
Chapter one old memories

I still remember the day we moved to pine valley and how confused I was at the fact that all of the sudden she felt the need to move away from all our friends and everything we knew. pine valley is a small town not on the map, so of course it was incredibly hard to find. The whole drive consisted of two hour potty breaks because somebody thought it was a good idea to give my little brother a two litter bottle of water, my parents fighting over which free way was best to take, and my two brothers fighting, all along with me in the middle of it all. When we finally came to stop it was in front of an old rundown house. stared at the front door trying to process and also figure out what my mother saw in the place. it was everything she hated and more, the only thing pretty about it was the forest behind it, and even then it had a creepy tone to almost as if some one was watching just behind those trees, and then, a mouse ran out of a crack in the door. the one thing my mom hates most in the world. she didn't even notice then mouse she just went on and on about the history of the house and how beautiful it was, and what she wanted to do with it.