
The Defective Ninja

Getting dumped into a familiar yet unfamiliar world wasn't something I thought would ever happen. How will I survive in this brutal dog-eat-dog world with a defective body that could break at any moment? Who knows! --- I do not own any of the characters except the OC's!

KeeperOfBooks · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

6 My New Friend


" " Speaking out loud

< > Authors Note

( ) General information

* * Sound Effect


I smiled warmly at her and continued the talk.

"Tobiichi Origami... that's a nice name."

I appeared friendly and kind on the outside, but on the inside I was freaking out.

Tobiichi Origami!! Why the hell is Tobiichi Origami in this world!? This is wrong universe, girl! How the fuck did you get here!?

Oblivious to my inner thoughts, Origami simply nodded at me.


"Your welcome."

Then... there was an awkward silence. I waited for her to say something, but she just blankly stared at me. It was honestly scary, being stared at by her, because I felt like I wasn't worth anything in her eyes, as if I was just a bug waiting to be squashed.

Her cold eyes struck a slight fear in me, but it had a kind of beauty to it. Although Shino and Origami both have stoic expressions, Shino is more of a 'Don't talk to me' kind of stoic while Origami is a 'I'll rip your tounge out and feed it to the dogs if you so much as come near me' kind of stoic. In short, she's an ice queen.

"You don't seem to talk much, do ya?"


"Can I just call you Origami?"


That was easier than expected. I thought that she'd be adamant about calling her Tobiichi and whatnot. Oh well, it doesn't matter to me.

"Were you practicing taijutsu just now, Origami?"


"Do you want to be friends?"

"I refuse."

I closed my eyes and nodded at her words.

"I see... then I refuse your refusal!"

Always wanted to say that! Nice going me!

Origami looked at me as if I was an idiot but quickly ignored me and went back to refusing me.

"We're not friends."

"Too late! We're already friends! So let's play together!"

Normally, I wouldn't go out of my way like this to make a friend, but this is a special occasion. Origami is an enigma, much like myself, to this world (to me at least). I want to see how her appearance will change the 'plot' of the story.

<A/N: Although Nora refers to the future as plot, he actually sees everything as reality, but calling it plot is convenient>

Origami glared at me with clear annoyance on her face.

"No. I don't have time to play."

She stated as she turned around and went back to attacking the wooden stump.

"What? How could you not have time to play? Don't tell me... you don't have any friends?"

I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't have friends.

"Friends are a waste of time."

Fumu fumu, just as I expected...

"Then why is it a waste of time? You're practicing taijutsu, so that must mean that you want to be a ninja. But why?"

"I don't need to tell you."

Oho? So you wanna do it like that?

"Fine! Then I'll just find out by myself!"

I'll blow you away with my awesomeness, Tobiichi Origami!!

Backing away a bit, I looked Origami up and down. Taking in every detail of her body, I started speaking.

<A/N: Prepare for some bullshit. This isn't Nora making it up, he is just naturally analytical. Any non-canon stuff mentioned is me just making things up for plot>

"The way you speak isn't like that of a clan, you also stated that you don't have friends, neither do I see any clan symbol on your clothes. Which means that you're from a civilian family. Judging by your clothes which seems to be sorta bland, you have a normal family or you're an orphan. I know of the brand of clothing you are wearing, it's from a company that donates money, food and clothes to orphanages. Which means that you're an orphan. The stance your using is from the book Taijutsu Training For Dummies, which further proves that you are from the orphanage since only the orphanage and Konoha library is known to have that book in stock, and parts of the taijutsu you're using is taught by the ninja academy. The way that you're training seems as if you have a goal. You seem to have used this tree stump for a long time, because the scars and damage visible seems worn down and aged. Which means that you've been using this tree stump for at least a few months or over a year. You don't seem like the type of person to interact with others willingly, judging by how you tried to ignore me earlier. You probably have a bone to pick with someone, you want revenge. But against who? Taking into account that you twitched when I mentioned revenge, I seem to be correct. Was it someone who killed your parents? Ah, it seems so. How long ago was it? One year? Two years? Three years? Four years? Five years? Six years? Seven years? Hmm, seven years it is."

Pausing for dramatic effect, I gave my last piece.

"So you want revenge against the Kyuubi, huh?"

Throughout my entire speech, Origami went from slightly shocked in the beginning, to visibly shaking in rage and sorrow at the end. Every deduction that was right shook her to the core.

It seems that even though it's a different world, her backstory is still similar; her parents die and she seeks revenge. I feel sorry for her honestly, fate seems to enjoy messing with her life. I just hope that this backstory isn't like her OG self.

<A/N: Tobiichi Origami, from Date A Live, wanted revenge against all Spirits for killing her parents. The truth was that the future her, who became a Spirit due to plot, asked a different Spirit to send her to the past so that she could kill the Spirit that killed her parents. No surprise here, it turned out that the future her was responsible for killing her parents as collateral damage when she was fighting another Spirit.
























There will be time travel in this novel.























Also, Origami is three years older than Nora. As to how Origami remembered an event that happened about 7 years ago? That's because of chakra, which not only enhances the physical properties of a body, but also the mental capabilities of the spirit.

This is the end of Author's Note.>

While I was thinking, Origami fell onto her knees and started crying. I didn't expect that, so I was in a daze for a second before approaching her.

"Whoa! Are you okay!?"

Stupid Nora! Of course she's not okay!

"Don't cry. It's okay, it's okay."

I said awkwardly as I gently hugged her, I had no idea on how to comfort kids. She almost immediately hugged me back while burying her face inside my neck.

Even though the kids of this world are more mentally developed than earthlings, I forgot that they're still kids. Reminding and bringing up those memories must have rekindled the emotions she felt back then. I should probably start learning some common sense.

You would expect me to learn the common sense of this world after being in it for almost 7 years. Nope! The common sense of earth is still strongly rooted into my very being.


"Are you feeling better?"

I asked a slightly blushing and red eyed Origami, who simply nodded at my question.


It's been a few minutes since Origami started crying, and she finally calmed down, much to my relief.

Looking at her, I could feel her embarrassment for being comforted by a boy younger than her. A barely noticeable smile appeared on my face, a very sinister smile.

"Are you embarrassed because I comforted you?"

Her face became even more red and she slightly averted her eyes. I smiled at her before bowing, it's the common etiquette for apologising.

"I'm sorry."

She was surprised as she tilted her head in confusion.


Admit my mistakes, state the truth with no excuses, smooth out the conversation with gentle words and don't push the situation out of the comfort zone. This is the the key rules for a sincere apology.

"I'm sorry for bringing up your bad memories. I was simply curious and wanted to know more about you, I didn't mean to make you sad. Although you don't have to, I hope that you can forgive me."

I said, still keeping my head down, I really was sorry.

Origami blankly stared at me for a while, before she nodded her head. The feeling of acceptance and slight happiness radiated from her.

"I forgive you."

I smiled widely and looked up.

"Thank you! Then as an apology, I'll be your friend."

"I refuse."

Her face went back to the usual stoic expression and her emotions went back to its normal, calm and annoyed state.

"Again, I refuse your refusal. How about this, I'll help you get stronger. I heard that when people work together, the results end up much better than if they worked alone. So why don't we get stronger together, it should increase your strength significantly than if you trained alone."

I threw her a carrot, a golden opportunity, one that could determine her fate forever. If she accepted, she would become much stronger... and she would basically become my friend. If she rejected, she would miss out on a lot. She probably knew this, so she didn't hesitate to answer.

"I look forward to working with you."

I grinned at the small smile on her face that she wasn't even aware of. I knew exactly how to befriend people like her.

"Of course! That's what friends are for after all."


After making arrangements with Origami, we decided to meet up early tomorrow morning to start our training. I then split up with her to let her continue her training while I went back to civilization.

Although a complete coinkydink (coincidence), I was happy, no... excited, that I got to not only meet, but also befriend(?) Origami. Though she seemed annoyed when I called her my friend, she will eventually accept it. That's the easiest way to deal with people like her, be aggressive until they relent.

Walking into the streets of Konoha, I started looking around. Not much has changed over the years, except for the development of small electrical appliances, nothing new happened.

The men and women walking by looked much more aesthetically appealing than earthlings from my old world. An ugly persons appearance in this world should be comparable to an average persons appearance back on earth. Average appearances in this world is fairly beautiful/handsome on earth. The real beauties of this world are literly drop dead gorgeous compared to earth's standards.

I have no doubt that any normal male from earth would've seen a gorgeous woman from this world as a goddess of beauty. If it weren't for the fact that my Okaa-san, Kushina oba-san and Mikoto oba-san were especially beautiful woman, I probably would've been a devote believer of them. Perks of being a baby and raised by one of the most beautiful women in the world is that I gain resistance to beauties. If my life was a game, my charm resistance would be at the maximum level.

Then you get the fugly people, they are so aesthetically unappealing that even ugly people from my old world looked pretty in comparison. So in this world, you're either fugly, average or pretty. There is no ugly.

Another interesting difference between this world and earth is that this world seems more... animated? It's difficult to describe, but the world looks real, but has cartoonish aspects to it. The colours are more vibrant and if I listen hard enough, I can hear background music that fits the current situation I'm in. Truly an anime world. The weirdest part was that it felt completely natural to me, as if it was normal for the world to be like this.

"Hey, Nora-chan! Where ya headin' to this time a day?"

Turning to look at the person who called me, I smiled seeing the familiar face.

"Anko-nee, I got lost but I'm making my way to the closest dango stall. Do you know where it is?"

Anko-nee has violet spiked ponytail hair and brown eyes, she wears a mesh body suit under a tan overcoat and a dark orange mini-skirt held up by a dark blue belt. She's one of the most beautiful kunoichi that I know,  I met her when I first tried out the dango of this world, and it didn't disappoint me, that shit was good.

"You got lost? I can't really imagine that, well whatever. Let's see, if you go in that direction, you should run into a dango stall. It's one of the best I know?"

With a smirk on her beautiful face, Anko-nee pointed in a north-eastern direction from where I stood. Smiling back at her, I started running in that direction.

Anko-nee is a really nice and fun person, although she's hated by the villagers due to being the Pedo Sannin's (Orochimaru's) ex-student.

"Thanks Anko-nee! See ya later!"

With a grin on my face, I jumped into an alley with a dead end and hopped onto boxes piled against the wall before vaulting over said wall. Even without using chakra, I can still perform pseudo-ninja tricks.

As I ran through the alleys, I caught the a whiff of blood. Stopping my sprint, I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath through my nose. I strained my ears and caught any sound that entered. My chakra sensing spread throughout a wide radius until I detected the figures of 5 individuals, 4 adults and 1 child. It seems that the child was being beaten up by the adults.

"I guess no matter what world... there will always be trash."

I opened my eyes, previously holding the innocent joy of a child, now as cold as ice.

Turning at a corner, I continued to run and make turns until I found what I was looking for. Laying in a fetal position was a bruised and bleeding child, although I couldn't tell the extent of the damage, I knew that the child was badly hurt.

Standing above the child were 4 civilian men, all of them had an evil grin on their faces as they stared down at the child. One of them even had his dick out of his pants.

"Hold her tight, this bitch ain't getting away this time."

The other men nodded and walked towards the child, now identified as a girl, and reached their hands out to her, but before they could, I interupted.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Yeah, this chapter took a bit of a dark turn, but it was worth it. Anyway, enjoy the double release!

Now praise this great me for my contribution to you lowly peasants! Praise me!

KeeperOfBookscreators' thoughts