
8 Uchiha Compound


" "      Speaking out loud

< >     Authors Note

( )      General information

* *      Sound Effect

Excuse me for any spelling errors.

A bit of slice-of-life for this chapter, although I'm not good at it, I hope that you guys can give me some pointers.


-Narrator POV-

Navigating through the streets of Konoha were two special individuals. One was a boy with black hair and blood red highlights with two tufts of hair standing up straight which strangely resembled cat ears, he had feline, wine red eyes and a cute smile on his face, his cuteness was further amplified due to a small fang overlapping his lower lip.

The other child was a twin tailed, blonde haired girl with whiskers and royal blue eyes. She too, had a large grin on her adorable face as she skipped joyfully next to the boy.

Both of these children were famous in the village, although not in the same way.

While the boy was famous for his cuteness, the girl was infamous for being the Demon Fox incarnate.

What brought these two polar opposite together? Well it all start-

<No! The readers already know what brought them together!>


<No buts! Why are you even talking? Nobody likes the narrator's point of view! Give the reigns back to Nora!>

You can't do that! I barely get any screen time.

<I can do whatever I want! I'm the fucking Author! And it's up to the readers if they want to see you again, only they can change my mind.>

Fine! Please readers, tell the author to give me screen time! And don't forget to leave a comment and some power ston-

-Nora POV-

"Ne, ne? Where are we going?"

Naruko asked me as she swayed her head from side to side with a happy smile.

"We're going to my oba-sans home, it's almost dinner time and I thought that you might want to come with."

Answering her with a relaxed smile, I was paying close attention to the Kyubi. I could feel that it was watching me, in an analytical way. Although I don't know what for, but it certainly got me curious.

Maybe I should pay a visit to Kyubi, it's practically a living history book considering how old it is. Knowing that all the information is just rotting away inside Kyuubi makes me restless.

I juggled with the idea in the back of my mind while making my way to the Uchiha compound, or more specifically, the Uchiha Clan heads house.

It's been a few hours since we had lunch at Ichiraku Ramen. During those hours I hanged out with Naruko, I 'forgot' that I had friends who were still at the dango store, waiting for me to appear.

Anyway, it was getting pretty late and tonight was family dinner night. I didn't always eat with Satsuki, Mikoto oba-san and Itachi-nii, but I made sure that I visited them every few days.

"You're gonna love my oba-san, she makes the best food ever!"

I said with enthusiasm while drooling at the memory of eating her food. It's just so damn delicious! No food in my past life compares to Mikoto oba-sans food, even Gordon Ramsay would be impressed.

"No way! Nobody can beat Teuchi-jiji's ramen, dattebayo!"

Naruko countered my opinion with her own.

"Ugh, you're right, Teuchi-jiji does make the best ramen."

As much as I'd like to deny it, Mikoto oba-sans ramen just isn't on the same level as Teuchi-jijis. That's only for ramen though, since Teuchi-jiji can only make average food for everything besides ramen, trust me, I know from experience.


Naruko suddenly halted as she had a look of realization on her face.

"What's wrong?"

I tilted my head in confusion as I looked at her.

"I didn't thank you for everything you did for me today."

She turned her body to face me before bowing.

"Thanks, dattebayo! I really enjoyed today."

Straightening back up, she had the classic closed eyed, wide grin expression of shounen protagonists. At that exact moment, a warm breeze blew past which ruffled Naruko's hair, resulting in it swaying in the wind.

I could only stare wide eyed at her in surprise.

Holy shit! That was such perfect timing. Wait, she made it sound like we were on a date. Damn, I'm getting dragged in by the tides of anime clichés, I better pay more attention to my surroundings and my actions.

Giving a smile of my own, I simply nodded my head.

"It's no problem, I'm you're friend after all."

We then went into a comfortable silence as we continued to walk.

Unfortunately, I couldn't really enjoy the silence as I was still very much aware of the two Anbu following us. Hell, there was even a Root ninja as well. Although they tried to hide their chakra and presence as much as possible, they simply couldn't escape my senses. If I were any other sensor, I wouldn't even be aware that I was being watched, that's how good the Anbu and Root ninjas are.

It was easy to differentiate the Root from Anbu, I just sensed the ninjas with none to very little emotion in them, and there you go.

Yugao-nee and Kakashi, huh? I expected Kakashi to follow Naruko, but not Yugao-nee.

How did I know Yugao-nee? Well I met her a few times when shopping with Mikoto oba-san, she was apparently a genin student of Mikoto oba-san. It was childs play to memorize her chakra signiture.

I'm on pretty good terms with her, she even hugged me once. Her boobs are quite soft, but not as big or as comfortable as Mikoto oba-san. Mikoto oba-san has the best pair of boobs in the entire world in my opinion.

"Welcome to the Uchiha compound."

After recognizing the familiar buildings, I snapped out of my inappropriate thoughts.

Thankfully, our stalkers stopped following us. Even though they could still stalk us, they probably thought that it wouldn't be a smart thing to do.

"Nowa! Nowa! Wel'ome back!"

A small figure came waddling towards me. It was a small, 3 year old Uchiha child who goes by the name of Kazuma.

Although I at first found it blasphemous that someone would dare to name their child after my idol, I eventually calmed down and got to know the little boy.

He is one of the few Uchiha that don't have a stick up their ass, granted, all the kids are still innocent, but you get my point.

"Hey Kazuma, where's your mom. You didn't run from her did you?"

I rested my hand on his head and ruffled it a bit. He giggled with joy before looking at me with his shiny onyx eyes.

"No. Mama let me play, then see Nowa."

He corrected me with a pouting face while crossing his arms.

"Oh, I see. Don't go too far though, got it?"

He pecked his head like a chicken to show his agreement with me.

"Don't stay out too late either, you hear?"

"Hn! Hn!"

"Then see you, Kazuma, stay safe."

I started walking again as I waved at him.

"Bwy Bwy, Nowa!"

He gave me a gummy smile as he continued to play with his bouncing ball.

"He was cute."

Naruko said with a small, yet sad, smile.

"Yeah he is, but don't let that fool you. He's quite the prankster."

I glanced at Naruko, she was feeling sad and slightly jeleous. Soothing her emotions with a headpat and with my empathetic abilities, she quickly regained her real smile.


Following my instincts, I sidestepped and successfully dodge the black haired torpedo.



Knocking her head against a lamp post, a satisfying sound resonated in the air, followed by a yelp of pain.

"Satsuki, how many times do I have to teach you this lesson?"

I asked her, slightly exasperated.

I've been trying to fix her habit of jumping on me, but nothing seems to be working. Flicking, admonishing and ignoring her, none of them worked. I've honestly given up, but I won't tell her that, it'll just make her satisfied.

"Nora-nii, you idiot! Hmph!"

After rubbing her head, she huffed in anger while glaring at me. It was then that she noticed Naruko standing next to me. For a brief moment, I saw her squint her eyes at Naruko.

"Who are you?"

She quickly turned into an ice princess, a stoic look appeared on her usually smiling face.

This is the thing I don't like about Uchiha's, they always wear a mask of indifference infront of others, but never when they're with their family.

It's a sort of tradition for the Uchiha, but it isn't necessary, as demonstrated by Obito and Shisui. Although I think that their happy-go-lucky act was their mask. The Uchiha are very emotional folks due to their Sharingan, that's why they wear 'masks' around non-Uchiha's.

"I'm Uzumaki Naruko, 'tebayo! Who are you?"

Naruko answered her with gusto, but with a slightly challenging tone.

"Hmph, I'm Uchiha Satsuki, Nora-nii's SISTER."

Satsuki put emphasis on sister. I don't know why though.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Nora's BEST friend."

Naruko put emphasis on best. I'm not sure when she became my best friend though. And as far as I'm concerned, Cerberus is my best friend.

While I was retorting mentally, the stare down between Satsuki and Naruko continued to intensify. Satsuki still had a stoic face, but her eyes were narrowed as she stared at Naruko. Naruko had a frown on her face as she gritted her teeth and glared at Satsuki.

Sparks seemed to clash between the two as a dark aura surrounded them. Passers by were looking at the scene, the young kids with confusion, the adults with wry smiles, and the old timers with knowing looks.

The only thing that I could think of at the moment was that it would be better with JoJo music.


*Bonk* x2


Both Satsuki and Naruko kneeled down and clutched their heads in pain. My hands were still in a karate chop position as the two girls started groaning.

"You two shouldn't cause a commotion, you're disturbing the people around us. Apologise."

"Nora-nii, she-"

Satsuki tried to complain but I simply stared at her stoically.

"Apologise. Now. You too Naruko."

They both grumbled as they turned to the people before bowing and apologising.

""We're sorry.""

I nodded my head and smiled at them. Children are like animals, you must knock some sense into them so that they grow up following the rules.

"Good, now let's go. We've kept Mikoto oba-san waiting long enough."


The two girls jumped back up with smiles on their faces. Satsuki forgot to put up her mask, I could tell that she was feeling excited with hints of expectation.

As I continued to walk, my left arm was suddenly grabbed and pressed against something soft yet flat. Turning to look at the cause of the sensation, I saw Satsuki hugging my arm into her chest with a happy smile on her face.

Hmm, give her a few more years and I'm sure she'll grow in that department. Her mother is big, so she should be too right?

A similar sensation suddenly assaulted my right arm, and turning to look, I saw Naruko with a smug smile aimed at Satsuki. Naruko's chest was slightly larger than Satsuki's, which showed that she had a promising future.

<A/N: I don't know how to describe loli chests, and neither am I interested.>

Sigh, if only they were young women instead of little kids, I'm not a pedophile like Pedomaru. Although I won't reject the skinship, it's quite comfortable after all.

Satsuki's smile turned into a small frown when she saw Naruko copying her, but she tried to hide it when she noticed me looking at her. Satsuki stopped glaring at Naruko as she snuggled closer into my body, almost sticking herself directly onto me.

I could tell that Naruko wanted to do the same thing, but she was too embarrassed to try. She already felt slightly uncomfortable when she hugged my arm, leaning and pressing onto me would be pushing it.

"We're here."

I said as I came to a stop before a large house. Seeing who was waiting for me, a smile graced my face. There in all her furry glory was my best friend, Cerberus. She wagged her three tails as she stood up to greet me.

Roze was happy to see me but stayed relatively calm, I could feel that she was watching Naruko closely, deciding whether she was a threat or not. Shirogane was trying to look impassive but her emotions betrayed her, she too, like Roze, was analyzing Naruko. Kuro was simply excited to see me and a potential playmate, she wanted nothing more than to jump on me, but since Roze had the most control over their body, she couldn't.

"Amazing! Is this really Cerberus? This is my first time seeing it, dattebayo!"

Naruko quickly released her grip from my arm as she went to Cerberus. She reached out her hand in an attempt to pet Shirogane, but...


Shirogane growled at Naruko when she approached her.


I said to Naruko as I scratched Shiroganes chin, successfully stopping her from biting Naruko.


Naruko looked at me in confusion as she tilted her head.

"Cerberus is a girl, and Shirogane doesn't want you touching her."

"Really? Cerberus is a girl!? Wait, who's Shirogane?"

While patting Shirogane, I looked at Naruko with a smile.

"The one I'm petting is Shirogane, she doesn't take kindly to strangers and she's a bit of a tsundere."


"And she's feisty."

Shirogane snorted as she looked away, trying to deny my claim while also hiding her embarrassment. Smiling at her reaction, I scratched behind Roze's ear as she closed her eyes and her throat rumbled with approval.

"This is Roze, she's sort of the alpha. She's quite a princess, always calm and collected. She enjoys it when I brush her fur, but don't do anything that angers her, the calm ones are always the most dangerous."

Roze slightly opened her eyes as she quietly scrutinized Naruko. Moving towards Kuro, I held her head with my hands as she started licking my face.

"She is Kuro, and as you can see, she's quite playful. She enjoys playing fetch and snacking on breadcrumbs. Give her a chakra beasts bone and she'll be busy whole day."

Preventing Kuro from licking my already sopping wet face, I turned to walk into the house.

"Come on, dinner should be ready."


Hope you enjoy the chapter, it's a bit longer than usual, so hopefully you'll like it.

Two long months it has been, but I'm back! I already have the drafts for the next two chapters, but they're still in the editing stage.

KeeperOfBookscreators' thoughts
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