
The De’ Costas

Follow the lives of two sisters who had been dwelling in a life of pains and miseary but just at their stage of giving up, fate brought them together and they discovered they were not only born twins but they have older brothers. And who are their brothers? The de'costas. The most powerful and feared mafia empire in Italy. The are best known as THE DE' Costa BROTHERS. What happened when they discovered they have two kid sisters who are broken beyond repair? Will they accepts them?? FIND OUT in THE DE’ costas Update is twice a week!!

Fety_Grace_5766 · Urban
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52 Chs

Chapter 52

The de costas

Chapter 52

Jayden's POV

I wanted to prepare lasenge but there wasn't some ingredients in the house so I've to go to some near by grocery to get some foodstuffs. I was heading upstairs with the bags in my hand when Antonio walked into the house.

He was looking so stressed and drained as most of the times. Then instantly something skimmed through my mind, that bitch of cleaner he have.

"You look so stressed out dude. what happened and What did you do to that bitch?" Were the first thing I asked.

"Easy Jayden" Antonio sighed after staring at me for a while. "I Fired her and ask the boys to deal with her making sure she loose one leg." He said this time with a stone cold facial expression.

"Great". I nodded with a smirk. No fucker have the right to mess with my sister no matter what. I'm sure if Antonio have let me handle this, I would have done worst.

"Where's clarrisa anyways how's she doing?"

"She's fine. She's in her room though I have her some YouTube toturials on how to use pads so I'll suggest we give her some privacy for now." I said.

"Yeah right. Is Liam and Racheal back?" Antonio asked as I was about walking upstairs.

"Nope." I replied casually.

"Fucking hell" Antonio groaned harshly and slammed his palm on the protector gates, gritting his teeth. His eyes showing something close to frustration.

I got a bit worried. Did something happen. I check my watch and it wasn't quite time for them to be back.

"What happened?" My brow knitted in a frown.

"I got a call from school authority today saying Racheal fought and ran out of school."

"What?" I yelled and Just then we heard footsteps making both me and Antonio turn in sync. Liam walked in looking exactly as Antonio was when he walked in.

"where's Racheal..?" Antonio asked, his eyes scanning around liam as if Racheal was in his pocket. "...and I thought I told you not to show your face here if haven't found her." Antonio yelled as obviously Racheal isn't with him.

"Hey Chill." Liam said looking unbothered about Antonio's anger. "I Called mattoe and he said she's with him." He said.

"Oh why didn't I thought of that." Antonio said rubbing his temple. His mood went back to normal stimutaniously. Including mine too.

"How was your school though?" He asked Liam concerned.

"Was boring as hell though with girls around, there's nothing more I could ask for right." Liam said with shrug smiling cockily.

"Stay clear from girls Liam, you don't know how cunning those fucking creatures could be" i said from my perspective as I became enraged all of a sudden.

"Watch your tongue dude. our sisters are girls too." Liam accosted sternly.

"Look Jayden is right, stay clear from girls." Antonio quickly intervened calmly. "I mean I'm not saying you can't date but try sticking to one. Being tag a playboy is fun but you don't want to see the aftermath when everything backfires." Antonio advised with a brotherly pat on Liam's shoulder.

"It kinda backfired though," I clearly heard Liam say Under breath.

"What was that?" Antonio frowned.

"Nothing." Liam faked a smile and rushed to the stairs, brushing past me. I know something was fishy with him.

"And by the way Liam," Antonio called out making Liam halt at some point. "I just figured you need to know this, clarrisa started her period today."

I turned to see Liam's reaction. He went on eternal rigid mode, his brows was arched and lips formed an o. Slowly, his lips starts curving into a smile and this time, he was all filled with amazement, happiness...he was awed.

"Don't go and disturb her now for the time being. She should be sleeping now. Anyways I'm going to prepare lunch now guys." I said breaking the short silence and then took my exit.

Racheal POV

Today was fun only that the therapy section was bored. I Was leaning against mattoe's biker and watching Matt as he was kissing his boyfriend.

They've been shamelessly kissing for a while now forgetting that a human being is here roasting under the hot sun. It took all in me to not go there and yank them apart. Finally after extra forever, they broke off and waved themselves goodbye.

Mattoe stood still and watch Favour till he entered his apartment.

He then walked back to me smiling like an idiot. Pfff. He's always over excited each time it comes to Favour and whenever I asks, he'll call it love. His smile however disappeared as he saw me glaring at him with my hands folded to my chest.

"Hey sweetie I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting under the sun" he whined faking sadness and then pecked me on the forehead.

I scoffed and ignored him.

"Okay I'll get you ice cream? Fair enough? What flavor do you want?" He was already primping himself up for the ride and extending helmet over to me.

"You better do" I rolled my eyes and snatched my helmet from him.

After wearing my helmet, we got on the bike and keeping to his word, we went to a creamery where he bought me chocolate flavouree ice-cream and bought for himself vanilla. We both some more variety for clarrisa since we don't know her taste.

As we were walking to the bike with the bags of ice-creame, something skim through my mind.

"Matoe don't you think you should tell our siblings about your bf?" I didn't hold back from asking. Moment of silence past as mattoe stared at me for a while in daze. I didn't blink, I maintained a firm look.

"Tsk I can't do that for now." He finally said and sighed. "I Still don't have enough courage and a heart to take rejections." He said with a glitch of sadness.

I felt bad.

"Why do you always think they won't accept you? I mean If I accepted you then why not them?" I asked matter of factor.

"You don't understand," he said not looking at me. "being a gay is considered a sacrilege if I tell them they'll see me differently."

"But what if they finds out themselves?"

"They won't ..." he gulped and turn to look me in the eyes. "except you rat me out."

"Hey watch it. What's my business with what you do with your life?" I scoffed and the atmosphere turns to amusement again.

Mattoe chuckled. "That's why I love you sweetie. Now tell me would you want to go somewhere else? Like shopping or..."

"drop the bribing card and let's just go home. It's 4pm already, I still have to face Antonio." I and walked to the parking lot.

After seconds of flying on the road we arrived at the mansion in no time. we bumped into Liam who was walking down the stairs with tray of food.

"My goodness Racheal what the hell went on with you." He didn't waste time in lashing out the moment he saw me.

Ignoring him, I just went towards him and took a slice of the bread toast in the tray. He've no right to scold me when he isn't any better.

"And you Mattoe how could you let her stay with you not trying to send her back to school." He yelled at Mattoe and then they both started an epic argument.

"You aren't seriously trying to advert the fact that this is your fault right? You're suppose to look after her in school but what happened? She fought and left school and you found out at the fucking late hour." Mattoe had riposted.

"Would you guys not argue like I'm some kid who'll easily get into danger? Hello I can protect myself and Liam before we digress, kindly warn your bitches to stop involving me in your fuss cause next time I might just do something worst." I snapped and mattoe frowned. He turn to Liam giving him a questioning look and Liam just fidgeted.

Ignoring mattoe question look, he turned to me and changed the topic.

"Antonio ask you to come see him immediately you are back" he said.

"Okay" I shrug and finish up my bread toast.

"and please don't mention that the girl you fought with is my ex you know it'll complicate things the more." He rushed out and I burst into laughter. Mattoe frowned more harder.

"Well you owe me a bribe fee." I smirked.

"We are suppose to help each other out aren't we?" He whined cutely like a baby.

"Not at my life expense." I said with an eye roll.

"You literally destroyed Susan's face." Liam pointed out.

While we were still bickering, mattoe decided to butt in.

"Now When exactly will you learn to stay away from girls Liam. For fuck sakes you were send to the goddamn school to learn basis and not folic around with girls." Mattoe scolded in an authoritative tone.

Liam got angry.

"Wow At least I make mine obvious right. But you... you keep sneaking around." Liam retorted but lowkey escaped as mattoe face turned red.

Before mattoe could say another thing, Liam was already at the dinning eating.

Leaving them both, I headed up to my room.

I know Liam said Antonio ask me to come immediately but who cares? Beside what other thing will he do other than his stereotypical scoldings. I first went to my room and took my sweet time to freshen up then went to garb some food and after eating, I headed to Antonio.

When I got into Antonio's office, I met him typing away on his laptop keenly occupied but my presence made him halt.

"Liam said you demanded for me." I said after greeting him.

He stared at me intensely, literally murdering with his eyes. And without responding my Initial greeting, he ordered me to seat and I did.

"What was the meaning of what you did today Racheal?" Antonio growled folding his arm to his chest. I didn't answer, I was just staring and I know he didn't care for my response though. He just went to tell everything that principal told him about me fighting and leaving school then he gave me a long ass lecture, about being a good girl and being responsible.

I didn't bother to interrupt him, I was waiting for him to finish so I'll get the hell out of here. I mean what will I say when I know I'll still fight again and again, I can't allow any fucker intimidate me.

"Please don't let this repeat itself again alright?" He finally said rounding the whole thing up and That's where he get it wrong. But I just nodded in agreement

"okay" I said mentally rolling my eyes.

"I'm honestly not against you defending yourself but skipping school? That's both bad and dangerous for you. Also consider the fact that Your sister will be starting school soon, Whatever you do now will surely affect her and you don't want to be a bad example to her right?" He said logically arching one of his brow. Unexpected rage bubbled up within me and I found myself clutching my fist.

"It's about her again" I gritted my teeth in Annoyance. Honestly I don't want to be jealous but my brothers are just too much. Always putting her first before every other thing.

Antonio face suddenly went all soft and pale.

"No I...I'm sorry I just..." he paused and sighed. "anyways tell me how was school? Nah that's out of the question I guess. How was your therapy section" he asked smiling and like magic he was all lively now.

"Boring" I spat.

"typical" he chuckled with a nod.

"Have you eaten anything?"


He nodded and then he dipped his hands his pocket. He brought out something that glittered into my eyes. It was a golden necklace and a pendant. When he brought it to my view, I couldn't help but gasp. Air sucked dry for my lungs as I stared at my pendant in daze.

I was lost for some seconds, it took Antonio screaming my name and tapping the table for me to jolt back to reality.

After asking me if I was alright and making me do the breathing therapy to be sure I was, he asked about my mother on a more serious note.

"I don't want to talk about that woman. I don't want to see her" I growled angrily.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me but think of our sister, she wants to see our birth mother too. I also know deep down you, you do want to meet her. But Your Forster mother is the only one who can link us to her." Antonio reasoned, his eyes were technically pleading with me.

"Fine." I heaved a deep sigh. "She's at Rockwood penitentiary prison in Capri But that irresponsible mother isn't coming to this house ever. I don't want to see her." I snapped my last words.

"It's okay. Your wish is my command, my princess." Antonio said a smile. "Now off you go."

I stood up and headed for the door but when I was about to open, Antono called me. I turn to face him.

"thanks a lot racheal" he said and I nodded with a smiled.

"And I almost forgot." He stopped me again. Urghhh.

"Clarrisa just started her period. I don't know if there's anything you can do to help her out but please do. Also just incase she wakes up, tell her to come to my office."

What? I didn't exactly know how to react for a while, I stood stunned and transfixed on a spot. That's a shocking news right there.

Funny how I just finished seeing mine last week, nope I didn't start last week I started last year.

"Ok" I said and walked out like a zombie, the news of clarrisa starting her period playing fresh in my head.

I don't know if I should be happy for her becoming to real girl or sad because I know how much menstruation sulks.

As I was at the passaway, a delicious scent stroke my nose. I couldn't resisted it. I'd to trail it and it took me to the kitchen where I met Liam making pop corn.

"Wow this scents so yummy" I exclaimed.

"Hey Racheal... want some?" Liam offered as he was turning the pop corn out of the pot into a bowl. He didn't even have to ask cause I'll still eat it either way so I went down and grabbed a hand full of pop corn. It tasted so crunchy and yummy.

"What's the party going on? why are you making making pop corn?" I asked after eating up the one I took.

"you haven't heard?" He asked and I frowned In surprised.

"Heard what?"

"Clarrisa started her period today so I just wanna do this for a movie night for her. I Actually planned this to welcome her back home and now that she finally started her period i wanna celebrate it with her." Liam said excitedly and I looked at him for a while then scoffed.

"Celebrate my ass. Menstruation isn't a period of roses okay? it sucks." I shove the damn truth on his face.

"Yeah and that's why I wanna make it fun for her." He Shrugs and reach out for a box of sugar. "You should join me."

"Nah Antonio asked me to call clarrisa so I'll go check if she's up." I took another hand full of the pop corn and walked out.

When I got to clarrisa room, I met her curling on her bed she was groaning and holding her stomach. "Oh my god. Are you alright clarrisa?" I asked worriedly as I rushed up to her.

Obviously she was not. Her eyes were emitting pains.

clarrisa POV,

After watching the tutorial videos for about three times, I turned off Jayden laptop and tried the practical. Though it was a bit difficult but I got the art right. Shortly after, my stomach start hurting badly. I didn't know what to do and I didn't want to bother Jayden. I thought it will go away but it didn't instead it kept increasing. I even took pain killers but nothing. I endured it and tried forcing myself to sleep. Luckily sleep took over me but it doesn't take long before my body woke up to the sounds of footsteps and I woke up back to the pains. The door opened and Racheal walked. I didn't know if I should be grateful or worried.

But I could detect the honest concern in her voice when she gasped and asked if I was alright.

"Umm...no..I... my stomach hurts." I groaned in pains squeezing my abdomen.

"Ouch. Antonio told me you saw your period . You're having mensural cramps now. It's normal. Did you take pain killers?" Racheal asked worriedly after checking me out.

I told her I took some already. She asked me to wait over and went down to her room.

She brought me some sort of drugs which she told me will help subdue the pains. She asked me to lie down and took my clothes off then she massaged my tummy with a heated rag. She took really good care of me and I was really grateful. At least even though the pain didn't entirely go away I was relieved.

"Thank you so much Racheal for taking care of me" I mumbled.

"My goodness clarrisa, you shouldn't always keep your pain to yourself you could have talk to any of us." Racheal scolded staring down at me and I nodded.

"Are you alright now?" She asked concerned.


"Wait!" She suddenly cut me off when, her eyes fixing on the set of pads which were inside the closet. "Where did you get these from?" She asked bringing out one of them.

"Jayden got them for me" I said.

"Ugh!" She groaned and rolled her eyes.

"As a first timer you should be using CAREFREE ACTI-FRESH sanitary pad"

"Well, that was the most expensive pad there so he picked it." I shrugged. Racheal rolled her eyes then went to bring me some of her pads.

"Thank you so much Racheal for playing mother hen." I said and pouted.

She frowned and chuckled.

"Well I don't have a choice do I? Since we both don't have mummy I've no choice than to play. I started mine last year so I am grand in this." My mood suddenly changed as Racheal made mention of mother. I remembered what me and Antonio discussed about and Racheal is the only one who can link us to her.

I didn't know I'd zoned off until Racheal yelled my name and tap my shoulder. I startled.

"Are you alright?" Racheal asked, her hand still on my shoulder.

"Um Racheal about our..." I swallowed lump and faced down thinking of the best way to put this. "About out birth mother. Antonio told me you're the only one who can link us to her since your Forster mother probably knows her. Racheal don't you think we should help out brothers find mother, I mean me, I want to meet her too. I'm sorry for bring this..."

"Heyyy. Don't stress," Racheal cut me up and I looked up to face her. She wasn't angry to my suprise. "I already told Antonio where to find my...the woman I grew up with"

I felt my spirit jolts up.

"Really?" I almost screamed in excitement.

"Yeah." She shrugged.

"You mean We will be finding mom soon?" I asked to be sure.

"Yeah?" She shrugged again and I stood up to engulf her into a right hug.Filling her ears with so many thank yous.

"Now that you seem okay, Antonio wants to see you." She told me the moment we broke off from the long-lasting hug.

"Huh? Why? Did..did I do something wrong" I rasped, panicking.

"Relax you're safe okay, he just want to see you." Racheal said smiling.