
The dead girls alive

I am my own person. I make my own story. This is my life. You will not deny me. Cordelia von Argeos Oribiana has one goal in sight. To find out why girls with red hair were killed. Was it because of their red hair? Maybe because of the emotion magic they harnessed? Why were they always killed, what did they do that was so bad it resulted in their death? Who was behind the killings? How many? Was it the king? Was it other nobles? She didn't know but she is willing to put her life on the line to find out.

xazaxi · Fantasy
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30 Chs

chapter twenty-seven

Theron summoned his trusted knights and told them of the vague description Cordelia had given, while they weren't happy with the description they could make do with the little information given. Sending them out Theron turned to Cordelia smiling. "You can stay in here until we get the antidotes for you." It sounded more like a command than a suggestion. Cordelia did not argue, she nodded her head looking over to Bastian who was fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. She placed her hand gently on his shoulder giving a rare smile which in turn made Bastian smile at her as well.

[I should check on how things are at home.] Cordelia thought bringing out a mirror knocking on it twice, she knew that she had not told anyone how to use the magicked mirror, but it was in a convenient spot that anyone would be able to pick it up. The face on the other end of the mirror startled Cordelia.

"Cordelia! I am so sorry, I-I had no idea my boys- I've failed as a mother... I could not see the pain my boys were subject to. I've failed my children because I was so obsessed-"

"I understand your sentiments, however I am not the person you should be saying this to." Cordelia stated staring into the woman's eyes, she was taken aback but nodded her head in agreement handing the mirror over to Bhoots.

"I'm surprised you had a communicating device here."

"I keep it just in case I have customer's around when they need to speak to me. Though I'm usually never away but in the basement when they need help."

"As expected of a hermit of a witch."

"I go out sometimes, but having you do all my errands is much better."

"Yeah yeah, anyway when will you be back?"

"It is hard to ascertain. I want to get back at the earliest time to handle the matter of the letter Duke Kapareliotis left." Cordelia spoke a scowl forming, it most certainly had to do with the deterioration of his daughter's health. "I'm surprised the mother of the children is up. How did they fare?"

"Well the mother didn't know the boys were being abused, but she suspected something was amiss when the youngest Nico was bedridden for several days, but her husband did not shed light on what happened."

"Have they found him yet."

"No." Cordelia clicked her tongue in annoyance, it was just speculation but everything was falling into place too perfectly. She was certain there was a bigger hand stirring the pot but which hand was the right one, of course, her gut went straight to Marquess Latimer. His hand was always stirring someone's pot but without concrete evidence, Cordelia could not point her finger at him. Too many nobles were corrupt and in a position of power.

"No matter. Without Bastian near his father, the curse won't take effect." Bhoots began to speak but Cordelia had heard enough for her mood to be sour and so she ended the communication with the mirrors placing it back in her bag.

"That is not exactly true." Theron spoke peering up from his mountain of paperwork, he had been listening to bits and pieces of their conversation. "Even if the person who cast it is not near the cursed individual the curse will still take effect."

"So it can be activated anywhere? Fantastic, as if it already wasn't troublesome enough." Bastian scooted closer to Cordelia who looked at him quizzically but did not press him on the matter.

"I've been meaning to ask you, Cordelia, you are a vampire?"

"Yes." She answered curtly not many people knew she was a vampire except those who asked and those she trusted. "It's not as if I was trying to hide this piece of information but being a vampire has nothing to do with my work."

"I wasn't bringing it up because I'm prejudiced! In Tealel there are not that many vampires who roam around, I had heard vampire attacks were happening late at night in Yuyinela and wondered if you were subject to interrogation..." Theron trailed off looking back down at his paperwork, Cordelia remembered Ezekial had asked her if she knew anything about the attacks, but that was as far as he got with her.

[Perhaps he was able to find the culprit.] Cordelia concluded. It was not like she cared whether the person responsible was caught or not, it was not like it would change her mission in the slightest although it would make it that much harder to "freely" walk around.

"I didn't know you were a vampire Cordelia. Do they actually combust in the sunlight?!" Bastian asked his eyes glowing with interest.

"Contrary to what many humans believe, we vampires only get headaches from being outside in the sun. It is why most of us only go out when it is cloudy, some do go out when the sun shines but they cannot handle it for more than an hour at most."

"How about you Cordelia?"

"Before Rio and Bhoots, I would only go out when it was cloudy, and if I absolutely had to I would venture out in the sun." Cordelia responded quietly as to not disturb Theron as he was working, Bastian with his curiosity sated got up from his seat and perused through Theron's book collection, Cordelia decided it would be best if she meditated to alleviate some of her drowsiness, soon the world around her faded to black.

"__! I can't go through with this! I can't kill you!""__, you must. You are the saintess while I ___, am nothing but a plague to this world."

"__!!! Why didn't you tell me?! We can fix this together!"

"__... I'm so sorry. I have to die... It's the only way to make the noble's happy."

"No __!!! What are you doing!? Let go! Let go of my sword please!"

"__!! __!! __!!"

Cordelia was forcefully awoken out of her sleep, her eyes darted around the room landing on Theron and Bastian who both had panicked expressions on their face. Cordelia knew she had fallen asleep again, this time she heard more of what happened to the previous witch but still the names were not clear to her.

"Cordelia are you alright!?" Theron asked cupping her face that was drenched in sweat.

"I'm... Fine." She spoke recoiling from his hands standing up. "How long was I out."

"Just a few hours. Are- are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine, your majesty." Cordelia spoke firmly wiping her face with the back of her hand. "I'm sorry for the unsightly scene. I try not to go to sleep, it's the only time I am unable to control my emotion magic."

"You don't need to apologize! I will call a few maids to guide you to my room to bathe." Cordelia did not argue nor refuse Theron's kindness. It was her carelessness with feeling relaxed that lead to her slumber. Bastian cautiously walked up to Cordelia the fear still evident on his face, Cordelia did not blame him for being scared of her. A monster.

"Cordelia... Who... Who is Belladonna? You kept frantically repeating it in your sleep." Cordelia was taken aback by the question and shifted her gaze from Bastian to the window letting out a quiet sigh.

"She is my youngest sister." Cordelia did not elaborate and Bastian did not press her for more answers. The maids soon came into Theron's office waiting for Cordelia to exit the room, she looked back at Theron who stared at her with concern written on his face. "I need not mention this but keep Bastian safe. I will be back once I have bathed." Cordelia walked out of the room with the two maids guiding her to Theron's chambers.

hello! i apologize for the weird hiatus! i really had no motivation to continue this series but I decided to get back into the game once again! Like the story? Add to library! Have some scenes you'd like to see? Comment it and I'll try my best to add it!

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