
The dead girls alive

I am my own person. I make my own story. This is my life. You will not deny me. Cordelia von Argeos Oribiana has one goal in sight. To find out why girls with red hair were killed. Was it because of their red hair? Maybe because of the emotion magic they harnessed? Why were they always killed, what did they do that was so bad it resulted in their death? Who was behind the killings? How many? Was it the king? Was it other nobles? She didn't know but she is willing to put her life on the line to find out.

xazaxi · Fantasy
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30 Chs

chapter eight

Leaving her cottage Cordelia headed towards the city to sell the potions she had made. All potions were in high demand, mana potions, clarification potions, and elixirs. The walk wasn't too long, Cordelia neared the edge of the forest and sighed, the men following her just wouldn't give up. No doubt it was one of those mysterious man's goons again, good thing this hour was rush hour when everyone did their shopping, she put the cloak over her head and rushed into the crowd without a second thought. She knew where she was going the man would surely lose her in the crowd, this is what she thought but losing him proved to be a bit of a problem.

Why can I not lose him? Does he have some type of magic device? Cordelia wasn't too sure as to why she could not lose the man, however she needed to and fast. She was approaching the one shop many did not dare to go to, the house of the one and only. The house of Majorie, a shop that dwelled in all things mystical. Too mystical for the population, it would be a bad idea for her to let this follower know where she was going. Stopping she closed her eyes and breathed in slowly, whistling. The whistle was high pitched enough to catch the birds attention but not the ears of humans, as soon as Cordelia finished the tune hundreds of birds flocked towards the center causing people to stare in awe. This gave Cordelia all she needed to slip through the people while the man could only helplessly watched as the brown cape hiding her crimson red hair disappeared into the crowd.

Stepping in the shop, Cordelia was hit with the smell of old books, a smell she loved, and the smell of brewing tea, removing the hood of her cloak. She walked up to the counter and knocked on the wood twice signaling to Majorie she was here. A tall, bronze-skinned beauty walked out of the back moving the black see-through drapes on the door out of her way so she could get to the counter. Her long black hair was tied into a tight bun leaving two strands of hair in the front. She pulled on her bangs just a bit opening her eyes to reveal a soft beautiful lavender orb, her other eye was covered by an eye patch adorned in the shape of a white spider lily.

"Cordelia, you came." She softly spoke bowing her head slightly. "What is it you are selling to me this time?" Majorie asked her long slender arm resting on the counter without speaking Cordelia opened her pouch and pulled out the potions she had previously made before leaving. "All of these... Are in such high demand. How much would you like for them, Cordelia?"

"Two thousand seven hundred and fifty." Cordelia replied, Majorie nodded opening the register pulling out the necessary amount before handing it to Cordelia who stuffed it into her pouch. Majorie bowed softly and headed back into the depths of her store signaling to Cordelia the transaction was at an end, walking out of the store she a hand grabbed her arm, when she looked in the direction the hand's owner and was met once again with the blue sapphire eyes, a man she had hoped would not bother her again.

"Do you know how much of a problem you've caused Cordelia." He asked his grip tightening on her arms, his brows furrowed and his lips frowning. Cordelia could not guess why he, of all people, would seek her out. "That stunt you pulled earlier has everyone in a panic. Can't you control your magic?!" He spat his grip only tightened even more at his words but Cordelia did not flinch or even point out that his hand would leave a bruise instead she raised her hand and touched her necklace, a perplexed expression found its way on to the mans face.

"It was not my intention to scare the townsfolk, however, this necklace of mine, has adverse effects on my body. Causing me to have unsightly couching fits and if left on too long it can end up causing my emotions to run out of control. I need to take it off periodically to take the strain off of my body." Cordelia explained, he took his hand off her arm and she softly rubbed it, he noticed what she was doing and spoke.

"Let me see your arm." His voice had authority to it but Cordelia did not mean to stay out for too long on the whims of a man who very clearly was ordered to follow her by who? She did not know.

"I'm frightfully sorry but I have a patient at my home who is in need of attention with the wounds sustained on her body. I will have to bid you adieu." Before waiting for his response Cordelia sped off in the direction of her home, twice he had been humiliated by her.

"Commander, should we go after her?" He didn't respond stomping back to the carriage that awaited him, climbing in he headed back to his estate.

Cordelia much like another other time lifted the spell on the door and walked in, to her surprise the bandaged girl was cooking when she heard the door open her crystal blue eyes light up with joy, she quickly scribbled on the notepad Cordelia had given her. 'You're back!' She scribbled smiling at Cordelia who was not used to such warm reactions from a stranger.

"Yes, I am and you should be in bed." She softly reprimanded laying her cloak on the couch, the girl flipped the page and started writing again.

'I'm sorry... I won't do it again!' She looked at Cordelia with fear in her eyes, Cordelia shook her head softly walking up to the girl rubbing her hair.

"You needn't be scared. I will not harm you nor will I ask how you came to be harmed. I will care for you until your wounds are healed."

'Then... What about after?'

"After? We will see when the time comes. For now, may I have your name?" Cordelia asked smiling ever so softly at the young girl who was taken aback by the sudden question.

'My name?... My name is... My name is Claudia.'

When describing Majorie I imagined her with a deadpan face and always yawning after she spoke. If you're liking it so far! Please leave a comment or if you'd like any questions answered also comment and I'll answer as best as I can!

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