
The Demon Duke's Best Friend

Renia was just a tired, overworked server when she found a strange red book titled Drenuz Kingdom. Unfortunately, she never lived long enough to get home and read it. Her death wasn't her end though, as she now finds herself in a different world, in a Kingdom called Drenuz. She's not sure how or why, but she's determined to live freely in this new world.

PirateQueenD · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Battle of Beasts

The kids were singing itsy bitsy spider cheerfully as Emelda peered out of the back of their carriage, Rome was curled up against her, napping quietly.

Raiden watches for any trouble from his spot, tail flicking now and then in boredom. He and Emelda often sharing looks.

"Lady Emelda, how much longer? feels like we've been in here forever." Cassie, one of the orphans says as she flops dramatically.

"Unfortunately it's going to take two days little one. We're only a quarter of the way now." Emelda explains.

"Another day?! I'm going to die of boredom!" She complains.

"I think you're being over dramatic." Lily sweatshops as Emelda chuckles.

"Alright. Let's play a game, then." Emelda hums and the children light up, looking at her with glittery eyes. "It's called twenty questions. You just gotta pick who you wanna ask."


"Raiden!" The children seemed divided on that.

"You call?" Raiden asks, hopping onto the back of their carriage. The children gasp and giggle at that.

"The kids wanna ask us questions," Emelda informs him.

"Okay." He shifts and slides into the carriage next to Emelda.

"So we'll take turns answering questions, we'll both answer ten." She tells the children. "Who has a question for me?"

Cassie throws up a hand at that, and Emelda gives her nod to ask. "Do you like black? You always wear it even though there are no funerals."

"Hmm, I suppose I do. I think it goes best with dark blue." She smiles. "Now who has a question for Raiden?"

"Meee me!" Bleaky gasps raising a hand.

"Go ahead." Raiden chuckles.

"Where are you from?" Bleaky asks curiously. Raiden pauses before humming.

"It was a place called, Ragnor." He answers.

"It wasn't hell?" Cassie murmurs, sharing a puzzled look with an orphan named Abby.

"Girls." Sister Lily scolds lightly.

"Next question for Emee." Raiden switches the subject.

"Me!" Bleaky raises his hand.

"You just asked." Cassie frowns at him.

"Can I ask?" A boy named Mark inquires.

"Go ahead." Emelda hums.

"Why are you so nice?" He asks.

"Hmm..." Emelda looks at Raiden briefly. "Because I know how it is to be treated badly. I don't want to do that to others just because I have a title." She answers lightly.

"You were treated badly? Is that why-"

"You can't ask her twice in a row Cassie." Bleaky interrupts. Cassie shoots him a glare at that.

"Alright. Raiden's turn." Emelda hums. Abby raises her hand nervously. Raiden sends her a nod.

"Do you like it here?"

"Yes. I like this place a lot more than Ragnor." He answers simply. Now the kids start raising their hands swiftly to get to ask.

"What's your question, Sarah?" Emelda asks her lightly.

"Do you two live together?"

"We do," Emelda admits. Sister Lily shifts in her peripheral vision. The Nun was no doubt uncomfortable with the demon's presence.

Before any more questions can be asked, there's a sudden cry of surprise from the front of the caravan before the carriages shake as something large flies over them. Emelda and Raiden look out the carriage as a large beast lifts into the air to turn, head pointed towards the caravan.

"Is..." Emelda hadn't even heard of their existence here but there was no denying it. "That's a dragon!" She gasps in shock.

"That one's much bigger than the other I've seen." Raiden comments standing up and getting ready to jump out.

"Can you kill it?" Emelda asks, watching the white and gold creature before looking at him. He offers a reckless smile.

"I can try."

"Be careful." She requests meeting his eyes. His smile turns into a grin before he hops out of the carriage, the moment his foot touches the ground he launches into the air high above the caravan. He draws his cutlass with a slash, a lightning bolt whips from the tip, grazing the dragon.

The creature jolts and moves away briskly, but it's not done as it whips back around, now focused on Raiden. Emelda climbs on top of the carriage to get a better view. Raiden lands again and instantly launches at the dragon as it opens its mouth to eat him.

"Rai-!" Emelda gasps in horror but the demon grabs onto a fang and whips out, cutlass cutting into the side of the dragon's neck with lightning bolts flickering over it. The dragon jerks away, losing its momentum and going over the carriages, crashing into the forest.

"Yes!" Raiden cheers leaping over the carriages and out of sight. There's a whistle from the leading carriage and the caravan stops. Emelda swiftly gets down, rushing after Raiden.

When she reaches the crash site, she finds the demon dodging the dragon's claws. She relaxes slightly, seeing Raiden smiling while dodging. The dragon snaps its jaws at him suddenly. Raiden catches the top fangs, using a foot to keep it's mouth pried open. The beast starts to shake its head frantically.

"Ya feel death coming don't ya?" Raiden chuckles, his free leg bending as lightning builds around his foot, glowing brighter and brighter. "Don't worry. It's fast." He assures before kicking a large lightning bolt down the dragon's throat. It jerks and spasms, blood rushing out as the veins within burn up with an ember glow. Then the dragon collapses.

Emelda gaps in shock, her body moving on its own to Raiden. The demon bounces from side to side, tail wagging happily before he feels Emelda's presence and looks over. "Did you see?!" He grins with a point at the dragon.

"I did. Raiden... You're crazy. You're not hurt?" She finally leaves her shock to check him over. Raiden blinks in surprise as she carefully looks him over. He smiles with a sheepish blush at that.

"Nope. I'm good." He assures before looking over as their client comes over in a hurry. Salazar looks over the dragon in awe before clapping his hands.

"Splended! You're amazing, Grand Duke." He praises.

"Is everyone safe?" Raiden inquires.

"Yes thanks to you. No doubt that dragon wanted to eat our Gorbos." Salazar responds, referring to the hog-looking beasts that pulled the carriages.

"Good... Now what should we do with this? Seems like a waste to leave it." Raiden looks at the dragon.

"You're absolutely right. We'll set up camp and harvest what we can carry." Salazar was practically sparkling with excitement as he looks over the dragon. "Of course you can have whatever you like from it too." He adds.

"Alright, sounds good." Raiden nods. Salazar rushes off to tell the others at that, and Raiden climbs onto the dragon's head to feel a horn. "I kinda want a horn to put in my room."

"Why get a horn when the whole skull is here?" Emelda asks. Raiden pauses before he lights up.

"Can I really?" He gasps, hugging a horn.

"It's your room." Emelda points out. "And how often will you get the chance to get a dragon skull?" He grins brightly at that, seeming too happy to respond for a moment.

"Wait, what about you? Don't you want something from this?" Raiden asks her.

"... The hide could make for an awesome outfit." She admits looking over the rough scales.

"Then we'll take the hide from around it's neck. Think that'll be enough." He rumbles.

"half the neck is enough to wrap me in three times." She tells him.

"Alright. Half of the neck." He agrees.

Salazar wasn't at all bothered with letting them have those parts. The merchants were skilled at removing the hide and meat off the beast, collecting some bones and organs as well.

Nightfall came swiftly as they worked on the dragon. They even cleaned off the dragon skull for Raiden. The demon carries it over his head looking so happy as they reach camp.

The orphans gather around to marvel at it. "Wow! Is that from the dragon?!" Bleaky gasps, the boys excited.

"You won!" Mark cheers.

"Yep." Raiden smiles widely.

"Why do you have the skin?" Cassie asks Emelda.

"For an adventurer outfit." Emelda answers.

"Raiden is so cool!" Bleaky throws up his arms. The demon chuckles sheepishly, glancing at Emelda.

"Anyway, Mister Salazar says we're camping for the night so everyone stay nearby while we cook." Emelda tells them.

"Okay." Was their response.

The merchants were buzzing happily about the additions to their stock during mealtime. Raiden was happy receiving the random praises from them too. Emelda smiles, peering around the fires that were scattered around.

"Lady Emelda?" Rome gets her attention beside her.

"Yes Rome?" She hums.

"Was the dragon big?" He murmurs.

"Unbelievably so. Could've eaten Raiden whole if he wasn't so strong." She responds.

"Were you scared?" He asks.

"Kinda. I was more worried about my friend though." Emelda chuckles, on her other side Raiden smiles a bit.

"You're brave." Rome turns his face to the fire.

"I don't know about that." Emelda shakes her head. "I think reckless is a better word for it."

"It is." Raiden agrees. She nudges him at that and they share a chuckle.

After the mealtime is done, everyone starts to spread out more, the kids going with Sister Lily to a nearby stream for water. Emelda sits facing the direction they had disappeared, Raiden still sitting beside her.

"Kinda weird for a dragon to appear over here. The mountains are on the other side of the kingdom." He comments.

"Really? That's not good. It was pretty big.." Emelda frowns. "A food shortage?" She wonders.

"If it is, we may see more." He leans back to look at the stars. "Depending on the reason for the shortage."

"True." She rests her cheek on her fist. "I thought they blew out fire." He pauses looking horrified.

"I never heard of that, I'd be burnt to a crisp if that were true." He huffs.

"I'm so glad that's not true." She sighs in relief.

"Same. They're tough enough without that." He agrees.

They chat for a bit before Emelda straightens, looking towards the forest. "They're not back." She breathes getting up.

"I'll go with you." He says getting up.

"Alright, but let's be quick, won't be good to leave the caravan alone too long." She tells him as they share a nod. They hurry into the forest, straining their ears. After a few moments they hear the calls for help from different directions.

"I'll go this way." Raiden doesn't hesitate to take off for the furthest call. Emelda rushes for the other.

"Keep calling!" She calls to the children.

When she finds the crying child, it's Bleaky. "Sister Lily fell in a hole! They left me to go in the cave!" He tells her.

"Show me." She says swiftly, heart pounding. He nods running down into a ravine and stopping at a cave entrance. Emelda slides to a stop. "Stay in the entrance and listen for Raiden." She orders rushing into the darkness, thankfully dimly lit by odd glowing vines.

She hurries through, starting to hear hushed voices. Then she steps on air and tumbles forward, landing heavily below. She carefully gets up looking up to see how far she fell, only seven feet, but it would be hard for her to climb out.

"What was that?!" Abby's voice shakes ahead.

"Shh!" Another voice hisses.

"Sister Lily wake up!" Mark sniffles.

The tunnel opens up to a small cavern. The children freeze looking over at Emelda in fear before they all break down in relief, sobbing to her incoherently. They were covered in scraps and dirt, it was a miracle none of them seemed hurt.

"Shh shhh. Deep breathes." She murmurs as she moves to check on the unconscious Nun. Thankfully her condition wasn't bad, nothing seemed broken and she only had a nick on her forehead.

"Is she going to be okay?" Rome asks quietly, holding onto Sister Lily.

"I believe so. She's just unconscious. Now let's stay calm while we wait for Raiden to come." She breathes. But the kids don't get a chance to respond as a rumbling snarl sounds behind them.

Her heart drops and the children press up against the wall in horror. She stands and turns to meet glowing yellow eyes. A wolf? More like a werewolf. There's no way out as far as she knew. The bipedal beast steps forward, a deep, raspy voice fills the cave.

'What tasty morsels have gathered in my den.'

Emelda's eyes widen, it spoke? Why does it speak? The wolf suddenly moves, aiming for the furthest child. Emelda crashes into the creature, only knocking it of balance before it simply tosses her away with an arm. She manages to get her footing, rushing it again, hands clenching into fists as she reaches it. It swings a long muscled arm, claws slicing the leather corset as it knocks her away. Emelda's fist flashes out the same moment, connecting with the beasts bottom jaw.

The creature growls, turns on her as she skids into another landing. She just needed to hold out for Raiden. She could keep the kids safe until then.

'You can not save them like that.' The voice sounds. The creature suddenly lowers and before she can dodge, it slams her into the ground. It's snarling lips drip with drool. The children cry out in horror at that.

Emelda's head spun from hitting the floor, trying to struggle as she feels the drool on her cheek. A laugh seems to leave the beast.

'I will wait to eat you. The sniffling pups come first.' He growls, releasing her to her dizziness. Emelda sits up, holding her head and trying to shakily get to her feet, everything still swaying as the creature reaches for Mark and ceases him by his torso, lifting him. It took a moment before Mark found his scream as the wolf opened its mouth.

Within that moment, Emelda leaps onto the wolf's back. She sinks her teeth around the wolf's snout with a snarl, there's a slight crunch and the wolf shrieks and drops Mark and staggers back, reaching up and grabbing Emelda to toss her away. Her teeth slip but don't totally let go as she's tossed. She feels a rip before she lands a few feet away, dropping the flap of skin in her mouth as the wolf cries out, a chunk of its lip is gone showing bloody gums and teeth.

Emelda rises to her feet, leaning forward with dangling arms and a widened stance, orange eyes not quite focused but glaring all the same.

Varen blinks from his spot beside Sister Lily, in his disguise as Rome. That wasn't what he had expected, in fact, right now he wasn't even sure Emelda was completely human in that moment as a higher pitched growl leaves the woman.

"... Emelda?"