
The One Of Angel Demon

"Wake up, Sarah" I feel my older brother shake me away

I open my eyes but don't see him and realize that he left for England in search of a key that can open the portal to the demon realm as so he has told me when I was a little girl and he was two years older than me.


"I am going to England in search of a key, Sarabella" he smiles down at me as I swing low on my swings in my backyard.

"Will you come back?" I ask

He nods but with a sad smile


I open my eyes and see my guardian at the window watching me with a smile. Guardians are an animal that each person has to protect them but if you die so does your guardian.

My guardians name is Chase but I ask call him Grey and he's a shape shifter and yet I've never seen him in his human form all because our guardian isn't allowed to show him or herself.

"Why don't you get up, Sarabella?" he asks while wagging his fox tail back and forth

"It's summer vacation so I'm gonna sleep" I turn

He hops on the bed and licks my face "You need to feed me some food"

I laugh as he licks me "Okay!"

He curls up in my arms as I go to my kitchen and see my mother with Spot who's a dog with a spot around his eye

We also can understand all of our guardians and each other very well. Over the past decade many humans have managed to study there guardian but noone knows what they are here for.

In the year 1989 a man named Theodore Maxwell discovered a group of animals in Asia that could interact with humans and he claimed that some can even become human but never can do it unless when in dangerous situations. Many years later we can now communicate with our guardians fine.

"I wish I could be stronger like those champion's we see on television" he sighs and I laugh while watching my mother leave for work

"See you soon, Sara!" she waved as she got in her car

"Oops!" I heard a bang behind me and saw a man hide behind the door and spots eyes were sad and guarded

Chase Grey is that you?" I look around the door and what I see shocks me to the core

That's my Chase He stares at me as I get closer but when I reach out to touch him my door bursts open and some men tackle Chase but I don't want him to get hurt so I grab his hand and drag him along outside.

5 men's surround the area and I cling to Grey

"Step away from the Guardian he has broken the rules and must be contained immediately, Miss Adela"

"You can't take him from me!" I hold tight to his arm and he stares down at me with his bright blue and green eyes. They say if a human touches their guardian a barrier is formed and they can do anything and humans can die from it but it's so rare that almost everyone doesn't care about it. I feel Grey let me go and the men surround me and Grey is dragged away.

I cry and kick the men hard "Grey no not Grey please no!"

The men taser Grey and he falls unconscious and as they let me go they push me away from him

"Grey no not My Grey!" I sob

"Forget him miss he's more than gone" a blonde guy says

I see a woman and a man with a red and white fox each and the red one walks over to me and the man walks over but the fox hisses at him

"What is wrong with you?" the man stares at me

"Sara!" Grey screams as they take him away

"Nothing" I mumble as the red fox rubs against me

"Why is my fox attached to you then?" he asks

Meanwhile the woman's fox growls at the red fox as it sits beside me but then it comes over and rolls over in front of me

"She must be contained for further examination" the woman says and she goes to grab me but the foxes growl

"Grab them now!" the man tells the other officers

My arms are tied at my back and the foxes are grabbed my their collars

"Let them go!" I scream

Then they knock me out and all is blackness