
The Town of Searchlight

[LU CAIN. Searchlight, Mojave Wilderness, United States of America. Tuesday 15th of June, 1880 Gregorian Calendar].

Lu Cain had spent the rest of the trip to Searchlight speaking with Sergeant Jin Jei-Rong about the sergeant's connection to his father; Lu Feng.

Rei-Rong had informed him that Lu Feng was the third senior brother of the Hung Gar academy under Grandmaster Wong Kei-ying. Lu Feng had been sent to America to spread the teachings of Hung Gar to the numerous Chinese who now worked primarily for the US Railway Department.

A few weeks ago, Grandmaster Wong Kei-ying had died under mysterious circumstances. Due to Lu Feng's senior position, Sergeant Jin, who was also a student of the Wong Kei-ying had used his personal military leave to come to America in order to inform Lu Feng of the news. Plus, to give him a letter from the new academy head, instructing Lu Feng that he could now take a dozen Inner Disciples.

During the conversation, Lu Cain had also come to know that Lu Feng was not in his late forties, but rather, in his late fifties. Furthermore, his adopted father had two grown sons who were living in China and studying as Legacy Disciples of the Hung Gar academy.

Lu Cain had wanted to discuss more on this subject and about kung fu. However, they had run out of time. Reaching the town of Searchlight, ahead of schedule. As the commanding officer, Sargent Jin left for the guard carriage in order to give instructions.

"We've arrived at Searchlight railway yard," Sergeant Jin announced over the intercom speakers. "As Corporal Mason arranged we will be splitting into two teams. Corporal Mason, Special Agent Douglas, Private Chavez and Mister Lu will head into Searchlight to conduct an investigation and contact Fort Las Vegas in order to inform them of our findings. All other members of this squad will remain with the battle wagon under my command. It will be our job to secure the Searchlight railway yard and prepare the battle wagon for a return to Fort Las Vegas."

"Let's go," Morris instructed his team to cautiously exit from the living carriage.

"Are you alright?" Cain asked Catherine.

The special agent had been in a depressed mood ever since the encounter with the reanimated harpies. She had talked big. Unfortunately her flashy fire Gift, had not been effective against the enemy. The demons' weaknesses had been blood loss and Catherine's Gift was not one which caused the severe bleeding wounds necessary to overcome the enemy. She ended up having to resort to shotgun slugs, just like everyone else. Worse still, the only casualty of the battle, had been the former miner. A soldier who was on Catherine's fireteam.

"Thanks for your concern," Catherine smiled. "That was my first time against demons without Calamity Jane around. It didn't go as well as expected."

"Your Gift was incredible," stated Cain.

"Are you two coming?" asked Morris.

"Sure are," said Catherine giving Cain a wink. "Cain here was trying to sweat talk me. But I told him to try his luck another time."

"Keep your mind on task," Morris instructed Cain. "You can fraternise after we finish the mission."

"Yes sir," replied Cain.

He decided not to explain the real situation. As Cain felt that a slight rebuke from Corporal Mason was worth having Catherine back to her usual, confident and cheerful self.

The team of four headed directly towards the railway station, which had been passed by the battle wagon on the way to the railway turntable. It was the closest building with a public phone. They reached their first destination unopposed. Unfortunately, the telephone cord had been cut.

"This telephone cord was cut with a knife," observed Morris. "So, I'm fairly certain it was done by one of these new intelligent demons."

"What now?" asked Private Olivia Chavez. Who was the only female solider of the squad, plus the only one to volunteer for the mission.

"We do a reconoissence of the town," replied Morris. "Then go check on the other telephones."

The corporal drew everyone's attention to a map of the town hung on the station wall. He pointed out the meandering route they would take, and which buildings had public telephones.

Searchlight was a new mining town, built due to the discovery of gold ores in the nearby hills. Due to this, the main street only had a dozen new buildings, primarily catering for miners, traders and soldiers. With the majority of residents residing in tents closer to the mining sites.

"We'll do a full perimeter search," Morris instructed. "Then we'll check the sheriff's office at the town jail, the post office, and finally the mayor's office townhall. They should all have telephones. If you get separated, head back to the town jail. It's the most easily defensible structure in town."

Everyone nodded their agreement, checked their weapons and headed out. Corporal Mason and Olivia, remained at the front of the group. One would lead and secure a position, while the other remained behind cover and ready to provide fire support. They switched roles as needed. Meanwhile, Cain and Catherine remained together at the rear of the group. Ensuring that the team had a clear line of retreat should the need arise.

In this way, the team managed to do a full perimeter search of Searchlight. They discovered that no-one was out on the street. Furthermore, they saw no movements within any of the buildings, except for the local brothel. Though it was clear that whoever was at the brothel was doing their best to remain hidden.

After completing their reconoissence, the team headed towards the town jail. They made it inside without incident but quickly discovered three still active corpse-like demons, locked up in one of the jailcells. Furthermore, they found the body of town sheriff, nearby. Jailcell keys in his hand, bitemarks on his body and a fatal gunshot wound starting at his left temple and exiting out his right.

"What do you think happened?" Morris asked Cain.

Cain didn't understand why the corporal directed the question specifically to him. Nonetheless, he answered what he had deduced.

"The sheriff managed to lock those three demons in the cell," explained Cain. "However, he was bitten while doing so. The sheriff must have seen others turn from a bite. So, he committed suicide using a method known to kill a large number of demons."

"Good," declared Morris. "Now why didn't he kill the demons?"

"I think he realised he was running out of time," replied Cain. "He has a lot of bite marks. So, the demonic infection probably happened fairly quickly."

"Excellent," said Morris. "You have keen observation skills Cain. When we finish this mission, I'd like you to join as a soldier at Fort Las Vegas."

"I was already planning to do just that sir," admitted Cain. "My father wanted me to be a labourer, but I now feel that being a soldier is what I should be."

"Excellent," smiled Morris. "The army can always do with more talented men and women. Though there was one thing I believe you overlooked when describing what happened here."

"What was that?" asked Cain.

"The reason why the sheriff started succumbing to the demonic infection wasn't simply because of the speed of the poison," stated Morris. "It was also because he took his time agonising on whether he could kill on the demons."

Morris pointed at a framed picture with a middle-aged man and a young woman posing together.

"See," said Morris. "That man clearly resembles the sheriff. While that young woman is now one of those demons in the jailcell. They were probably related somehow, and the sheriff couldn't bring himself to immediately end her. By the time he'd made a decision, he realised that his own infection had become terminal.

Remember Cain, sometimes clues can be found at the periphery, at the edges of a scene. So, you need to examine everything and not just what's clearly in front of you."

"Were you a detective sir?" asked Private Chavez.

"No Olivia," replied Morris. "My father was a painter. Although I didn't inherit his artistic skills. I did inherit his perceptiveness. Well, enough chatting. Cain go check to see if that telephone is working."

"Yes sir," said Cain.

The praise from Corporal Mason had filled Cain with confidence in his own observation abilities plus determination to improve them. While being forced to describe his observations, had pushed back the lingering fear Cain had previously been experiencing.

"This telephone is working," said Cain in a relieved tone.

"Excellent," smiled Morris. "Olivia, please call Fort Las Vegas and inform them of our situation. Cain finish off those demons. Don't use anything to noisy. Catherine, help me search for shotgun slugs. We used a hell of a lot more than planned in the last encounter."

As the others started their appointed tasks, Cain picked up one of the heavy sabers which were on display in a glass cabinet. He approached the three caged demons and planned the best way to silently dispose of them. Unlike the reanimated Father Yong, these corpse demons mindlessly tried to reach for him through the iron bars of the jailcell. So, he didn't feel particularly threatened by them.

Hack! Hack! Hack!

Cain chopped down three times, severing three arms at the elbow. The demons made no sudden sound to acknowledge the pain. Instead continuing their mindless grasping, until eventually collapsing from blood loss.

Once Cain finished his appointed task, he assisted Morris and Catherine in looking for shotgun slugs. Although unsuccessful in locating ammunition, he did manage to find a stick of dynamite which handed over to the corporal.

"I've finished my report," announced Olivia. "Fort Las Vegas is going to reinforce the containment teams and spread the news. They have asked us to pull back in order to avoid becoming infected. We are to direct any civilians we encounter, to head for Fort Las Vegas."

"That's what I expected," said Morris. "Alright, we'll head for the Golden Dove Bordello. That's the only building which had obvious movement. At best we find survivors and get more information. At worse, we clear out a nest of these corpse demons.

However, I will need a volunteer to remain here at the jail. The telephone here is our contact with Fort Las Vegas. Plus, this is a good, easily defensible bolt-hole should we need to retreat."

"I'll stay behind," offered Catherine. "I've had training on working as a solo operative."

"Thank you, Catherine," said Morris. "Olivia and Cain let's move out. Same formation as before, but Cain will have to cover our retreat on his own."

The trio slowly made their way towards the brothel. Ensuring to locate all potential exit ways before heading towards the back entrance.

"It's locked," said Cain as he failed to open the door. "Should I just barge it open."

"No," said a female voice from the other side. "I'm opening it now."

The door slowly opened. This revealed a pretty young woman with dark red hair and deep green eyes. She pointed her shotgun at Cain's face

"Who are you people?" she asked.

"We're United States army," replied Cain.

"Thank goodness," the woman sighed with clear relief in her voice. "Come in."

Cain's group followed the woman, who introduced herself as Josephine, into he brothel. The rear door they used, led into the brothel's kitchen.

"These three are from the army," explained Josephine to a young woman and older man, who were also in the kitchen. "I'll take them upstairs to meet Madam Jane."

From the kitchen, Josephine led Cain's group behind a bar and then up a flight of stairs. They passed a number of closed doors before entering a clean well decorated office. The room was occupied by an older lady, a young woman and a young man.

"Madam Jane," introduced Josephine. "These three are from the Army."

"Please take a seat," the older woman offered. "Did you wish for any refreshments."

"We're fine," said Morris. "I'm Corporal Mason. These are my subordinates; Private Chavez and Special Observer Lu."

"I'm so glad to have you here," said Madam Jane. Relief clearly expressed on her face. "The town was attacked by demons. I've never heard of their kind before. They would bite people and then those people would rise up and become demons themselves.

Fortunately for us, there was a town hanging at the time. Some horse thief I believe. I kept my girls here, since that sort of macabre display has nothing to do with us. Well, when the demons attacked, they went for where most of the people were.

Our Marshal Joel was there at the hanging. He had on his fancy armour. But there were so many demons that sooner or later it was clear they'd simply pin him down due to numbers. So, he led them out of town. Not too sure which way, since he disappeared behind the townhall and out of sight of where I was watching from.

That was almost two hours ago. We haven't seen any demons since then. But me and my girls are too scared to leave here. So, I'm hoping you fine military heroes will escort us to safety."

"How many of you are there?" asked Morris.

"Nine of us," replied Madam Jane. "There's myself, six of my girls, Young Rob here is my bodyguard, plus old man Samuel who's our barman."

"No clients?" Morris queried.

"There were two brothers," said Madam Jane. "But they up and left us women to our fate as soon as the ruckus happened. I'm praying that you brave soldiers will have more honour."

"We'll definitely escort you to safety," affirmed Morris. "Olivia, go speak with the girls. Get their eyewitness accounts. Cain, I want you on the roof. Look for anything suspicious. I'll go report our findings back to Fort Las Vegas then return here with Special Agent Catherine."

Cain made his way to the building's roof, via the wide second storey veranda. Once there, he started a detailed survey of the town. He couldn't spot any demons. Though there was a clump of corpses around the gallows which Madam Jane had mentioned.

"Excuse me sir," the red-haired Josephine clambered to join him. "Madam Jane asked me to bring you some cake and water. In case you were hungry."

"Thank you," said Cain, taking the offered food and water skin.

He found his eyes unintentionally roaming the young woman's cleavage which was enhanced by the red bodice she was wearing.

"Are you checking to see if I was bitten?" asked Josephine, clearly misinterpreting Cain's attention.

"Yes," lied Cain.

"I wasn't," stated Josephine. "I'll show you."

The attractive young woman lifted her skirt. Showing off pale, slim legs.

"I… I believe you," muttered Cain.

Cain had physically matured at a young age and had set off to work with his father as soon as he was able. His focus had always been on work and training. He had never been with a woman. Thus, the current visual feast before him was overly stimulating.

"Have you ever been with a woman?" asked Josephine with an amused expression.

"No, I haven't," admitted Cain.

"Would you like me to be your first?" smiled Josephine. "We can have a bit of fun up here. It'd be my way of thanking you for coming to our rescue."

Cain was conflicted. He closed his eyes in order to remove the distraction of Josephine's beautiful form. Taking a deep breath, he tried to refocus on his mission.

"Aargh," Cain felt a sudden pain in his heart.

He opened his eyes and saw a dagger had been driven into chest.

) Wong Kei-ying was a famous Hung Gar exponent and member of the Ten Tigers of Canton. He was also the father of the celebrated Wong Fei-hung. The real Wong Ke-ying died in 1886. However, he died earlier in my novel, under suspicious circumstances.

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