
The De’ Costas

Follow the lives of two sisters who had been dwelling in a life of pains and miseary but just at their stage of giving up, fate brought them together and they discovered they were not only born twins but they have older brothers. And who are their brothers? The de'costas. The most powerful and feared mafia empire in Italy. The are best known as THE DE' Costa BROTHERS. What happened when they discovered they have two kid sisters who are broken beyond repair? Will they accepts them?? FIND OUT in THE DE’ costas Update is twice a week!!

Fety_Grace_5766 · Urban
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52 Chs

True blood of a De Costa

While trailing after Mattoe, he walked past some guards holding guns who nodded at him. Sneaking past the guards was critical but I made it outside with Mattoe. I saw him meet up with both Antonio and Jayden who were standing in waiting stance at the car garage.

Gosh they are going out with cars, I'd go find a way to trail them. As if fate was on my side, I spotted John admist some guards.

I immediately walked up to him, he was enraged to see me but I give no fuvk.

"What are you doing here Racheal?"

"I need you to get a car ready and trail after my brothers let's go." I said impatiently tugging his wrist.

"The fuck Racheal. Why would I do that? Are you trying to get me into more troubles?" He lashed at me. I frowned at what he said.

"You don't want me to expose you to my brothers right? Look I've all the evidence against you so for your own good you better comply now." I said Authoratively. He glared hard at me, he opened his mouth to say something but closed it back. He'd no choice than to comply.

We waited for our brothers car to move farther before getting into a random car at the garage. John drives while I sat beside him trailing far behind my brothers.

"what did you put in my drink?" John suddenly asked angrily while we were on the highway.


"You fucking heard me right!" He half-yelled and turned sharply to face me. "You see this?" He asked pointing to the purple bruise around his eye.

"That bastard Jayden punch me cause of you."

"This is just beginning John." I said with a Smirk.

"I Could just strangle you now you know."

"Well Go ahead and try. I Told my sister I'm going out with you. Should anything happens to me, she wouldn't hesitate to rat you out to my brothers." I smirked at him. After casting me a dead glare, he turns back to face the road.

After hours on the road, my brothers' finally pulled over at some bungalow house. I asked John to stop a distance away. While he drive the car back to the mansion, I walked down to the spot my brothers car was parked.

When they walked out, suprise and shock etched on thier faces as they saw me.

"Racheal? What the fuck are you doing here?" Antonio asked, slightly angry.

"How did you even..."

"I trailed you guys." I said cutting him off. "I want to know what you guys are up to because I deserve to know right? I'm your sister." I snapped.

"Good thing you acknowledge the fact that you're our sister and should ever you get into danger or something bad happened to you it's going to kill us. Racheal what were you thinking. Why would you decide to trail us all of a sudden..." Jayden barked at me.

"Because you all lied to me. You made me believe that you aren't going to do shit to clarrisa brothers but then what? Don't even ask me how I know you all are here for clarrisa's brothers." I riposted and they all look at each other.

"Racheal nothing justifies taking the risk of trailing us. Perharps we don't want you to get involved with anything that's prone to cause you harm, you our baby Racheal. We are to protect you instead of subjecting you to blood guilt. It'll kill me if anything happen to you Racheal" Antonio said solemnly, his dark eyes glowing really soft.

"I don't need you to be overly protective of me. I want to do this. Whatver you guys are going to be doing to make those bastards pay, I want to be involved and don't even try to stop me else I'll never forgive you all for lying to me." I declared with finality.

After a brief silence of exchanging glances,they all agreed and let me join them.

Well they had No choice since I placed them on edge.

The all four of us stormed into the compound.

Before anymore could knock on the door, Jayden kicked the door open. Luckily it wasn't locked so it didn't break down. He was still fumming that I've to join them well that's his business.

We all walked in to meet a woman doing house chores. She startled at our sudden intrusion. Fear, confusion and shock blanketed her face. The rag she was holding fell down.

"Who are..." she quivered at the sight of my brothers but when her gaze met mine, her brows raised in more shock and something close to amazement.

"Clarrisa?" She cooed at the sight of me.

"Clarrisa..." she shouted this time and ran to hug me but I stepped back, making her pull back.

Her brows pulled down in a deep frown.

"Clarrisa's adopted mother right?" Antonio asked the woman quietly. After staring at everyone of us for a while in confusion, She nodded her head affirmatively.

"Great then where are those bastards son of yours?" Mattoe asked impatiently.

"My sons aren't bastards and who are you?" The woman retorts boldly and Jayden wanted to hit the woman but Antonio stopped him.

"There's no use questioning her. Cmon guys let's go get those fuckers out" Antonio declared sternly and they all walked fully into the house entering different rooms before the woman could stop them. . I wanted to follow them but was stopped by the woman.

"Clarrisa where have you been? Why did you leave all of a sudden? Do you know how worried I've been on these why?"

The woman rambled on at the brink of tears while placing her palms at side of my hair.

Scoffing, I said, "I'm not clarrissa"

"No you are clarrisa. What on earth happened to you? Who are those boys and what did they do to you?" She cried with so much worriness and anger in her eyes. I kept telling her that I'm not clarrisa, trying to get off her grip and go join my brothers to find those bastards but this woman kept insisting that I'm clarrisa. Shedding unnecessary tears over me.

"Woman where the fuck are your sons?" A high-grating voice thundered and we both turn to meet my brothers entering back into the living room.

Jayden looked highly enraged.

"Who...who...are...you..an...and why are you looking for my sons."

"Well, we are clarrisa's brothers and your bastard sons committed a crime against us we are just here to make them answer for it so fucking tell us where to get your sons." Jayden's voice made the woman flinched. The woman gave me a look that spells what the hell are they talking about probably still thinking I'm clarrisa.

"Well, they aren't home and don't expect me to tell you where they are when I don't know what you'll be doing to them." The lady said fearfully, avoiding my brother's gaze.

"I can bet you don't want to see the other side of us so if I were you, I'll just comply with us peacefully" Antonio voice was so serene, looking straight into the woman's eyes as he spoke.

From her face, I could tell the woman was crushing in great fear but the bitch still refused to talk. At a point, Jayden lost it and decided to threatened her with a gun.

He didn't point the gun to her but to my shocker, he pointed it towards me.

Antonio and Mattoe didn't show any sign of shock as if they know what he was up to. The woman's panic increased and more fear as Jayden threatened to blow off my skull if she doesn't rat out his sons' location to us. I didn't know why he did that at first but since the woman still believed im clarrissa, it was an advantage.

She had no choice than to agree especially when Antonio told her that they are mafias and they'll do anything to get what they want even though it means killing his new founded sister.

The woman obviously having a weak heart, ratted out her son's location.

She tried begging me not to go with my brothers but Jayden kicked her down with his boot which was quite uncalled for. I mean the fucker already gave the woman a panic attack.

"Now Jayden why the fuck would you come off with some barbaric scheme of pointing a gun to my head? You legit gave me a panic attack." I lashed out at Jayden the moment we got into car.

"Didn't you say you want to get involved in dealing with clarrisa's brothers? I was just honoring your quest sweetheart." Jayden riposted tucking himself at the driver seat. I was beside him and Mattoe and Antonio were at the back.

"Seriously?!" I nudged Him angrily.

"Don't be a dick Jayden. Even though that was a scheme to get the woman to talk, nothing justify the fact that you pointed a fucking gun at our baby sister. You should be apologizing." Mattoe fired from the back.

"She should know what she's getting into before she took such drastic decision. Anything can happen. Perharps wasn't she in a mafia? The gun pointing shouldn't be a big deal to her." Jayden said nonchalantly. This is my fucking problem with him. Mattoe wanted to fire back but Antonio stopped him.

"Enough guys. Racheal I'm so sorry that Jayden has to point you a gun. It wasn't right at all but on another side it was the only way we could get the woman to speak up. You know even though I still aren't in support of you being here with us, I am starting to see you were really of great help baby. I must commend you for that." Antonio said sweetly and I could see him smiling from the rare view.

Jayden ignited the car and raised the volume to the highest speed.

Right now we were spending off to crowns-land. Clarrisa's brothers school which is the location the woman had gave us.

I just couldn't wait to meet those bastards.

Antonio's POV,

Crown land high was actually a few minutes drive. Courtesy of Jayden who was flying on the road, breaking all the traffic rules and I didn't care. I was so eager to meet those fuckers.

There was no reason to bother if we'll get into an accident because Jayden is quite good with handling cars.

Finally we got into school and pulled over at some empty space. Students were hovering about the school seems like they just closed from school.

With all the crowd, Getting those fools will be quite difficult but we must get them.

We were about coming out when Racheal stopped us.

"let's not all go at once." She said making us give her a confuse look.

"If we want to get them real quick, let me go alone because if any of them sees me the'll certainly come out thinking I'm clarrisa."

We all shared look in silence.

Thinking about that... "that sounds a bit brilliant but we aren't letting you go out there on your own. From clarrisa record, she gets picked on by literally everywhere here they might gang up on you thinking you are clarrissa and try to bully you." Mattoe opposed.

Racheal burst into feet of laughter.

"Good thing you used the word 'try' and I may look like clarrisa but I'm not clarrisa. Infact I dare them to step past boundaries." She said boldly.

"We know you can stand up for yourself Racheal but you might still get hurt." I said strictly and was getting ready to leave the car when her loud voice stopped me.

"Oh God can you stop being so overprotective. It's not funny anymore. Give me the damn photos of those fuckers if you have it." She yelled angrily.

I frowned at her outburst and then sighs. Not wanting to upset her anymore. I just complied with her. I'll be keeping my eyes on her anyway and so help any kid that'll lay a finger on her. I brought out my phone and went to my gallery where I'd saved the photos the investigator sent me. She walked out of the car with the phone while we all kept our eyes on her.

I noticed the variety of students that stopped to stare at her as they noticed her.

My blood pressure rised up as three student, two girls and a boy walked up to meet her.

Racheal POV

"Wow wow wow. Am I dreaming or is the dumb queen really back to school?" A girl's voice stopped me at a track. I turned to meet the other two students who laughed at what she said.

"We actually thought you finally decided to die"

Scoffing, I brought out Antonio phone.

"You know these bastards right?" I asked them showing them the photo on the phone. They shared surprise look among themselves.

"I want you to take me to them" I said quietly.

"What the actual hell? Is it you trying to send us on an errand to go help you find your brothers? No are you really even talking back at us?" The other girl snapped.

"Where did you even get that phone from?" The guy snatched the phone from me unexpectedly. "Bloody wow. This is iPhone 13 pro" the guy exclaimed checking out the phone.

"Give that back" i sneered angrily.

They look at each other and laughed—A laugh which will soon turn to tears.

"And if I don't?" He asked with a mocking smirk. "You are going to report me to your mama right?!"

"I'm giving you seconds to give that back" I was already clenching my fist tight, staring daggers at him.

"Wow where exactly is this boldness of yours coming from clarrisa? Seems like you forgotten who we really are. But I've something that'll restore your memory." One the girl's said and brought out a milk shake, before I knew it, she dump the thing on my hair.

The scene already attracted crowds, wow I heard 'woos' from different angles as the girl laughed at me.

All hell breaking loose, I punched the girl hard on her face and she fell hard on the ground, in that instant montion, I punched the other girl who was standing stupefied.

As for The guy who'd took my phone, I went marshal art on him.

I first knocked him down with a kick. Antonio's phone bounced off his hand. I took it and kept it. Then I descended more on him, I punched him on his face till he went all bruised up.

The other two girls were unable to stand. I descended on them all at once, punching and kicking them furiously. The scene called for more crowd, gasp and clarrisa name rampage the air.

I made sure I beat the girls till thier blood went staining my cloth. They begged and cried for me to stop but I only stopped when I felt someone pulled my shirt from behind.

I stood up and turning round, I was met with three boys.

They all went shocked, stupefied and confused at the sight of me.

Beside them were crowds of student who was staring at me in shock, some still holding out the phone they were using to record me but I gave no shit about them.

When one of the guy proceed to coo clarrisa name in shock, I suspected they were the bastards and checking out the photos on the picture my suspicion was confirmed.

More anger and hatred for them dominated me.

"You little bitch why the hell did you decides to come back huh?" One of them  spat walking closer to me but the eldest  stopped him.

"Relax Dennis. Let's not fail to acknowledge that our kiddo for the first time actually created a scene where she turned out to be a hero." The seemingly youngest one say  with amusement and mockery.

He then leaned closer  to me with a smike 'you know if you'd been like this you would have solely fit into our family name don't you think?" The bastard's Audacity to touch my chin and smirk at me. I was going to yank his hands off when a growling voice was heard.

"Get your fieithy hands off her. Now" It was Antonio . The fucker unconsciously drops his hands and we turns to meet the beast like faces of my brothers. Jayden's own wasn't new but matoe and Antonio, sure was frightening.

I can tell everyone was literary frightened at the Aura they emits.

Antonio's POV

When those trios got into talking with racheal, we watched to see where the whole thing will lead to but then to my peak of anger, one of the bitch dumped something on her like trash. In that Instant, I killed her twice with my mind.

Both matoe and Jayden, Infact all of us were already  set to go out but what  we didn't expect was for Racheal to go all mortal combat on them.

We stayed back and watched with bewilderedment as she leisurely take down three good people in a go.

I know I'm a bad brother letting my baby sister fight alone for herself but the amazement I felt, held me rigid.

"Hell to the fucking wow. questo è un vero sangue di una De costa" mattoe commented, equally amazed as we watched Racheal beat them to stupor.

(that's a true blood of a De costa)

But she was interrupted by three guys who came to stop her.

Suspecting them to be clarrissa brothers, we all stepped out.

"And Who are you?" One of the guys rudely replied back to me when I asked the other one to get his hands of Racheal.

"Who we are doesn't matter. You were Clarrisa's brothers right?" I asked sternly, barely containing my patience

"Unfortunately." The rude guy grunted disgustingly.

Before anyone could comprehend things, Jayden landed a pouch on the guy's lip and knocked him down with his boot. He fell on the bitches on the ground.

I smirked in satisfaction.

"Was what that?" The guy who got knocked down winced while the rest of his brothers was simply perplexed.

I asked them nicely and calm to come with us to the car but as expected, they didn't budge. They started asking irrelevant questions about us.

Mattoe took out his pocket gun and shot the oldest one's left ear.

He screamed with aloud Yelp and fell to the ground.

Everyone around gasp and trembled.

"Now that's just to prove that we aren't here for jokes and..." Mattoe was saying when some group of teachers rushed into the scene probably hearing the gun shot.

But only the principal spoke "what on earth is going on here? What you people doing here in my school?" The old man rambled sternly.

"For Your safety I'll advise you to stay out of this old man" I said.

"You just shot my student. You vandalized my school. You can't just expect me to stay out of this."

"How about I make you stay out then.." Jayden brought out his gun and aimed at the man but I stopped him. We didn't came  for them.  its these bastards we've come  for.

By now, two of the bastards were shaking and starts begging us to have mercy on them for a crime they still haven't know they commit yet but the one shot in the ear was getting on my nerves.

"What the fuck is all these clarrisa? Is this your way of getting your silly revenge?" The bastard charged at Racheal. Oh he even know he did something.

"If I was clarrisa, you know you'll would been long roasting in hell right now but don't worry, you'all about to experience something worst than hell. I'll make sure of that." Racheal barked and everyone around got more confused, silence followed.

"Well, news flash. I'm Racheal. clarrisa's  twin and trust me I'm going to make sure you'all pay for laying a finger on my sister."

More suprise and shock.

Gasp and murmuring ensued in the crowd.

Clarrisa's brother were simply dead for a while.

Not having time for this drama, I brought out a syringe and injected drugs on the first bastard through his neck. My brothers helped me with the rest. They all went unconscious. We could have beat them to unconsciousness but there's enough time for that later.

No fucker dares to say shit as we all carried the bastards like sack of stones to the car and dump them all at the boot. With all of us settling in the car,  Jayden zoomed off.