
The Death Instinct

!!COMPLETED!! Marv, a character with an insatiable death wish, goes on a mission to find Arioch, a badass vampire with a mysterious and uncaring past. Little does Marv know that her quest for self-destruction will lead to a series of unexpected twists and unsettling revelations, turning her world upside down. Trust me, things are about to get real interesting. *This might be a bit late but trigger warning, this book talks about dark themes and mental health.*

Novel_Dumre · Fantasy
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102 Chs

Narissa, the Enchantress

Marvel stood in front of the mirror, in the painful white bathroom. She didn't sleep well last night, and the images of Minjuin and Arioch kept floating in her mind. The image of Arioch holding Minjuin by his neck, thick blood splashing on black marble floors. She kept imagining it, putting herself in his place. 

He felt his hands gripping clothes around her waist, leaning her back enough for her neck to be exposed, and waiting for his fangs to puncture her neck and release her. 

Marvel let out a gasp and realized her fingers were caressing her neck where a faint scar sat. Instant tears started to form in her eyes but she shook her head and pushed a smile on her lips. Marvel fixed the choker on her neck to hide it before grabbing the mascara and combing her eyelashes out of her eyes. She left the bathroom and walked into the room, grabbing her drug bag and dairy she hadn't written in months. 

Marvel pulled out her meds. Her hands shook at the thought of the pills sliding down her throat. It made her stomach turn. She pulled out Zoloft. The cold container felt unfamiliar in her hand, even though she had been taking it for years. 

The door cracked open, and Marv froze. "We are about to leave, babe," Nandi said but still stopped in her tracks. Her eyes went from the container to the heavy-filled drug bag. 

Marv threw the Zoloft into the bag and hugged herself, controlling the itching anxiety and her shaking legs. "Yeah, I will be out in a second. " She crossed in a huff and smiled, but Nandi just nodded and left. 

As soon as the door closed, Marv fell onto the bed with her head in her hands and loudly exhaled into them. 

Marv walked into the living room, where the group stood in as casual clothing as only they could. Minjuin instantly noticed Marv's outfit. 

"Marv, wouldn't you prefer something lighter?" He gestured to the long sleeves and high neckline. "It's supposed to be very hot today," he smiled. 

Marv looked down at her dress and waist beads. "Oh, no, this all mesh," she assured him as he nodded. 

Marv couldn't help but watch the three and their fashion. Minjun stood at in a waistcoat with a lot of pockets and bare arms, Nandi at a sleeveless waistcoat with detailed embroidery, while Arioch looked effortless in a black kurta and dark jeans. They all look perfect with uniqueness and aesthetics, which made Marv look down at her outfit, especially her shoes. She could have gone with a wedge heel, but her rugged high tops always made her feels grounded. Particularly today with her head all loopy. 

They were ushered into a car and made their descent towards the sea. All Marv saw was the beautiful sun, and a gorgeous ocean view while they drove through Winelands. It reminded her of driving down to her grandparents, but instead of the Winelands, there were kilometers and kilometers of pine trees and when it was rainy or foggy, she would lie on her back and enjoy the scenery and the smells. 

Arioch watched Marv with a soft smile, Marv's nostalgic smile was contagious as she stared out the window. He turned to find Nandi smiling at him. "You found her? " He cleared his throat, trying to move away from the scene that Nandi just witnessed. 

"Yes, she goes by Narissa, the Enchantress. She travels with a carnival, doing mainly circus tricks," Nandi explained as Minjun shook his head. 

"Can you believe she helped you take down Arjun?" Minjun said, not believing the great sorceress was working in carnivals. 

Marv turned to look at them. "Arjun?" she asked, looking at the group. 

"old stories" Arioch shifted in his seat and Marv struggled it off. 

The car pulled into a bizarre carnival. It was a sketch-out and indie-looking place. The place was dark and Gothic, with touches of red, purple, and green. The clowns were scary, with wide smiles and round blush cheeks. Tall creatures with big teeth and striped legs walked amongst the visitors, checkerboard floors and spiral staircases that led to nowhere. Giant spiders and slandering creatures moved around, over the heads of visitors. 

Marv looked up at the jiggling bunnies on stilts with gigantic eyes. "Isn't this wonderful?" she asked the group, who looked weirded out by the dark aesthetic, but Marv couldn't believe it. Even the sea looked dull and gray. 

They walked up to a morbid carnival sign 'Narissa the Enchantress' and below it stood 'I see it, you must believe it', Marv looked at Arioch, whose jawline clenched and he looked down at her but Marv looked to the all-seeing eye and bohemian stars. 

"You better stay here," Nandi said to Arioch before pushing the tent flap open. 

Minjun turned to Nandi. "Do you think she will try her carnival tricks on me?" he hopped on his feet. 

"The only carnival trick I need is her reading my future. " Marv spread her hands in the air. "I have no future. " She laughed softly and Nandi looked worried. "What?" Marv struggled.

"Come in, come in if you dare." a woman sat in the dark, swirling her arms in the air and twisting her body "I am Narissa the Enchantress so don't despair" Her eyes were closed, painted mascara eyelashes and beauty marks "I grant a wish, right a wrong, I can see into your future just come…fuck" Nessa opened her eyes then rolled them when she saw Nandi and Minjun "what do you want?" she slouched in a striped corset with pout. 

"Nessa. " Nandi turned on the charm, but Nessa stood up in her lacey skirts that bunched up around her hips, showing off her frilly lace shorts and striped stockings. 

"Don't" she pointed at Nandi. She moved to the tent flap and closed it. "Don't call me that here. " she turned on more lamps. 

The light drifted over Nessa's long features, golden brown skin, and those big honey eyes. Nessa's tent was mostly empty except for the table with a velvet table with classic crystal ball, crystals, and charms hanging in the air.

Nandi sat down at the chairs circling the table. "We need a potion and a spell. " She crossed her arms while Nessa sat bored in front of her. 

Nessa scoffed. "You think I would do that for him? " She shook her head until her eyes landed on Marv. "Oh, baby, those beads are not okay," she commented on Marv's waist beads. 

"Oh, I know. " Marv sat down in one of chairs that circled the table.

Nessa struggled off, sniffed the air "He might as well come in too" Arioch walked into the tent, Nessa gave him a look over "you look like shit but it's gonna get worse for you" she moved back to her seat and looked up at him "I am not giving you anything" she smiled up at him. 

Arioch sat next to Marv. "Listen, Nessa, I know.."she cut him off. 

"No, no, no" Nessa shook her finger at him "no amount of excuses, no amount of pleading your case, no amount of pain, no amount of breath and no amount of tears are gonna save you" her eyes turned dark and her smile grow wider and more demeaned "I hope he finds you, I hope he leans you over her body and I hope you bleed and keep bleeding but never die" she sneered, leaning back in her seat. 

Arioch jawline clenched, a silence passed by the group. "I will give it back. " Nessa's eyes turned misty. "all of it. " He licks his lips. "I can't change the past, but I will repay it. " 

Nessa sat in a frame of memories. "why should I trust you?" she asked like a wall sat on her shoulder. 

Arioch leaned forward. "I will write it in blood." Nessa exhaled as soon as the words fell out of his mouth. 

"Fine. " She stood, presenting her hand. Arioch stood and took it. Nessa pulled out a dagger and cut both their hands, creating a crisscross, "in blood and bond until…" she muttered before looking at Nandi, she placed her hand on top of both of their hands "In blood and in bond until Nandi the protégé perishes. " Nessa pushed their hands away. "you will need…"