
The demon's mate

chidixi_542 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Decrish kingdom

Decrish, the kingdom of humans is a very vast apart containing lots of forests and mainlands stretching as far as the Meridian sea which the human empire from the other creatures, the sea blows strong winds in Autumn and winter which makes it really cold especially for those living close to the beach Weathers like this were the ones Iris loved the most because no one would monitor her while she sneaks out to train in one of the forests close to the palace. There were times when she was caught and locked up in her room for days but she would find a way to escape no matter what, she always hated the fact that ladies had to behave like damsels in distress so she instead fights and loves politics, she studies a lot in order to no more so she was really intelligent with a bubbly and carefree personality.

It was currently raining heavily as Iris sat by her window watching the raindrops that fell on her window, anytime the rain fell she would be reminded of her grandmother, her grandma was a very bubbly person and loved adventures just like her. She could still remember when she first snuck out with her grandma when she was just nine years old, her grandma was in her early 50s and was recovering from an illness, she caught her trying to escape using the North Wall, curious Iris decided to follow her until they got to a beautiful lake with lilies and carpet grass everywhere. "Ah yes, finally some fresh air I've been stuck in that choked up castle for too long ah this is wonderful" said grandma in an exasperated voice and then she wanted to lay on the grass when she spotted a shadow behind a tree, "who's there? " she said "come out so I can see you" and she saw a little curious Iris come out slowly from behind the tree and looked at her timidly. "Iris is that you? " grandma said shocked+I followed you here grandma "said Iris slowly. Grandma's expression changed from shock to amazement" how were you able to follow me?" "you went under the wall so I followed you" "wow I really thought I had to wait until you were older but I guess we can start now" said grandma with excitement little Iris didn't understand what her grandma was blabbering about so she just stood there with a dumbfounded expression. Anticipation glowed in her grandma's eyes as if she could foresee her future and so Iris became closer to her grandma they snuck out together her grandma trained her in sword fighting and even combat practice they went on adventures together, and even when her grandma died she still practiced harder but it wasn't easy as the only one supporting her had died and she had to learn on her own.

"What are you daydreaming about on a rainy day" her mother Queen Lauren asked as she walked into her room. "I was thinking about grandma", she answered and without turning around, she always remembered her whenever she saw the rain cause it was raining on the day she died. " we all miss her dear but she's in a better place now and I'm sure that she wouldn't want anyone of us to be sad so we shouldn't disappoint her OK love? " "I know mother thanks"." come to think of it, I haven't heard any complaints from Mrs Rose recently, I can see that someone's behaving herself recently ", queen Lauren said with a knowing smile" "I've always behaved myself mother, Mrs grumpy just likes to complain about me" queen Lauren laughed at her daughter's expression as she talked about her teacher, she just couldn't believe that Iris called her teacher Mrs grumpy but she had to admit the woman was always grumpy but she couldn't tell her daughter that, it would only encourage her and she didn't want that. "I'm glad you're taking this seriously instead of running around like you always do" "mother you are accusing me of something preposterous, I haven't even left my room." her mother just smiled as she defended herself dramatically. Iris gave up after seeing her mother's smile and instead laid her head on her lap while her mother stroked her hair.