
The Death of Princess Asiana

Liwanag · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 7


I stared at my reflection intently the red colour that I used to dye my hair seemed to be more eye catching because of its brightness so I decided to repaint it with brown. Hair dye was a rare item to acquire, not many knew how to make it and people were not keen in using it too but thanks to my maid back at home who was so crazy when it comes to herbs and medicines and often makes products like hair dyes, make ups and lotions I happened to pick up her methods. I also put on freckles on my face using make up. This way I'll look more plain and normal. "This is Ana…" I whispered I was satisfied with my new look. I turned away from the mirror and opened my luggage, I should sell half of the jewels that Sancho packed for me or it will be problematic if someone were to accidentally find out that a mere someone like Ana had a lot of jewels at her disposal. I furrowed my brow when I saw two jewellery boxes one was in need of a key, I opened the one that was not locked and saw all kind of jewels in pairs. Two brooch pin, where one was emerald and other was diamond. Two necklace and earring set where one was pearl and the other were rubies. Two golden hairpins and three diamond rings. What the hell Sancho? This is too many with this I could even feed the whole slums in the capital, I decided to keep the ruby necklace and earrings and the golden hair pins and sell the rest. I rummaged my bag more and found the key to open the other jewellery box. It was bigger and broader than the previous one it was a mystery on how it was able to fit into my luggage and how I was able to manage carrying it around. When I turn the lock, my eyes opened wide. That damned brother of mine! How the hell can I sell it without a rising suspicions? It was simple and small tiara set decorated in sapphires and diamonds- a common gem mined in Avalon. The design were simple almost as if it was made for one not to stand out and still display her beauty and elegance the sapphire stones were placed that compliments with curves of the tiara such that it appears like a wave except the earrings and the necklace were made out in shape of the flower found in the royal crest. "The tiara of the sea" I exclaimed! It was one of the princess jewellery in the treasury that was passed down from three generations ago it was a gift from the king of Eclates to the first ever princess that was born in Avalon. Sancho that fool, he did not packed it for me to sell for it was a fact that whatever country it was only a member of a royal family can wear a tiara, he packed it to remind me that I should head back home no matter what. I sighed in defeat and hid the box at the deeper part of my luggage. I grabbed my cloak and left to sell the jewels.

"Good Morning." I went inside the dress shop holding the poster that advertises the job offering. A woman wearing a monocle that seemed to be in her mid-forties approached me. She was dressed in a pale yellow coloured dress with flowers pattered at the lower part of her skirt. "Are you here to apply for the seamstress?" she asked in a soft voice, this dress shop was popular now a days and it seems that the orders keeps piling up that they lack man power. I nodded my head and follow her while my eyes wander around the displays of the shop. Everything looks fancy a lot of dresses filled with frills and laces were hanged up in all corners of the store. I liked designing clothes although I was never allowed to make my own, I would always secretly remodel some of my dresses with embroidery. "What do you know about making clothes?" the mistress asked me as soon as we stepped inside her office. I smiled nervously, I never really had the chance to make a dress but I do know how to make one but my lack of experience may seem to give me a disadvantage. "I can design dresses and suits for men and women, but I only had the chance to make a dress before." I said and her face seemed to cheer up "You design clothes?" excitement was evident in her voice and I simply smiled. "Yes, Madamme but I can only sew a dress for children. Will that be a problem?" I asked it was much easier to make a dress for kids rather than a grown lady and my lack of experience will only make my job harder if I try to make clothes for older people. "Hmm? But your designs were good for all ages, yes?" I nodded and showed her a piece of paper that contains my designs. "Oh my God, this is fantastic! It was a simple yet elegant designs this could spark a new trend!" the lady looked so happy and I blushed with her sudden compliment. "I'm Madam Giselle, do you want to start tomorrow?" "Yes!" my face lit up and I barely contain my smile as I shook her hand. I happily left the shopped and wander around town.

It was lovely noon and the streets was bustling with people, commoners and nobles alike walk through the square while some enjoys their tea inside the café'. It was time for lunch so I ate the bread I bought while I sat near the fountain at the centre of the square. Birds flock near me and maybe because of the food in my hand, it was annoying that they keep on hovering around me so in the end, I feed them instead I held out my hand and they all sat on the ground pecking my the bread from me. This reminded me of the time when Helix and I found a baby falcon stuck in the bushes of our secret garden, none of us knew where it came from but we decided to raise it together with Sancho. When the sun hits its peak, I left the square and wander around the market place. "Here, Here! For only five coppers, try to hit the target and you can win special gift!" my attention was pique when a crowd of people stands around a particular shop, it was a shooting game where one must hit the target with arrows. I smiled and hurriedly skipped towards the stand. "Excuse me, how can I play?" I asked, the bald man looked at me and scoffed as if what I asked was something impossible. "What, you're going to play girl? You should just hurry home and buy some bread to feed your family. Five coppers will be a waste on you." He said waving his hands to shoo me away I took a deep breath trying to contain my anger, what's so wrong with being a girl wanting to shoot some arrows? It's not like there is a law forbidding women to participate on such games. I smiled "Oh my, can I take it that you're afraid that a frail girl like me will put you out of business?" the look on his face was sour as if telling me that I just dared insult him and his identity as a business man. "You have to hit the centre of all five targets." I nodded while handing him the money. I pulled up my hood to cover myself, because the eyes of the audience where on me. I picked up the bow and aimed my arrow when someone shouted "Thief!" a young man ran pass me while holding a bag which appeared to be stolen "Catch him!" a woman stopped beside me panting she seemed exhausted after trying to ran after him, she looked at me as if telling me to chase after the thief. I sighed deeply, why me? I raised my arms and took my aim "Miss, the target is this way!" I heard the shopkeeper panicked. "No, it's this way." I said as I released the arrow. I heard the man groaned as he rolled over the ground and the bag which he stole was rooted on the floor. The woman quickly caught up and a group of knights rushed to the scene, seriously where were they during the hustle and bustle? I shook my head and continue with the game.


"Woah!" Ambrose said in amusement with the scene that happened before their eyes. After Ana hit the bag the thief was holding, she proceeded to shot her arrows on the targets set by the shop as if nothing happened. She hit all targets perfectly which left the spectator in awe, with her hood on, she exhibits a mysterious aura that gives a charming vibe, like a huntress out on a hunt. "That girl…" the man beside Ambrose whispered while in deep thought trying to remember where he had seen the familiar figure. "Oh yeah, Noche do you think if I went up against her in archery, I'll win?" Ambrose asked his companion who is still out on his own world. He frowned when he noticed that no one was listening to his blabbering. "Noche! Noche!" finally, Ambrose snapped and shook Noche's shoulder. The man glared at him in irritation. "Ambrose. It seems like you have it easy these days." His words were filled with killing intent that made the latter flinch and swallow his saliva, Noche's eyes wandered in the busy street and he suddenly ran off. "Where are you going?" Ambrose asked running after him, the former just shot him a look he ignored him as he hurriedly pass through the crowd, chasing after a familiar smile.


"Here's your prize miss." The shopkeeper handed me the prize with a heavy heart. It seems that he was not really expecting anyone to win his game because he specifically made the target smaller than the normal ones. I smiled at him and grabbed the box he gave me, inside it was a cheap looking pocket watch made out of steel. "Thank you." I said and walked towards an alley. I had a feeling that I'm being watch, it's been bothering me ever since I shot down that thief that someone else is following me through their gaze. It was a given since I made quite a commotion. It's not like I can feel any malice coming from that person but the fact that I can't find him through the crowd is giving me the anxiety. I continue walking down the alley, feeling the dagger I hid under my skirt in case of ambush when I heard footsteps as if someone was running. What? Was that feeling from earlier my imagination? Was I too nervous? I exhaled and shook my head and walked normally when suddenly I felt a hand grabbing my wrist. "What the hell!" I screamed, a pair of grey eyes greeted me, a familiar figure held my arms as shocked covered my face. This man! It was that nobleman I helped three days ago, he was dressed plainly than the last time but it was still clear that he came from a prominent family. His blond hair shined even in the dark alley and his gaze pierced deeply trying to examine my existence, he was just standing there while still holding his arm, I tried to pull back and he removed my hood.

"What are you doing, who are you?" I asked in annoyance, I'm going to pretend I don't recognise him and believe that he didn't recognise me too. He took a glance at my now chocolate coloured hair, then to me my freckled face, then to my deep blue eyes as if trying to confirm something. "Can you… Smile?" he asked. I felt shivers run through my spine at his sudden request, his voice was deep-yet full of embarrassment what the hell, that's just creepy. I pulled back my arm. "How rude, has anyone ever told you that you're a creep?" I asked regaining my composure. He seemed to have realized what he just said as his eyes got bigger he cleared his throat and raise his hands. "I- uh, I choose my words poorly. I don't mean to startle you. It's just that you looked familiar although the hair colour was different, so I asked you to smile to see if I got the right person." He explained, his face was flushed and his ears were beet red. He looks adorable when he tilt his head to the left, trying to avoid my scrutinizing eyes. He don't strike me as one of those perverts who chase after girls walking down the street, if I didn't know any better I could've mistaken him for an innocent young man who's asking a girl out for the first time. "I was told my smile could cause a disaster, Sir. I don't think I can recommend it" he looked at me with puzzled expression as if trying to understand how a simple curve from a person's lips could bring chaos. "I saw you earlier playing the shooting game, you got a good aim." Gone were his shyness, and now he talks to me in a more proud and confident manner as if he just discovered something amusing he can use. "Thank you, it was a fluke" "It was too accurate to be a fluke" this guy… he smirked when he saw my troubled look. "You're that wandering traveller." He said with full conviction, I furrowed my brows trying to feign ignorance. "While it's true I am not from this kingdom, I don't think I have travelled far for me to meet such a beauty." I smiled and his face grew closer to mine. "That smile." He said as he touched the corner of my lips, I was too surprised to even appreciate his angelic sight up close. I smacked his hands and pushed him away. "How rude of you Sir, to touch a maiden's face all of a sudden I don't think I met someone as rude as you." I can feel my face blush at the sudden contact his warm hands sparked a new feeling within my heart, I turned my head towards the other side and secretly took a glance of his face. He stood there unfazed as if he had no idea why I pushed him away he kept staring at his hands which I smacked earlier on. Was he hurting? Did I hit him too hard? To my surprise, he smiled. It was a refreshing kind of smile that was filled with amusement and innocence. I don't understand this guy. "I don't know how you look different from before, but I should tell you that I recognised your voice and that cloak you are wearing. Not to mention you're archery show from earlier." Oh, he's also quite the observant. I took a deep breath and glared at him with the most murderous intent I could ever muster. My instincts tell me that this man is dangerous but somehow I can feel so at ease at his presence as if I could trust him with my life. "I'm sorry, I was being rude." He said and changed his expression and took a step back and bowed formally. "I just meant to say my thanks for your help from the last time, if I may have my saviour's name?" this guy is a charmer I can say, the frequent changes in his expressions is as good as any other actors that plays on the stage. I chuckled in amusement. What a peculiar guy.

"I'm called Ana." I gave him my name in the end. I don't think he'll ever budge no matter how hard I try to act clueless.

"Very well, Lady Ana please do call me Noche." He said grabbing my hand and kissing the back of my palm, I was caught off guard with his sudden action that I reflexively pulled my hands back. "What…" I feel my cheeks burning as I held my hand that he just kissed. It wasn't the first time someone did something like this to me, a kiss at the back of the hand was a gesture of courtesy, politeness and respect, it felt normal at that time when other people greet me but when this man did it, an unknown type of feel crept within me. "I'd like to repay your favour, may I ask how?" he asked softly that minding the rudeness that I just display. I cleared my throat and regain my composure, I looked at his face. My, he look so majestic like a god sculpted individual with his sharp jawline and high pointed nose, his thin lips that kissed my hand, every single feature of his face seemed to perfectly fit each other. Even Helix and Sancho who was regarded as the two most handsome man of Avalon can't even compare with him. I sighed.

"Do me a favour and forget about me. I would appreciate it if we never see each other again." I said before trying to walk away,

"Why?" he asked I looked at him from head to toe while trying to come up with an excuse on how to perfectly convince him.

"Because I hate the nobility" I said and left leaving him with his mouth half open.