
The dead line

bradleyc20061 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

A hole new world / a new power

Tora Levi (were are we?) Levi responded (this is my homeland called the deadluns were the souls of the people that have died come here and then reincarnate into a human being again) Tora is confused and tries to take it all in. Levi calls Tora and explained were we are and the different between this world and his world, Levi starts to explain (Tora this world is the deadluns and as I told you this is were souls come to be reincarnated this world can't normally cant be reached by an ordinary human unless your spirit energy is split between alive and dead but in your case your spirit energy isn't split. some spirit are evil and when they were alive they committed murder and when they die they become there in shadow and is brought into the gate of hell were they transform but I'm part of an organization called the death reapers and we help the good spirits to the deadluns and fight the corrupted shadows from killing the souls that have past on yet. and that sums about every thing up do you have any questions.) Tora asked (If this is the deadluns then we're are the souls and why isn't my soul split between being alive and a soul.) Levi responded (The souls are in the soul villages and I don't really know why your soul hasn't split only the death reapers souls are like you. by any chance can I ask you something Levi) Levi said (ye ask what ever.) Tora said (what was your angle of coming to my school and how do you fight the shadows.) Levi responded there was someone in your school with high spirit energy and was in danger and we use swords to attack the core of the shadows. an alarm has gone off, someone shouts the shadows are attacking the deadluns. Levi tells Tora to go and hide and I'll come back soon. Tora goes and hide, Tora watched Levi go to the deadluns to help fight when all of the sudden a sword appeared on Levi's back. all of a sudden a shadow appeared behind Tora and pulled Tora towards it's mouth. Tora noticed that his body is on the flour but Tora was to late the shadow has swollode Tora and Tora landed into the shadows stomach, Tora starts to sink in the stomach of the shadow, Tora lifts his right hand and shouts ( I'm gonna kill you!!!) all of the sudden Tora experience a change. a huge sword appeared in his right hand, Tora sliced the shadow with one clean attack, Levi sensed a tora's spirit energy disappear for a moment so Levi rushed back to try and save Tora. by the time Levi got back Levi was shock by how Tora has taken on the shadow all by his self but Levi was more shocked by the massive sword in his right hand, Tora asked Levi why is there a sword appeared in my right hand, Levi responded only spirit with high spirit energy can become death reapers.