

Hafsah's point of view

" Aren't you ready, habibi ( beloved ) ? " Zayaan asked, and I rolled my eyes.

" You know, if you'd just start the car, it'd be better for both of us. " I said, putting a transparent lipstick on my lips.

I stated at myself in the mirror, and smiled. " I'm done ! " I yelled, and I could hear his sigh.

I was dressed in a black abaya, and my wrists were adorned with golden bracelets. The ear rings made my eyes glow, and I blushed at myself.

Is that even possible?

I carried my purse, and walked downstairs.

" Is this how you'll delay him after your marriage? You take three hours to have your bath, and get dressed, how? " Mum asked me, and I rolled my eyes.

" Mum, do you think this silky skin falls from a tree? It takes an hour and thirty minutes to take care of my beautiful skin. " I said with pride, and Haneed, by younger brother chirped in annoyingly.

" Soon, it'd be not only your skin, but his as well. " I blushed pink, and pouted.

" Mum, warn your son ! "

" He said the truth... You'll be owned by him as well. " I felt butterflies in my tummy, and I kind of got scared of getting married.

" Zayaan, Let's just go. " I said, storming out of the house, and Zayaan laughed, trailing behind me.

I got into his car, and brought out my phone, doing some edits on my video. I was a content creator, and my major content was creating Islamic songs, and unboxing things if it was good for muslim women. I have ten thousand subscribers on YouTube.

" You know, you look beautiful. " He said, about to touch my hand, but I flinched and took it away.

" Patience... Till we get married. Not now. " I said, acting like a baby so he wouldn't get offended.

Zayaan wasn't a Nigerian, his dad was a Shuwaarab and his mum an American , who grew up there, so he didn't have a good religious upbringing, but he's trying.

He relocated  to Nigeria, after having a fight with his dad, who wanted to force a wife on him, if he couldn't find one.

He was twenty four then, and now he is twenty five. He couldn't even read the Holy book well, but now he was almost a Haafiz. You might be like, how? Well with dedication, the Qur'an is easy to learn. He went to a Qur'an hostel, and didn't even leave during holidays.

Although he was good with it, he still has some haram traits in him, but he is trying his best.

" I'm sorry, Ya Hayaati ( my life ) " I blushed, and went back to my phone. I wasn't really comfortable staying alone in a car with a guy, but my mum forced me, nothing I could change.

" Is the place still far ahead ? "

" I can't lie, Yes! " he said, and I groaned, I felt sleepy. I was on my phone all through the night, and I didn't sleep, nor did I charge it. It's twenty now, and the editing app I used, packed a lot of power.

I replied to my YouTube comments, and when my battery died, I slipped the phone into my purse, and fell asleep.

and I groaned, I felt sleepy. I was on my phone all through the night, and I didn't sleep, nor did I charge it. It's twenty now, and the editing app I used, packed a lot of power.

I replied to my YouTube comments, and when my battery died, I slipped the phone into my purse, and fell asleep.

" Hafsee! Hafsee , ! " A voice called, and I slowly opened my eyes to see Zayaan right above me.

" Are we there ? " I asked, yawning as I closed my mouth.

" Hmmm. Yes we are. Let's go. " he said, and I got out. Proud of him. He could have used his hands to wake me up, but he respected my wish.

I trailed behind him, into a glamorous mansion, it had different apartments, but then he took me to the main one, which was larger than the rest.

We both said our salaams, which was answered my a bubbly old woman.

" My son, come here. " the lady whom I took to be his grandmother had rushed towards him, engulfing him in a hug.

I stood by the door like a cat chased out of its home on a rainy day.

" Is she the one? " she asked, stating at me, and he nodded.

" Masha Allah. What an Angel! " she said,  walking towards me, and hugged me tight.

I was about to lose my bones, when Zayaan rescued me.

" Don't break my baby's bones, please. "

she left me, and I began to blush. " Shameless " she said, and whacked him, then yelled a few names, and some maids walked in.

" Call everyone, this is Zayaanu's wife. " she ordered,  and I felt shy.

Our wedding was close, and so we chose to visit his mother's side. His mother's family wasn't in good terms with his father's.

After a while, some old ladies, my mother's age, and then some my age,  and babies as well, walked towards me.I felt my heart beat, what if they didn't like me. I gulped, but all that changed, when they all rushed towards me. Hugging me, admiring me, it was a moment to behold. Although my knees were painful, for bending down to greet them, but they were all worth it.

A guy came out, who looked so much like Zayaan

Upon seeing Zayaan, he frowned, and I was lost. He was the most hostile among them.

I actually thought their family was female ruled.

" Zayaan! Can't you greet your brother ?!? " Ammie ' Zayaan's grandma yelled, but not at Zayaan, at that guy.

" He's not my brother. " He said, and wait... His name is Zayaan, too.

" As Salamualaykum. " Habibi said, and he replied accordingly, and left.

He made the air tense, and I was confused.

Why did he act like that? " His wife ! " Ammie yelled, and he hissed, and walked towards me.

" Good afternoon."

" Good... Afternoon. " I replied, and he stared at me disgustingly.

" Ammie, a child of yours brought another trash into this family. " Zayaan said, and I felt insulted.

Before I could reply, a blow landed on his jaw, and in three seconds, the two Zayaans were landing punches and kicks on each other.

" Hannatu! Take her inside. " Ammie told Hannah, Habibi's cousin, and she walked towards me, and smiled, pulling me into her beautiful room. It was coated with green although.

" What was that all about ? " I asked.

" I shouldn't be the one telling you. " she dismissed the topic, and I asked.

" Where are the men? "

" They are out on a funeral, Ya Zayaan,  was asked to stay, since he had a slight headache, and a male needed to be at home. "

" Oh "

We both wanted to start a conversation, but thanks to the scene outside, we couldn't.

" Hafsah! Let's leave ! " He barged into the room, blood dripping from his forehead, and I nodded. Collected Hannah's number, and trailed behind him scared, of course.

" Bye, Ammie. " I said, bowing, but at the pace which Habibi was going, I didn't have time to wait.

God please help me .