
The De’ Costas

Follow the lives of two sisters who had been dwelling in a life of pains and miseary but just at their stage of giving up, fate brought them together and they discovered they were not only born twins but they have older brothers. And who are their brothers? The de'costas. The most powerful and feared mafia empire in Italy. The are best known as THE DE' Costa BROTHERS. What happened when they discovered they have two kid sisters who are broken beyond repair? Will they accepts them?? FIND OUT in THE DE’ costas Update is twice a week!!

Fety_Grace_5766 · Urban
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52 Chs

Chapter 4: bambina?

A smile from nowhere flickered across my face, as I stood in the center of the overly crowded station. I am finally going to be free from my brothers. At last.

The whole place was so crowded with vehicles and pedestrians.

I snuggled through the crowd to go get a ticket but while I was walking I felt someone walking behind me yet each time I look back, I found no one.

Maybe it's just my imagination so I thought until I was about to get into the bus when suddenly someone's arm clasped around my neck.

I flinched and the bag I was holding fell off my hands.

"You better don't scream you little bitch or things are gonna get fucking bloody." The muscular scaring voice whispered into my ears and showed me a gun.

I gasped and nodded affirmatively.

I trembled like jellyfish as the person behind me started walking me off.

We got very far away from the station and arrived at a place where a small Car was parked.

He opened the back seat and shoved me inside while he hopped in the Front Seat. I couldn't see his face as he was wearing a dark hood. What's going on??

"Hello capo..." he put a call across to someone the moment he started driving.

"Yes, I found her." He dropped his call and I became so scared.

Summoning up courage I started throwing questions at him. "Who are you?? Where are you taking me what are you going to do to me..."I yelled. He asked me to shut up and he increased the speed of his car. I didn't stop. I started banging on his car door and screaming for help. begging him to let me go but he showed no interest.

Instead, he brought out a syringe, and to my bewilderment, he injected me with it. I felt my body go numb.

Darkness welcomed me.

I woke up only to find myself tied up in a very dark and spooky room.

At first, I couldn't comprehend what was happening but when the memory came back, it dawn on me that... I've been kidnapped. I started shaking in fear and struggling to free myself from the cuffs when I started hearing voices.

"the big boss said he will be giving out billions of money."

"Those shipments didn't even worth it."

"Maybe he loves the girl"

"Or maybe he just wants us to get the girl and betray us."

"Capo doesn't do that."

Are they talking about me??

"And beside John already found the girl"


"Watch out, the big boss is coming"

The door burst open and in walked a very tall muscular guy, not a guy but a man.

He looks very fierce, especially with those tattoos designing his face. He was clad in an overall black coat, there was a gun at his waist and his appearance sent my heart throbbing real fast. He gazed at me for a while before walking closer to loosen up my chains.

"Who...who are you??" I managed to ask to cause the silence was killing me.

"Don't even dare play dumb with me..." he said calmly and sat on his kneel so he could stare at me eye ball to eye ball.

"For a little girl like you rechel. how you were able to outsmart my men and escape, I don't know but one thing is certain. I only need one thing from you and that, I must get..." he smirked nodding his head in affirmation.

I just stared at him in confusion. What is he talking about? And why is he calling me Rechel??

Who's Rechel even??

He now stood up and started walking around me. "I need you to tell me the name of the Agency you walk with, who's your boss, and who is your accomplice. This is the last time I'll ask you that." He asked staring at me intently.

"I don't know what you are talking about..." I muttered. He look at me angrily and chuckled.

"I see you've got different tactics, Rechel. but you don't play tricks on me. I'm too busy for all that. So Fucking start talking." He barked at me and I flinched. He was scaring the shit out of me and I didn't know how I started crying.

"I don't know what you are talking about, I didn't work with any agency and my name isn't even Rechel.   I am Clarissa that's my name." I said in tears and his eyes turned pure red. He was more angered. He stood up angrily and turn his back again me.

"You know there's no point trying to cover up for your boss cause when you die they are going to forget about you." His voice was soft yet dangerous.

"I don't hurt kids but you've pushed me to." He said more calmly and twirled around at the same time. There was a gun in his hand now and he pointed the gun at my head.

Raw panic and conniption grabbed me.

I was trembling beyond my control and sweats generated in my body.

The sight of the gun was enough to scare me to death even before its use on me.

As I gaze at the gun different thoughts start running through my mind. Was this what my mother has been preventing me from?? I know my brothers were a thorn in my flesh but I'll prefer it then be killed over something I know nothing about.

When he cracked the gun, I flinched.

"No...wait." I voiced out before I could stop myself. He smirked and asked me if I'm ready to tell him now but the truth is I don't know what he's talking about and as they say, in Every situation you find yourself you must find a way to get yourself out.

So since he's mistaking me for someone else, I decided to take the option I have. I dug my hand in my hoodie pocket. I search my hands through it and thankfully I found it. The orphanage certificate paper.

Bringing it out, "Here." I extended the paper towards him. he just gazed at me in surprise and then look down to stare at the papers.

"This piece of paper contains every detail about me, take it and see for yourself and I hope it helps." After a while, he reluctantly took the paper.

He passed his eyes through it and suddenly his brows raised to humanly possible.

A part of me was a bit relieved maybe he finally find out I'm a different person or could it be something else??

He was about to say something when his phone rang.

"What?" How can that be..well fuck."

When he dropped the call he turns to face me and without saying a word, he Walked out with the papers locking me up in the room.

I stayed in the darkroom for what seemed like an eternity with different thoughts running through my mind. Who's this fierce guy? What could have made him so shocked and react that way, Where am I? Who's Rechel? As I was still dwelling on my though, the door opened and the same fierce guy walked in. This time he was in a black suit.

Panic shoots through me and I shifted back in shock.

"Get up and follow me." He said and turned his back against me. I suddenly couldn't know what to do. I remained on the spot trying to comprehend what he just said.

"Didn't you hear me? I said follow me now." He yelled this time around making me jump up and started walking behind him.

We arrived at a place that look like an office. He made me sit on a chair directly facing him.

"Now I'm going to ask you a few questions and you are going to give me honest answers. If you lie and I detect it, you wouldn't wanna see the outcome. am I clear??" He said sternly and I nodded a 'yes'.

"How are you related to the De' costa?"

I was silent for a while not knowing what to say. I knew he saw the name on the certificate. But does it really matters?? What matter is that I'm not the Rechel he thinks I am.


"I don't know them..." I simply stated

"Then How come you bear Clarissa de'costa? Do you think I'm here for jokes?" He slammed his palm on the desk.

"I ... don't know...I've been clarrisa Clinton ever since I was little when I discovered the orphanage papers I realize my real name is Clarissa de costa."

"Are you saying you are adopted?"

He asked and I nodded.

"Verbal." He groveled.

"Yes sir."

"If what you saying is true then how come the orphanage knew your real name? Does that mean your real family sold you out to them?"

"I don't know."

"Wow this is getting interesting.." he said. He took his phone and walked out.

I overheard him mumbling something but the words were too coherent for me to hear. Moments later he walked back into the room. He walked me out of the office and this time around he took me down to a room.

The room was so girly and beautiful.

A guy cladded in white overall came in and I need no one to tell me he's a doctor.

The other fierce guy asked me to lie down on the bed. My heart started racing.

Are they trying to touch me on my sensitive areas? Are they trying to rape me together? Oh no please, No!

The thought gave me a panic attack but I knew better than to disobey this man. When I lay on the bed, I felt something injected into my skin and I was welcomed to darkness.


a sharp pain at my wrist woke me up, I looked around me trying to comprehend what was going on and I spotted a familiar figure standing at the door. He was that fierce-looking guy of earlier. But this time he was no longer looking scary in fact he was smiling at me. "Good morning Bambina." He said sweetly.


Though I don't really know Italian but with the little I know, Bambina means 'Baby'

What's with the pet name??

I looked at him in surprise and look down at my stinging wrist. I was met with a plaster tied around it. As if answering my questioning look is said. "About your wrist, I'm sorry if it hurts. But I am going to explain things to you later." He said and leaned closer to me. Staring into my eyes.

"For now let's meet the rest of your brothers. They are all waiting for you." Panic shot through my chest as he mentioned brothers. What is he talking about? Did he know my brothers? Are they here? Is e going to give me to them?? The thought of it made me terrified.


What brothers is the guy talking about and what's going to happen? Guess