

"Welcome everyone for being here with us again for this year's tournament. The king has given the theme of this tournament and unlike what we all expects, it would be based on Soccer" The Prime minister was the one acting as the host this time.

"Soccer? seriously!! will we get to see hot bodies" Zelda whispered to Reese, looking very excited for the upcoming performances.

"Milady, unlike your imagination, they aren't taking their clothes off" Reese decided to tell her in case her imagination was going wild.

Zelda pouted "But the ones I've always seen, they are often topless, what's with the palace and being noble"

"Zelda behave, you can't expect them to behave same way they do outside the palace" Her Mother cautioned her.

Shortly, a group of men in blue wears walked into the tournament ground. Then followed by another group in red, it seems they were the group's participating.

"The Ice team, led by the crown prince and the Fire team, led by the Third prince would be competing against one another. We would love to see which team would win"

"Isn't the third prince, That birdie queen's fiancee?" Zelda asked Reese, who immediately nodded in agreement.

"It means, I'm rooting for the Ice team then" Zelda said then focused on the people on the ground.

The game was about beginning when an announcement was made.

"King Ze'v of Mercia has arrived!!!"

"Uhn, King Ze'v? The Demon King?"

"Why is the Demon King here?"

"Since when did we start having demons as visitors?"

The whispers went on and on until it got to Zelda's hearing. As usual, she turned to Reese.

"The Demon? like those ones with Green horn and red eyes?" She inquired.

"According to records, that's how Demons look like" Reese gave an ambiguous answer since she had never seen one herself.

Zelda's interest was sparked. It would be really nice to see a Demon at least once in her lifetime, is that not?

The King noticed the unrest among the people and decided to address them.

"I know we all have questions which I would gladly reply to after this but for now, we have to welcome our visitors. Recently, we became acquaintances with Mercia and to build our relationship, I suggest they attended our yearly Tournament but I didn't expect their King to actually be the one to grace my invitation and thus it is an honour for us. They are not here to hurt us, so let our minds be at rest"

"Humans are worst than demons, I don't know why we fear them" Zelda inputted after the king's address, though only her family heard her.

"Just keep quiet" Her Mother cautioned her once again.

"Let them in" The King ordered.

There was a long silence before a group of people in Blues and blacks entered into the ground. But contrary to what everyone expected, they had no horns on nor look ugly. Rather, they looked too good to be true.

"Don't tell me they are Demons?" A young lady suddenly exclaimed in surprise, she couldn't keep her calm.

"I thought it was said they looked scary, they look better than us even"

The group finally got in front of Veerai King and stopped. Someone who had been in the middle of the group slowly stepped forward, much to everyone's anticipation. The person was totally covered in a Black cloak which made them assume it must be their King.

The person stopped and slowly removed the cloak covering his head, revealing silver locks.

Collective gasp went round the entire ground when they managed to see the face of their King. For sure he wasn't human, he was a Demon but a Demon wasn't supposed to look like this!!!!

"Reese, what in heavens is that I'm seeing?"

"Milady, we are both surprised here, you know"

"We are honoured to be invited to Veerai, hope we aren't too late?" King Ze'v gave a polite smile.

"We are both Kings so no need for formalities between us. Please join me, the game is just about to begin" The both of them sat, side by side and focused on the game that was about to start once again while the audience only had eyes on the Demon King.

"Reese, what was the Demon King's name?"

"I heard he was called King Ze'v of Mercia, earlier" Reese responded much to her ability.

"Ze'v, Zelda...Zelda+ Ze'v = Zelda ....Reese seems we are meant to be"

Reese stared wide eyed at her Mistress, What the hell was she saying now?

"I brought you here to marry a human not a Demon. Don't you dare" Her Mother gave her a bombastic side eye so she could behave, but who was Zelda? Of course nothing could stop her when she wants something..

Everyone were soon immersed in the game as soon it started and they started cheering on their favourite teams. Only Zelda kept staring at the Demon King, imagining him to be the male lead of a romance book of which of course she was the female lead.

Ze'v knew he was being stared at by a lot of people but a particular one got his attention and so he turned. He was met with a pair of curious eyes staring back at him.

Who is she?' was his thought as his gaze held hers.

'He's looking at me, right?' She thought as she looked back at him but he soon looked away from her much to her disappointment. She frowned and begrudgingly watched the game.

The game was over almost an hour later and much to Zelda's delight, the Ice team won.

"At least Birdie queen wouldn't be able to use her Fiancé's victory to disturb us" She grinned happily. There was nothing more joyful that your enemies unhappiness...

"It was really a lovely game, wasn't it? The King had decided to grant the winning team their wishes individually. So Young men, you can walk up to the King for your rewards" The Prime minister announced which made the crowd cheered.

"Here comes the dreadful part" Zelda whispered to Reese. It was common for unmarried young men to make wish about a young lady they would like to have as their wife. Though no one knows her unless they sees her with her Father but she couldn't take the chance and be calm either.

"The young men of your kingdom are quite promising. I must say I'm impressed by their vitality" King Ze'v said to King Donovan, who had on a proud smile at the comment of the Demon King.

"We don't dare think of coming close to your Kingdom people's physical power, so the least we can do is at least train vigorously to at least keep up"

"I can see that and I commend their efforts" King Ze'v said In approval.

The young men all came up one by one to make their wishes which was mostly to be granted marriage. Of course, the tournament was a marriage fixing event in disguise, so it's no surprise most of them were wishing for marriage with their desired partners.

Finally, it was the crown Prince's turn.

"You don't think he'll wish for the King to give him more power or what else can he wish for?" Zelda asked Reese as she stared curiously at the Crown prince who was about making his own wish.

"Father, it's really an honour to come out as a winner in this tournament and I wish you would grant me marriage to someone" He said then stopped.

"Marriage? why would he want to get married again, I thought he had a crown Princess?" Zelda asked Reese as usual.

"Milady, he doesn't" Reese responded.

"He doesn't? For real?" Well that was a shocker, a whole crown prince doesn't have a crown princess when the younger ones were married with kids.

"Sure go ahead" The King told him with a smile.

The Crown prince seemed elated as he stood up from kneeling then walked away from the King. It was all suspense about where he was going until he stopped.


"My lady, Lady Zelda, would you mind being married to me?" He gave a sincere smile as he looked at her.

Wait what,...what the hell!!!??