
The Delinquent First Miss!

Li Xiang was a 17-year-old girl who wanted to live a normal life like other girls her age. She wanted to go out with her friends to enjoy cake while they share their deepest secrets. go shopping and sing karaoke together while doing normal girly thing’s. However, there was one little problem... Her life was anything but normal Ok! Becoming a delinquent at a young age and taking over a whole school within just one day! Let's not even talk about her abnormal strength! Connections to the underground world? She practically ruled down there! And worst of all she was crowned the king of gambling at the age of only 15. She never ever lost a game. She could walk in with a penny and leave with millions! It didn't help that she had gained a strong gambling addiction. She couldn't even step out without someone calling her boss. Boss this! Boss that! She should have known her days were numbered. She ended up in a huge brawl with other delinquents while her trusted comrades got away she was the only one that got busted! Even the people who got beat up were somehow able to getaway! When she got taken away the police were able to uncover some of her bad deeds. But luckily she came from a wealthy prestigious family! Sooooo she was given two options to move to another school and lead a new clean life or do some time! Even though she was extremely unwilling of course she chooses to lead a new life hence her current situation but why did it seem fate was so... against it???!!!

llayllay · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Li Xinyue

After Li Xiang finished up at the cafe she decided to immediately go home. Anything she found fun was either illegal or would get her in trouble.

She had rented out herself a new apartment not too far away from her new school. It wasn't a luxury apartment or anything, in fact, it was completely run down. She did have money or to be a little more precise her family had money. She had come from the famous Li family one of the wealthiest families in China.

The Li family-owned plenty of well of businesses and the name itself holds a lot of weight in the business world. The boss of the Li family is her grandfather Li Huang. He got into an arranged marriage with her grandmother Gu Guiying and eventually, they ended up falling in love together.

Everyone gave them the title of the most perfect couple. Li Huang was a strikingly handsome young man who had looks, money, power, and prestige and was the most sought after Batchelor at that time and Gu Guiying was a stunning yet gentle woman who also came from a well off family. She had even earned herself the title of the timeless beauty because of her devastatingly good looks.

No one could beat her in terms of beauty if she claimed second place nobody would dare say they were first. When news of their marriage spread out a lot of people cried themselves to sleep that night and even though it caused a lot of broken hearts people had to admit they made the ultimate power couple. Even old age couldn't cover up the good looks of the couple.

After a couple of years of being together, they wanted to have a baby yet Gu Guiying wasn't able to get pregnant they were completely devastated. A Few years passed and just as they were losing hope Gu Guiying finally was pregnant with a baby girl! They never really cared about gender as long as the baby was healthy they were happy!

That day Li Xiang's mother Li Xinyue was born. She was there miracle baby and they loved her unconditionally she was the very pride of the Li family! And she was raised like a princess... no even princesses couldn't compare to the treatment she got.

As their only child and the sole heir to the Li family, she was brought up with the best of everything the best clothes the best toys the best education the best food. Anything she set her eyes on or desired was hers for the taking! She grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth? No... more like she grew up with a diamond spoon in her mouth!

She wanted a rock off the moon? Done!

She wanted an island? Okay!

She wanted all of the rarest jewels that everyone said nobody I the world would be able to get there hands on? I'm afraid they are already in her hands!

The worth of just one of her possessions could feed a family for life maybe even feed a couple of their next generation!