun," Raiden tells her, crossing his legs.

"He threw you..?" Emelda gasps.

"Yeah. At the Gigbear's face." He grins. "I couldn't get to that height on my own."

"You're crazy. You could've been eaten." She shakes her head.

"Well, I probably could've killed it that way." He shrugs making her chuckle in amusement. Compared to how cold he was at the ball, he was like a cheerful puppy now. Emelda was surprised by his transformation, but she also liked seeing him happy.

"I wish I could've watched the fight instead of looking for the leader. It was probably epic." Jake sighs.

"It was. Caster was letting off mini shock waves when he was attacking the beast's feet. It was really impressive. I never met such a powerful human before." Raiden breathes making the others grin.

"Told you the boss is amazing." Bane rumbles.

"He really is something-" The carriage suddenly drops to the side, making those in it slide to the side. Raiden and Emelda come nose to nose as a result.

"Hang on! I got you." Caster calls and the carriage starts to adjust but jerks slightly. "The wheel's stuck." He announces.

Raiden's and Emelda's cheeks were pressed together now since they both turned their faces to the side to avoid an accident. The other guys in the wagon carefully move to get out one by one before the pair follows them out.

"Looks like the bridge is rotting." Emelda hums looking at the damages. It wasn't a big bridge, but the rushing waters still made it dangerous. She didn't even realize they crossed it before.

"I think I can free the wheel," Bane says leaning over the edge.

"Just be careful. None of the swimmers are here." Jake frowns slightly.

"You guys can't swim?" Emelda blinks in surprise.

"No. Wait. You can?" Jake looks at her in surprise.

"Yeah. But that current looks pretty strong." She breathes as Bane carefully moves to free the wheel, Caster waiting to lift and push the carriage forward. Emelda moves closer to the edge just in case.

Bane manages to shift the wheel slightly. "Okay." He calls to Caster. The guild leader nods and lifts the carriage, pushing it forward. A board and Bane's foot suddenly gives and he falls backward into the river.

"Bane!" Jake calls out as Emelda dives in after him. She grabs his shirt but a tree branch snags the side of her dress, the current ripping him from her grasp. Her eyes widen in horror before she grits her teeth, ripping the top of her dress to dive free of the dress.

She wasn't on any swim team, but she was a careful swimmer. She moves with the current, catching up to Bane as he panics. She grabs him, pulling him close, before swinging her legs forward to find a foothold.

"Emelda!" Bane gasps.

"Hold onto me." She tells him, feet colliding with a rock and catching long enough for her to look about. "Raiden!" She calls, pointing to a fallen tree next to the bank ahead of them. She doesn't look back to see if he understood as the current pushes her off the rock. She tries to catch another foothold but she and Bane get swept under for a moment.

Water burns her nose after rushing up inside. She swiftly turns her body clumsily with Bane and kicks off the ground to resurface. She coughs out the water, trying to get her bearings.

"Emee!" Raiden's call has her looking for a tree branch. Once it appears overhead she reaches for it but her fingertips only graze it. Her heart sinks but Bane catches it quickly, coughing up water as well. Emelda glances at him in relief as she swiftly grabs hold as well.

"Hold on tight Emee!" Raiden shouts, moving the tree trunk to pull them out.

Bane and Emelda collapse on the ground to catch their breath. The others rush over to check on them but stop short, turning red. Raiden hastily moves forward to cover Emelda with his coat since she only wore a wrap around her chest and black pair of knickers, her shoes pretty much ruined.

"Thanks, Emelda, you really saved..." Bane trails off when he sits up and looks at her. He turns pink and swiftly looks away.

"Here Raiden. My coat will cover her better." Caster passes it to him. Raiden nods and swiftly bundles her up as she recollects herself and looks about.

"Hm? You okay Bane?" She checks on him first. He hesitantly peers at her.

"I'm alright. Thanks, Emelda." He says again with a nod.

"Good. Oh!" She gasps as Raiden scoops her up bridal style.

"You've been working hard Emee. Get some sleep. I'll get you home safely." The demon smiles happily. She blinks up at him before nestling into the coats more.

"Okay." She murmurs, relaxing in his arms and closing her eyes, exhaustion quickly taking her.

They watch her for a moment before returning to the carriage. "You know... I have three sisters and none of them are like Emelda." Jake comments.

"Didn't know women learned how to swim." Bane nods.

"She's pretty different, that's for sure." Raiden peers at her thoughtfully, holding her a bit tighter. "Let's go home."