
The Deal- A Novel

After going through a bad break up, the last thing Nihara want is to date again. Unfortunately her conservative mother doesn't see it that way. So intending to 'help' her newly single daughter her mother sets her up with her friend's nephew. Last thing Alexander wants is a relationship. A girlfriend will only distract him from his work. But his aunt has finally put her foot down. She has arranged him a blind date and she expects him to at least give the girl a chance. What happens when two people who are not looking for love meet? Why they strike a bargain, of course. Fake date for six months then go there separate ways. Everything goes as planned, until it doesn't. Note: The story takes place in Sri Lanka. (It's an island in the Indian ocean.) There will be places and words that are native to Sri Lanka which I will address at the end of each chapter. But if I miss anything please let me know.

shaziwolfe · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 4


I felt nervous standing in front of Gate 6 at De Mel Cricket Stadium. I was alone since I told Michael and Sydney that I would wait for Nihara. I didn't miss the smirk Michael threw my way before he went inside hand in hand with Sydney.

I put my hands in my pockets and stood near the gate facing the road. Every time I saw a woman with olive skin with a similar build to Nihara coming my way, my heart skipped a beat. Only to realize upon closer inspection it was someone else.

I checked my phone. Maybe she sent me a message telling that she won't come. To my relief I didn't have any new messages. When I looked up at first I didn't recognize her, she was wearing an oversized Sri Lankan t-shirt and a low pony tail. 

"Hi," she said giving me a little wave. "I'm sorry I got late. Did you have to wait long?"

I swallowed. She looked more beautiful than she was the last time I saw her, if that was even possible. She only wore lipstick and no other makeup and I found myself looking at the pale pink colour of her lips that was curved in to a smile. I was in deep trouble.

"Umm.. No. No. I wasn't here long," I said giving myself a mental shake. "Come on my friends are already inside." I placed my hand on her lower back to guide her but I felt her stiffen at my touch. I Looked at her apologetically and removed my hand at once.

It was crowded so I kept glancing back to make sure that that she followed me to our seats. Once in Block A I was able to spot Michael and Sydney easily, right in front since Syd liked to scream greetings at the players when they came close to the fence. I led Nihara to the two empty seats next to Sydney. Nihara sat next to Sydney while I took the seat next to her.

"Syd. Micheal. This is Nihara," I shouted to be heard over the noise of the crowd.

Sydney beamed at her. "Hi. I'm so glad Alex invited you. Now that he's dating you maybe he will stop living in his office," she said.

I scowled at her while Nihara laughed.

It was difficult to talk after that, the Sri Lankan and Australian teams came to the field ready to start the match and it was too loud to have a proper conversation. I found myself looking at Nihara from the corner of my eyes throughout the match. She even joined Sydney and called out to the players whenever they came close to the fence. From that exchange alone I realized that they would become fast friends. 

The match was over by 7.00 p.m, so we decided to go to pizza hut for an early dinner.

"That was fun. Winning always makes me extra hungry," Sydney said rubbing her hands together.

We were seated at a booth at the back. Sydney and Micheal in front of us and Nihara and me opposite to them.

Michael raised an eyebrow. "Tell me what doesn't make you hungry."

"That's why I added the 'extra'," Sydney shot back.

"Children. Children. Let's not start this again." I looked at Nihara apologetically. "Sometimes they forget to act their age."

Nihara smiled. "Have you two been together long?"

Sydney raised her left hand and showed Nihara her wedding ring. "We have been married for a year and before that we dated for two years," she said. "Forget about us, let's talk about you. You own a bookshop, right? What's it called?"

"It's called New Chapter. You can't miss it, it's on the Moratuwa main road," Nihara said.

Sydney nodded. "I've seen it. I almost stopped by it last week. Remember Michael?" She poked Michael. He winced. "What kind of books do you sell? Now that I personally know the owner I'm definitely going to drop by."

Michael stood. "If you two are going to talk about books we're never going to eat. I'm going to order the food," he said and walked towards the cashier.

I stood. "I better go with him," I said. "What do you want?" I asked Nihara.

She unzipped her purse. "Pepperoni pizza, let me pay for it," she said pulling out cash.

"My treat," I said quickly and followed Michael before she could protest.

"I like her," Michael said when I joined him. "Your taste has definitely improved since your last girlfriend."

"Thanks man, I'm so glad you approve," I said sarcastically. If he only knew.

After dinner Sydney and Michael left and I walked Nihara to her car.

"I had fun. Thank you for inviting me," she said standing next to her car.

"I'm glad. Since you gave your number to Syd expect to hear from her soon. She will pester you till you have lunch with her." I warned.

She smiled and I found myself looking at the curve of her lips. "That's okay. I like her. Michael too. You have cool friends."

"They drive me crazy most of the time but I could not ask for better friends," I said softly.

She was still smiling and for a second I thought her eyes dropped to my lips but she soon looked away. "It's getting late. I should go."

I opened the door for her to get and watched her drive away. I was feeling too much too fast, I realized. I needed to stay away from her.