
The Monsters in My Closet

"Thank you," I smiled to the employee handing two bowls of ice cream with a logo plastered to the side.

"Have a nice day!" They'll chirped back, looking to the next order.

I walked over to a picnic table further out where a little girl sat, her light brown curls blowing across her face.

"Here you go," I said, passing over the bowl of pink strawberry ice cream to her.

"Thanks Harper!" She said excitedly sticking her finger in it, and licking it.

I grabbed a spoon out of my other hand. "Here, silly!" She took it, wiping her finger off on a napkin. "So, when does your dad get back from his fishing trip?"

"He said he'd be home around 10:00 pm. And, that I should be in bed by 8:00." She added with a huff.

"Okay," A slight frown appeared on her lips. "How about we watch a movie while when we eat dinner later?" I said, trying to lighten the mood. Her face lit up again. I rounded my spoon around honey comb sticking out of my ice cream, and popped it into my mouth.

The sun sank behind a cloud and I ran a finger through my straight, dyed white-blonde hair. I pulled a fuzzy sweater over my shoulders.

I grabbed the food I'd prepared off the counter, and walked into the living room where Lilla sat, excitedly scrolling through movies.

"Pick one yet?" I glanced at the screen, placing the bowl of pasta on the table beside her. She paused at a movie that said ages 12+. "You're only eleven, Lilla."

She continued scrolling. Finally, she picked a cartoon, that I zoned out for most of.

I tucked her into bed, placing the sheets up to her chin.

"Sleep tight, your dad will be home soon," I started to walk out, noticing the opening in the closet doors. "Do you want me to close them?"

Her eyes slowly closed, she was only a few moments away from sleep. She mumbled, "No, it's okay. Daddy keeps the monsters in the basement."