

Tanzay parks her car in front of the administration office building, the Dean's office is actually behind the administration office. There aren't any parking spots there, except for the Dean. 

"A private villa for a Dean's office?" Tanzay's brow rose. "I hope Kiyana isn't right about this."

She knocks on the villa's door, feeling a little silly. After a few minutes of waiting, a young, lanky, bronze-skinned lady answers the door, "Yes, how may I help you?"

"Yes, um, I have an appointment," Tanzay shows the young lady the letters.

"Yes," she opens the door, "the Dean is expecting you. I'm Silvia Cara." She steps aside, allowing Tanzay to enter.

Once Tanzay is in, the young lady closes the door.

"The Dean is expecting me?" Her mouth twitches.

"Yes, please," Silvia points to the leather chair, "have a seat. I'll let her know that you're here."

Tanzay sits down and looks around while Silvia goes through two large doors. Tanzay's mind wanders to her bank account. 

Everything seemed to be running close together in timing, she tries to remember the numbers on her bank account. She rubs her face and groans. 

"I just wanted to attend college in peace and not have any more drama. But, for some reason it never seems to happen that way...can it?" She questions herself to herself. 

Silvia comes back in, "the Dean will be ready for you soon." Without waiting for Tanzay to reply, she walks off in a different direction.

"Rude much," Tanzay whispers.

Tanzay stares at the closed doors and gets up, Silvia has already turned the corner. 

"Be ready soon my ass. I've got shit to do." She straightens her G-Unit jacket and goes up to the doors. Taking a deep breath, she knocks on her exhale. 

After hearing a little scuffling, a female's voice sounds, "Come in."

She inhales again and opens the door as she exhales. Entering, she sees a couple looking frazzled. The female is fixing her shirt while the male is adjusting his tie. They appear to be in their early to mid-twenties. The male makes eye contact with Tanzay and a tingle generates between her legs as her own eyes meet his. 

Tanzay smiles, "Hello, I'm Tanzay Martin and I've got an appointment," she speaks to the male. 

He chuckles at her enticing smile, "Well, nice to meet you, little lady." 

His rough and deep voice creates a tingle in her vagina. Him being built like a quarterback is Tanayz's sweet spot, but him being dark-skinned, just added to her wetness. 

"But, she," he turns to the female, "is the one you wanna speak to." 

The female combs her wavy brown hair into a neat bun, "Hey, I'm Dean Jalyssa Winston and this is my husband Xaemon Winston."

Xaemon looks at Jalyssa, "I'll see you at home, babe." He kisses her lips.

Tanzay looks away, her cheeks burning. 

Just as Xaemon exits, he pushes his body against her's. She inhales his cologne, and her heart races. 

"Please," the door closes behind Xaemon. Tanzay focuses her attention on Jalyssa, "have a seat."

Tanzay sits in the puffy leather chair, she begins, "I had gotten this letter from the financial aid office."

"Yes, that's why I gave you the appointment," Jalyssa sits down as well. 

Tanzay crosses her legs under her dress and twiddles her fingers waiting for the bad news. When she's just starting to get her life together, there always seems like there's some bad news keeping her from her goals.  

"Right, " Jalyssa shuffles through the mounds of paperwork on her desk. "There was a discovery that your tuition was no longer being paid for..."

Yeah, no shit. Tanzay rubs her temples, "Yes, and I'm trying to figure out why it's not being paid." She puts her hands in her lap. I really need to get to my computer. Looking at my bank account is the only way, I'll be able to figure out what's really going on. 

Jalyssa finds the paper, "yeah, well."

"How much do I owe? Like an exact number?"

Jalyssa scans the paper she's holding and realizes it's the wrong paper. She goes through a completely different pile off to the side on the corner of the desk. 

"I'm trying to get organized. I have a lot of students trying to switch classes and money. Ugh." She pulls a few manilla sheets of paper from the pile without turning anything over. "Here we are." She sits down with a sigh, "$29,948."

Tanzay sits back in her chair, "Oof."

"Do you have anyone to turn to?"

Tanzay thinks about her shady family members, "No. I don't talk to my parents. Or any family members for that matter," she goes on, "I'm doing just fine on my own."

Tanzay gathers her things. Jalyssa steps around the desk with haste, "Hold on, now." She gently touches Tanzay's arm, Tanzay stops. "I may be able to help you. If you want it."

"Help me?" She arches her brow.

"Yes. I can get back to you about it, soon. If you decide not to take it, I'll give you however much time you need to pay for it."

Tanzay looks into Jalyssa's eyes, Jalyssa smiles as a cold chill ran down her spine as Tanzay looked into her eyes. 

"Think about thinking about what I said," Jalyssa pokes.

Tanzay giggles, "Okay, thank you. I'll think about it."

"You're welcome." Jalyssa walks Tanzay to the outside door. "And feel free to come by as well anytime. It gets boring in this building by myself." 

"I will. Thank you again." Tanzay unconsciously hugs Jalyssa. 

Jalyssa's body molds to Tanzay's. 

"See ya," Tanzay lets go and walks away.

"See ya," Jalyssa says as Tanzay walks away. "Soon," she whispers to herself. "Very soon."