
The De’ Costas

Follow the lives of two sisters who had been dwelling in a life of pains and miseary but just at their stage of giving up, fate brought them together and they discovered they were not only born twins but they have older brothers. And who are their brothers? The de'costas. The most powerful and feared mafia empire in Italy. The are best known as THE DE' Costa BROTHERS. What happened when they discovered they have two kid sisters who are broken beyond repair? Will they accepts them?? FIND OUT in THE DE’ costas Update is twice a week!!

Fety_Grace_5766 · Urban
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52 Chs

I will miss Liam

Antonio P.O.V,

I'd been angrily pacing around my office, while Racheal and Liam were sitting opposite my office seat. I was literally backing them because facing them might prompt me to do something to them that I would regret for a life time.

Anger is too underrated compare to what I'm feeling right now. They've both fucked up, they messed up big time. Clarissa is fucking Is mad at everyone of us and she's a mess right now, it's all because of Racheal and this asshole-Liam. I don't know exactly what to say to them or who to start with.

Deciding to start from the eldest, I turned around and set my eyes on Liam. he avoided my gaze immediately.

"Liam you are the least angressive and violent person in the house. why the fuck would you go as far as fighting Racheal?!" I barker angrily.

"You obviously should know I didn't mean to do that. Racheal pushed me to. You don't expect me to seat and watch her say those hurting things to Clarissa. She was spurring up the traumas we've worked so hard to rid off. She was adding more fire to the flames. Our baby sister is mad at us and probably even hate us all because of you guys and then Racheal was making  things more complicated..." Liam spats, trying to conceal his anger.

"And then you think, hitting Racheal would pacify the situation?! Are you aware that you fucking gave clarrissa  a panic attack huh?!" I yelled and kicked my office table.

"But Racheal  hit me first Antonio... let's leave clarriss out of this for a moment, you don't expect me to watch Racheal disrespect me like that.I'm her fucking elder brother." He protested, spitting nails.

"And Respect is earned Liam." Racheal riposted him in equal energy. "You also don't expect me to respect you when you are always on Clarissa side, it's like my opinion doesn't matter. It's only Clarissa and Clarissa all the fucking time."

"Don't fucking raise your voice at me Racheal. I'm your elder brother for fuck sakes." Liam growled as he turns to face her.

"But Clarissa raised her voice at you all, she even insulted you and you all didn't do a shit but in my case, you suddenly remembered that you're an elder brother huh?!"Racheal retorted and Liam was ready to throw anther comeback but then I hacked in.

"Would you two shut the fuck up?! I can't believe that you two are so dense to the extent of not acknowledging the fact that you both fucked up, if for anything you should be remorseful right now. And you Racheal..."

I brought my attention to Racheal who was fuming with rage (of which I don't care at this point) "this whole mess started from you. If you haven't come to my office to nag  about Clarissa brothers she probably wouldn't have gotten any clue about what happened. Clarissa have the right to be mad at us right now. All those things you said to her wasn't fucking relevant. We should be apologizing to her, we should all play our fucking part trying to gain her forgiveness." I told her as polite as I can.

But that added more fuel, her eyes nearly turned red and started lashing out.

"So I'm the bad guy now?" Her voice was croaked even though she tried to yell. "You  know what?! You all are bunch of bias people. You only care about Clara's feelings and mine isn't relevant. Why is that? Because I act tough? Do you think I would give a fuck in the world about clarrisa brothers if I didn't care for clarrisa? All my life no one have ever really fight for me, no one cared about me, no one give a tiny fuvk if I was hurt or not, I take care of my offenders myself but for the sake of my sister I put those aside and went out of my comfort zone to fight revenge for her because I thought she deserves it but now I am the bad guy?" She barked. Tears

was clouding in her eyes but she was trying to hold them back.

Her sober disposal got me sober up, a sense of guilt and hurt filled me.

"Racheal," my voice quivered as I called out her name, I tried to touch her but she shrug my hands

off. "Look Racheal I'm..." god I really didn't even know what to say I was confused.

"I'm sorry if you deem me biased but believe me I'm not. I understand that you are being concerned about your sister and I really appreciate that trust me but still, I just didn't want you to get involved in any form of crimes. You may have lead a criminal life before but you are my sister now. I don't want you to trade on the dangerous part. We handle all our offenders in a gore and ruthless way and I don't want my little princess to be involved in our illicit lifestyle. Aside from that, we wronged clarrisa big time. We broke the promise we made to her thereby breaking her trust. Nothing justices that at all. Put yourself in her shoe what would you do if we betrayed you even though we have done it for the right course?!"

I felt a bang in my head knowing fully well that I'd as well betrayed her in case of Maximo and I honestly don't want to know her reaction if ever she finds out but this was only way to make her understand the situation.

I can't afford my two sisters to be mad at me at the same time.

"Don't even dare turn this around. You've already proven to me many times that you Favors Clarissa over me. She've done lot of annoying things but no one scolds her for it. Why Don't you admit it? You are only keeping me here because you feel obligated to." She sprung up angrily, this time her tears were sliding down her cheeks. She turns round and heads for the door.

But she then came back and picked the bunches of car keys on the table, taking me all with surprise.

"Racheal where are you going?" Liam asked before me. He stood up abruptly too.

"What do you care?" Racheal scoffed and opened the door. Mattoe and jayden came in view. She bumped into matoe and Jayden before storming out.

"Where's Racheal going?" Matoe asked with a frown. Jayden wasn't any different

Without responding to Mattoe, I rushed out of the office. I needed to know where racheal was going.

Thankfully I spotted her headed for the living room.

When she sensed I was following, she increased her pace

I kept barking Racheal name, asking her where she wasgoing but she paid deaf ears and continued prodding through the stairs.

"Racheal you better stop this or you might regret this later. Trust me." Nothing I said made her stopped, she burst out of the house and I followed.

She went straight to the garage, she use the car remote to locate the car which the keys belongs to.

Before I knew it, she opened the red sport car and walked in.

"Racheal what do the fuck do you think you're doing?!" I growled in my most scary and Authoritative tone of voice. But that didn't work on Racheal.

She smirked at me and said "You aren't blind right?! As you can see I'm leaving so you get a free pass to be with your favorite sister!" She shouted like a psycho and then zoomed off in the highest speed before I could stop her.

Fucking hell!

Thankfully I've a car key in my pocket and I was ready to trail after her but then I heard Mattoe voice behind me.

"Don't worry Antonio let me follow her." He said. I frowned at him and wanted to protest when said "trust me she'll listen to me much better."

I stared at him skeptically and then sighed in agreement when I realize he was obviously right. They are quite close and Perhaps I am the one who riled her up so she obviously won't listen to anything I'll say.

Matoe settled in one of the sport car, the fastest one of all and he then zoomed off in the highest speed.

I severely hopes he catches up with Racheal.

When I turned around, I was met with Jayden and Liam who have different emotions on their faces. Jayden's expression stoic and Liam was heavily emitting remorse with that doleful face he was wearing.

"Clarrisa is still insisting on leaving." Jayden told me as the all three of us where walking back into the house.

Honestly I didn't know how to react on that. I already have enough milestone pressing me on my shoulder and that just added more pressure.

How the fuck could my both sister suddenly wants to leave in one day?!

I caused this. I fucking caused this. I should have at least respected her decision or be more careful and as if I haven't fucked up enouh, I decided to pin it on her twin sister.

You are such a bastard Antonio!

"You aren't seriously keeping calm about this Antonio right?" Liam voice hacked into my thoughts. "You have to say something. What are we going to do about clarrissa."

"I don't know. This is all my fault" I groaned out.

"Tsk! Seriously dude." Jayden scoffed. You may be forgetting I was also involve in this whole mess. But is this the time to accustom meaningless blames? No. Beside I'm not regretting any of my actions but we just need to firgure a way to make clarrisa stay. The girl is already threatening to run away if..."

"She won't do that. We'll be keeping an eye on her so she won't do that. But for now I can't really make a definite decision. I can't even face her. I'll just figure something later."

When I left my brothers, I wanted to continue my work at the office but there was no energy for that. Infact I suddenly developed a severe banging headache. I'd to take pain-killers to relieve myself. Gosh it's been damn long I'd an headache.

Mattoe POV

It wasn't difficult for me to catch up with Racheal since my car was at the highest speed but even when she noticed me trailing her, she still halted at some bar.

I'd tried to talk to her but she've completely ignored me like I'm some stranger to her.

She got herself into drinking, even while I tried to stop her, she was just so fucking stubborn. Worst part was that I can't just force anything on her since I was literally here to pacify her.

"Look Racheal I don't really know everything Antonio said to you but that he scolded you shouldn't make you be doing this to yourself." I said, trying all my best to be soft because she was really getting on my nerves. She'd almost finish the bottle of sun ret rum, one of the hardest alcohol in time.

"And what am I doing to myself?" She spat at me.

"Trying to drink yourself to death. This isn't right for you. It'll surely harm you as you aren't up the age of drinking."

"Oh spell me that bullshit. Seriously the times I needed those preachings are past now. I've grown up practically on my own, independent. None of you know how I'd lived my fucking life so please shut the hell up and just leave me alone."

"I'm not leaving you alone Racheal. We are going home now. Give me that..." I tried taking the glass of alcohol from her hand but she dodged it from me.

"You know," she sips from the alcohol. "If there's anything harmful I've done to myself is accepting you. Accepting everyone of you. I should have just remained in my old life. Maybe by now I would be dead and finally be at peace but No, I decided fit myself into a place where I'm not valued. A place where I've to leave under the shadow of some freak who unfortunately looks like me."

"Don't bloody say that Racheal" a glitch of hurt surged through me and was probably in my voice.

"Which one. The one where I called your favourite sister names?! Huh?" She slurred, she was seriously being a menac right now and in as much as it made me angry, it was hurting me in worst possible way.

"I don't have a favorite sister Racheal. Enough of this bullshit. Let's just go home already" I stood up and took the bottle of liquor before she could reach for it. I tried using my other hand to tug her up but she was struggling with me. Suddenly the music went down and another came up. Which got Racheal suddenly screaming

"Wooooooowws That's my jam!!!!" She slipped out of my grip and started stagger-dancing. She was attracting eyes to herself. All my life I've never been embarrassed before like this. Some fuckers were already laughing at the show Racheal was putting on.

"C'mon Mattoe don't be a shy baby , let's rock the stage." She was tugging my hands trying to get me to be dancing with her-more like making joke out of ourself.

She kept laughing, screaming and struggling with me as I was dragging her out of the bar. She finally gave up and that came with a price-vomit. She puked all over me. I grimaced in so much disgust but this is my call.

I didn't have a damn choice.

I carried her into my car, she slept soundly at the back while I sped home. I was raking of her vomit.

When I arrived home, I met Antonio using ice bag to caress his head at the dining area. He told me he had an headache.

He as well instructed me to put Racheal in a separate room, The very room close to clarrissa room. He doesn't deem it fit for them to stay in same room for safety reasons.

Cleaning up Racheal was war, a very gruesome war. She had vomit all over and even after cleaning her up, she was still raking of alcohol. I could have changed her clothes but I didn't. I'm not all really use to that. I just made sure she was tucked in properly in bed, while I freshened up before going off to bed.

Racheal POV,

A sharp banging pain in my head jolts me out from bed. I winced, stretched out myself and blinked my eyes multiple times to clear my blury vision.

When I approached my feet to the floor and looked around, I felt something really off. The wall papers seem to be changed. It wasn't the teddy and love atheistic but they were images of rappers. I thought the room had been re-finished but when I look around and discovered most designs were in black, I know it was a different room.

God bless who ever give me this room. I might just make it mine.

My head was still hammering anyways. I searched in the drawers and luckily found some painkiller which I took with water. What happened yesterday? I didn't have to think too hard before I remember what happened down to how I got drunk. I was even raking of alcohol. Sucking the clothes I wore to sleep , I took my bath and wore something else.

I clad myself in the big pajamas I saw at the closet.

Talking about my brothers even, I know I've a clash with them, Antonio especially. He must be thinking I disrespected him but I don't regret it and I don't give a tiny fuvk if any of them is angry at me.

I should be the one angry.

When I walked out of the mystery room, I was shock to find myself in the very room i and clarrisa shares. It's like both rooms have linking. I happened to meet clarrisa in the room though. She was busy gathering her stuffs. She was bagging her belongings into a very fancy luggage.

"Seems like someone is traveling. Are we?" I asked casually. That was when clarrissa noticed me. She looked up, sized me with her eyes and then went back to what she was doing not saying a single thing to me.

The hell...

"Are you seriously snubbing me right now clarrissa?! I asked a fucking question." My voice was a bit high but moderate.

"What do you really care whether I'm leaving or not? See, I don't want any troubles Racheal" clarrissa mumbled quietly and the moment she finish that sentence, the door opened.

Antonio walked in saying "Trouble? What's going on here sweethearts"

"And here comes the princess knight in shinny suit" I rolled my eyes. Antonio looked at me in a bit of daze and then he looks at clarrisa too.

"Anyways Good morning my queens. How was your night?" He bubbled with a smile that didn't really reach his eyes, like he was afraid of us or something.

"For someone who drank herself to sleep and woke up with a banging headache, my night was heaven. But does it really matter? What matter is that baby dolly of the house had the room to herself without me causing spiking her traumas." I said non-chanlantly as clarrisa didn't answer for herself and probably wasn't ready to.

"Racheal I thought we were done with this yesterday." Antonio says with a film voice even though his face look dull.

I just threw him a "whatever" and walked past him. I was weirdly hungry so I heads for the kitchen.

~Earlier on before Racheal woke up~

Antonio pov

Through out last night I couldn't close my eyes not for a moment. Aside from the banging head ache I was having, I'd been bothered about my sisters.

Nothing have ever got me all so worked up. Not even the battalions of enemies I've roaming about those who wants me dead, infact they are the least of my problems. I've had several bad times with my brothers but I never worry about getting back together in good times with them because we'll always make up.

But my sisters are different.

Clarrisa may be the meekest but turned out she's the hardest to handle. I basically don't know what to do. I was confused.

From the moment I realized it was morning, I decided to go to the kitchen to make breakfast. Maybe it'll help me loosen up a bit.

Getting there I met Mattoe already busy preparing bread toast for breakfast. I wasn't surprised though. He's the chef of the house. After greeting each other, I joined him in making breakfast.

"Least I forget I don't know if Jayden already told you but clarrisa had been pressing to leave since yesterday. She even threatened to run away" and Mattoe decided to spoil my mood by reminding of that.

"Yeah he did" I contended, keenly busy on the dish I was doing.

"We need to do something to make her stay, you know" Matoe says while opening the oven.

"Yeah but we still can't force it." I replied solemnly.

"True" Matoe went all sad. I would be lying I say I don't know how he feel right now. If clarrissa has been like the rest of our siblings, I guess I won't be very affected at her angry at us. I mean this was a shy and timid girl who've been trying to make her fit into the family as our sister that she is but then we fucking decided to hurt her.

I've never fucked up this way in my life and I guess Mattoe knows that too

"Just prepare the dining. While I go call her down for now." I said to Matoe as we were done making breakfast.

"Just prepare the dining. While I go call her down for now." I said to Matoe as we were done making breakfast.

I headed for clarrisa room with a heavy heart, fear is a feeling I've never felt for anyone before but I felt it for my baby sister. Fearing if she will want to see me and fearing if she'll accept me. Yesterday I saw a side of clarrisa whom I don't want to see again, it'll break me.

As I walked into clarrissa room, I met her sleeping but she woke up immediately. More like she startled at my footsteps.

I made a mental note to shoot my left ear later for scaring my sister.

"I'm so sorry for scaring you baby I didn't mean to." I said keeping distance as she was fighting to regain herself.

I went to the refrigerator and brought out a bottle water, I gave it to her. She hesitated before taking it.

"Feeling better now?!" I asked after  she'd  taken  a gulp. She nodded slowly not looking up to face me.

"So Tell me did you sleep well?"I made sure to sound humorous in other to lighten the air.

A nod was still her response.

"Breakfast is ready. Let's get rid of your morning breath and go down for breakfast shall we?" I asked Mildly and then she muttered something.

"I want to go." There was silence for a while because I didn't know how exactly to respond.

"I want to go see my mother Antonio. Please I'm worried about her. I want to know how she's doing.  I really want to see her" she croaked, looking at me with pleasing eyes in a manner I couldn't afford to object to her.

"I know but let's have breakfast first, sweetie" I told her with a reassuring smile.

She stared at me for a while and then asked, "you'll let me go?"

"We will see about that  but let's have breakfast first." I said to her. She didn't ask anymore question.

I led her to the rest room where I helped her applied tooth paste on her brush then I left her to rid off her morning breath. When she was done, we walked out of the room together.

"Woah!!! I smell something nice!!" A voice yelled as we arrived at the living room. We both look up to the stairs to meet Jayden and Liam scuttling down.

"Do you fucking realize it's still easily. What's the shouting for?" Jayden scolded Liam who was scrunching his nose.

Ignoring Jayden, Liam greeted clarrisa asking about her night. While Liam escorts clarrissa to the dining, I asked Jayden to go wake Racheal up but few minutes time as we were all reclined  around the dining, he came back to inform us that Racheal refused to wake up.

"What happened by the way. she rakes of alcohol." Jayden added taking his seat.

"Yeah she drank herself to stupor last night." Mattoe said solemnly, reaching for a glass of water.

"What?" Liam shrieked with a frown.

"And then it didn't occur to you to clean her up. No why would you let her got drunk in the first place? I thought you said you could handle her?" Jayden contended.

Matoe got furious.

"Seriously? You're pinning this on me? Do you know the stress I went through getting her to stop drinking and bringing her home? She fucking bathed me with vomit!" Matoe lashed out and I sensed  fight knocking.

"Not here you two. Loosen up and let's just eat." I said to them, they glanced at clarrisa and understood what I meant.

Seriously were they trying to really fight when clarrisa is here? My brothers just won't stop frustrating  me would they?

"So I've decided." I said at the middle of the dining. Everyone paused eating and turns to face me. "I'm letting you go meet  your adopted mother Clarissa"

Clarrisa went stunned for a while, her bread toast slipped off her hand as she turned to star at me.

My brothers shared shock expressions among themselves. Jayden chocked on the water he was drinking, Angry easily crossed them all at once.

"what??" They all chorused at once.

"No way in fucking hell that's happening Antonio" Liam argued.

"Why can't I figure out the line where I asked for your opinion liam?" I asked quietly.

"Well, you don't need to ask our  opinion. Clarrisa is our sister so we've to be involved in whatever decision you make for her." Jayden yelled and my brothers starts siding him.

"I'm not stopping you from getting involved and making your opinions but in the end what matters is clarrisa's happiness right?" I asked logically. That shut them up. They were all staring at me speechless, more like glaring at me. If only they know this is as hard for me as it is for them.

"I've made my decision and that's finale."

"T-thank you so much Antonio." Clarrisa thanked me with a smile. She stood up and everyone watched as she came to hug me.

I gave her a small smile as she pulled away.

She looked so happy and that was what matters most to me.

"Liam you will be helping clarrisa park her stuffs later." I instructed since I've something to attend to after breakfast.

"Count me out of this joke." Liam spat, picking his fork and starts eating.

I turned to Mattoe and the dead glare he gave me shut me up.

Then Jayden.

"Even if I've all the time in the world, you know I  won't do that shit. Antonio you're out of your damn mind you fucking  know that right?" Jayden said angrily.

Maybe I'm but I can't think of much better way to make things up to Clarissa.

"Well, I can park my stuffs myself. That's why I've hands" clarrisa said rolling her eyes. The way she said it so bold made everyone of us shoot her a surprise frown.

She just avoided our gaze and resumed eating.

Clarissa's p.o.v, 

When Antonio said He would be letting me go see mother, I was so elated. I would have escape for real though but him giving me permission just made things easier.

In as much as I know my brothers aren't going to punish me for disrespecting them and insulting them, I was still very much scared. What if the demon that possessed my ex brothers suddenly envades them and they decides to take actions.

I would sure be dead and this time no one would even save me at all. I've to get to Mum. I really have to. Aside from the fact that I've missed her so much, she's gonna be my refuge- my safe place. I was getting uncomfortable here already.

When I left the dining, I got myself busy packing up my clothes-the clothes my brothers had bought for me.

While still very much engrossed, Racheal  came. In as much as I didn't mean to, I trembled at her mere sight cause of yesterday incident.

She really made me traumatized, all the horrible things she told me proved that she hates me.

I didn't want her around me that was why I told her I didn't want any trouble but thankfully Antonio came in time.

It wasn't wrong that Racheal called him my knight in shiny suit for he was in deed.

After racheal left, Antonio asked me how everything was going and of course nothing could be as great as parking to leave where you're getting scared of.

So I told him it was great. When he gave me a  doleful stare, for a moment I feared he was going to coax me not to leave but he really meant his words.

He gave me a smile and even helped me parked some of my stuffs. He didn't even hint about me leaving, he didn't try to stop me, he didn't mention a word of it and I was really grateful for that.

In few hours time, I was all prepared to leave. By eldest brother Antonio didn't made it seem one bit like leaving was a big deal. He had helped me prepare my bath and even the dress I am wearing now, he even helped me styled my hair and made sure I was okay.

Right now I'm at the living room with my luggage and around me are vipers, one of the vipers was close to crying (that's Liam) and the other real viper were Jayden and Matoe.

"do you really wanna do this clarrisa?" Liam asked huskily. "do you really have to leave?" His eyes were soft and pleading as he hold my arms tenderly.

"Yes." I muffled and nodded my head.

"Fuck!" Both and Jayden and Mattoe groaned.

"You wouldn't be staying for  long right?" I really don't have plans of coming back really. I just really want a calm and peaceful life alone with mother.

"Maybe." I shrug. I swear I'll miss Liam though.

"Don't worry I'll always come visit you okay. We all will"

"No, Don't come.  my mum might get more panic attacks than she having now. Our brothers  must have  already scared her enough." My brothers looks fierce naturally. I could only imagine how panicked Mum could have been when my brothers invaded the house.

"Awww So touching." Racheal who was eating at the dining area, whined sarcastically, placing her palm on her chest.

I just looked at her and didn't say anything. No one said anything to her though.

My brothers insisted they drive me down all together even though I didn't wanted to. To say the truth I was afraid of them but just being a little bold cause I was so angry at them.

After few minutes drive, we finally arrived at our destination. It felt  so nostalgic and traumatizing coming back to this place.

I had both good and bad experiences here but I tried not to think about my ex-brothers. I let myself dwelled on all the good times I e spent with mom.

As all alighted the car, I spotted my mother at the garden tending to her flowers. Tears of joy blurred my vision as I walked together with my brothers towards the bungalow building.

Mom only noticed our presence when we approached her, the watering pot she was holding fell down in shock at the sight of us.

What I saw in her eyes wasn't bliss of seeing me once more, rather her eyes was emitting fear. The Audience of her attention was my brothers. I bet they were scaring the shit out of her.

"What are you doing here again this time?" Mum voice shook. "And where are my sons?" She gritted her teeth still in fear.

Jayden scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Mum?!" I called softly, making her turn to face me.

She frowned and the asked. "Is that you clarrisa?"

"Yes Mum it's me." I said in tears. She didn't believe at first but as I kept insisting it was me, she accepted the hug I was giving her. We embraced each other and stayed in each other's arms for ages.

"I miss you so much mother."

"I miss you my baby. I so much miss you clarrisa" we kept saying that to ourself till she pull away from the hug.

Mum was caressing my cheeks, tears rolling down her cheek when Jayden suddenly cleared his throat.

"I believe you already know clarrisa is our biological sister miss." Jayden started rudely. "For your sake, I'll advise you Take good  care of her with everything you've got. I'll hate to hear something bad happen to her somehow" he sounded so threatening which got me mad.

"You didn't have to say that to her Jayden. She is my mother she won't do anything to hurt me. Thank you all for bringing me here, I'll suggest you leave here now" I retorted. A glitch of pain crosses Jayden's face but he contended it.

Liam wanted to say something but instead he moved closer to me and then pulled me into a tight hug. "I...I'll miss you so much baby. I swear I'll fucking   miss you my princess" he says tearfully on my shoulder getting me emotional.

I started feeling guilt that I've done the worst thing by leaving Liam. I've to pull away immediately. Antonio came closer and tried to hug me but i turned to  Mum. "Let's go inside mother"

I immediately backed away from my brothers and walked inside while taking mother's hands.


I don't really like authors note tho. But just want to apologize for slow updates and also this is a reminder that the book will remain slow updates. I'm busy with so many other things.

That aside. If you don't mind let's connect. What are your social media handles. Mine are Instagram. Username: Faith menya

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