

I sat carefully on the old brown couch, placing my hands in my lap. The Angel sat next to me, staring at the wall. A slight click, and the door turned open.

"Hey, Harper. Sorry I'm late-" He stopped dead in his tracks. "How are you out?"

"I-i let him out," my voice crackled. "The demon, he got out before I found it." I paused looking to the angel for guidance.

"He took your daughter." the angel spook clearly and fluently.

His face filled with rage. "My daughter! My eleven year old daughter!" He fell into an armchair on the side, covering his face with his hands.

"Why didn't you save her!" He screamed into my face. "Your her babysitter, and her best friend! I only hired you to protect her and you failed," he rattled on. "You useless piece of-" He raised his hand, ready to smack me across the face. I flinched, prepared for the blow, but it never came. I peeked one eye open to see the angel standing in front of me.

"It's not her fault you keep demons in the basement of this house! She didn't even know they were there! She was trying to protect your daughter, and it probably would have killed her too." His voice showed no hint of anger, but his eyes bored deeply into Mr. Andersons. "You are going to pick yourself up from this and get your gun and blow that demons head off!"

I was surprised by the fierceness in his voice, as I'd only heard it sweet, and kind.

"Okay." Mr. Anderson headed for the stairs, then stopped warily.

"Look, I'm sorry Harper. You're in this now, there is no turning back." He looked to the angel, then back to me.

"Now, you'll learn how to shoot a gun,"