
The De’ Costas

Follow the lives of two sisters who had been dwelling in a life of pains and miseary but just at their stage of giving up, fate brought them together and they discovered they were not only born twins but they have older brothers. And who are their brothers? The de'costas. The most powerful and feared mafia empire in Italy. The are best known as THE DE' Costa BROTHERS. What happened when they discovered they have two kid sisters who are broken beyond repair? Will they accepts them?? FIND OUT in THE DE’ costas Update is twice a week!!

Fety_Grace_5766 · Urban
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52 Chs


Laggardly Nodding my head, I approached my feet to the floor but just as I was about to stand, Antonio's voice brought me to a vault

"Don't stand." He sounded almost commanding. I frown in confusion but his next statement that followed clarified my thoughts. "You can't walk"

"Liam" he twirled  to face Liam. "carry her."

What... huh?

What does he mean to carry me? My eyes popped out in shock.  I threw a gander at everyone and I expected to meet shocked faces too but they were all In their normal faces. As if it was a casual thing. 

"Alright, bro." Liam nodded and before I could gather my thoughts, he had lifted me from the bed like dry leaves. Carrying me in a bridal style, he starts trailing behind Antonio.

The journey to Antonio's office felt like an eternity of torture.

The knowledge of Being in someone's arms was pricking my skin like maggots and I felt a sense of relief when we finally arrived at the office I almost snapped when Liam gently sat me down on some chair.

For God's sake, I'm 15 years old. How could they be treating me like a baby?

The panic I once had come rushing back when Antonio sat before me on his swivel chair the moment Liam left.

"So..." finally after torturing me with his soul-piecing gaze for like forever, he spoke. "I called you here for us to discuss a lot of things but first off let me brief you on the doctor's report"

Oh no... this isn't going to end well.


You have a gastric ulcer. And You have lacerations, and sores at different areas of your body which due to delayed treatment has resulted  in bacteria entering your  blood streams."

He paused not batting an eye at me.

Saliva gathered in my saliva ground and I swallowed.

Jess This is why I'd always try to avoid hospitals.

Those bloody monsters know how to invade someone's privacy.

"What happened to you, Clarissa?" That question came like a bomb.

What does he mean by that?

I opened myself to say anything that could come out of it "No...Nothing."

"Don't even dare lie to me." His voice was dangerously calm. "If You were to have been suffering just one, from all those ailments I've listed maybe I would have bought that. But all those ailments embedded in one body?

Not to mention a teenager?

those scars, the lacerations they couldn't just generate all of a sudden and don't expect me to believe they were accidents, someone certainly must have had a hand in it. I may not be a doctor but bipolar disorder results from depression. Why the heck would you be depressed in the first place?" With the fire flaming in his eyes, I could tell it was taking all in him to remain calm.

"Who were your family?" He growled, eyes shooting daggers like someone ready to kill. "and What did they do to you??"

I knew it would get to this point but can I tell him about my life with my brothers? I know he's my brother and family shouldn't keep secrets but I barely know him and perhaps I'd already dealt with so much trouble. I can't accommodate any.

"They did nothing." I bowed my head to avoid his gaze "I...I was depressed because...well, I lost my motivation for what I loved doing."

  Clarissa? is that the best you can come up with?

"And What's that?"

"Painting." That was what popped out of my head and I hoped Antonio bought that

"Do You know  the one thing I hate most in the world?" Antonio suddenly asked.

"No" I shook my head.

"I hate liars." Hearing that statement from Antonio squeezes the air from my throat. Next, I felt my chest heaving.

Did he already detect I'm lying? Of course, he has

What will he do to me?

Punish me? Of course, he'll.

To my ex-brothers, Lying was one grieving sin I dread committing because each time I lie to them they'll beat me up till my blood paints my body. 

"And That hatred goes to everyone including my family."

And that does it.

My brain was thinking of any possible punishment he would give me and I was bracing myself for it when he spoke again.

"But I know you aren't a liar right??" Like drugs, those words, or rather questions Were relieved.

I started to relax and unconsciously nodded a yes.

For your brothers, I'll like to meet them. I mean your first brothers." The way he said that casualty also made me gave him a casual nod


Instantly realization hits me and I start to feel panic surging through me all over again.

"But not now."


I watch him pull a laptop to him as he washes off seriousness from his face.

"So What will you like for dinner." He started mildly  "You haven't eaten anything since morning."

Just like that? And I thought this discussion isn't close to being over.

Well, shouldn't I be glad?

"A..anything." I stuttered. Why would he even ask me that? It's not like I'm some queen.

"I don't think there's a meal called anything. Look, let me make some clarifications to you now. You are part of this family, you have the right to make choices. You don't need to be scared of us cause we are your brothers and when Any of us is talking you should look in the eyes and not the ground. I know it's hard to accept this but the earlier you start accepting. The better for you."

Picking on my nails, I Nodded.

"Also don't think of running away from here. I know you might see this as a command or a threat but it's a plea. I don't want to go through the stress of looking for my two princesses. Okay," the pet name didn't sound weird in his mouth as I anticipated. It was so sweet and genuine. In as much as I would deny it, my heart fluttered. Is this what having a big brother feels like?

"Do you have anything you want to ask?"

"No." I shook my head no.

"You are not going to ask about dad, mum, or even your twin sister?

There's a lot of questions you should be asking right now."

"Urhmmm... Liam already told me about mum but he didn't tell me about dad and I have already met my twin, Rechel."

"Did you talk?"


"Did she tell you where she was going?" He suddenly went all serious now and his eyes were curiously demanding for a positive answer but

"No." I nodded which was the truth.

He then sighs

"Since you don't seem to have questions. I think I should let you off the hook."

I wanted to ask about dad but what if I'll bother him by that??? I don't want to be a burden.

"Which of your brothers are you familiar with?" The question made me confuse.

I don't know if he's referring to my ex-brothers or these new ones but deciding on the latter,

I think I've stayed with Antonio the longest and also Liam.

But Liam is more lively so

"Liam?" It came more like a question

"Good go find him and tell him to get you what you want for dinner. Then you can go to your room afterward." He said softly with a smile. Though it wasn't that bright it made him look so innocent and beautiful.

I just nodded and stood up.

This wasn't what Rechel told me about them. I thought they were going to beat me. Why will Rechel say all those bad things about them??

And Rechel where's she even?

Now finding Liam. Where could he be even?  Anyways it's a good thing I know the way to his room. But the traumatic part is that I'll have to use the stairs. Gosh, I'm very scared of stairs and to worse it, I have a sore under my foot. Or now I see reasons to have appreciated Liam for carrying me down.

What do I do now?

I don't even know the way to the elevator.   not like would use it though. I didn't take any permission. 

Left with no choice,  I walked back to Antonio's office.

"Please Anotonio can...can I use the elevator?" I asked as I walked into the office.

Withdrawing his attention from his laptop, he looked up to face me.

His eyes emitted shock like I've said the most forbidden thing.

He Didn't say a word. He stood up and approached me. I honestly thought he was going to hit me and push me out like my brother each time I ask them something so I started stepping back.

But I wasn't quick. He places his hand on my shoulder.

"This is your father's house carry. You don't need to ask permission before you use things like that. If I can use it without taking permission from you then you too can without taking permission from me." That wasn't what I expected but I just nodded.

"Can you use it" he didn't wait for me to answer "come let me show you."

We both walked out of the office.  We got to the elevator and Antonio showed me how to operate it.

Finally, I Got to Liam's room and met him and matoe in a heated argument.

"I'm sure you took it cause I kept it right here." That was matoe

"You better don't let Antonio catch us arguing about that. I didn't take it and don't get me into trouble."

I had been at the doorstep but the moment I walk fuller they startled me.

"Oh, carry Hi..."  Liam grinned trying to comfort him,  inching the nape of his neck.

"Ummm Antonio asked me to come to tell..tell you if I I can get erm food??" I mumbled.

"Sure why not? What will you like.?"

"Maybe rice??"

"Oh, that will take an hour to prepare since we don't have any in the refrigerator."

I knew it. I am just a burden.

"It's okay, I don't want to bother you you can forget about the food." I was already on my way out but Liam's voice stopped me.

"Hey" he rushed to stand before me. "don't get me, the wrong baby. You are not a burden and you can never be I just want to know if you can wait..."

"I'm sure she can." Matoe interrupted from behind. Standing up from the sofa he had been "We are both gonna be on it so it will take a few minutes."  

He flashed me a warm smile "You go to your room baby. We will come to serve you there."

Not wanting to argue with them I just nodded "Thanks a lot."

Then I walked out heading straight to my room.