
The De’ Costas

Follow the lives of two sisters who had been dwelling in a life of pains and miseary but just at their stage of giving up, fate brought them together and they discovered they were not only born twins but they have older brothers. And who are their brothers? The de'costas. The most powerful and feared mafia empire in Italy. The are best known as THE DE' Costa BROTHERS. What happened when they discovered they have two kid sisters who are broken beyond repair? Will they accepts them?? FIND OUT in THE DE’ costas Update is twice a week!!

Fety_Grace_5766 · Urban
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52 Chs

Break All mafia rules

Clarrisa pov

Rules? God No! I don't know why but I see trouble knocking. Rules are very strict and sensitive and from the moment Antonio made mention of rules, I squirmed. What are the rules gonna be like? What if I break a rule? Rules come with punishment but what type of punishment would they give me?

"And the rules are. One, Respect your older brothers. Two, Don't take permission before you use stuff in general, every property in a house is owned by everyone. Lastly, No intake of drugs, cigarettes, or any hard substances."

The rules aren't that difficult to observe. Well maybe except for the using stuff without permission. I'll find it so hard to adapt.

"Permission to oppose," Rechel spoke up gaining the attention of everyone. "Not like anyone can stop me though but the last time I checked. The de costas are the biggest drug dealers here in Italy. If you so abhor drugs then do you push it? Why do you make riches off it? I mean angry bird was ready to kill me when my gang stole your shipments that contain drugs." She said so confidently with no ounce of fear in her.

Silence reigned for a while as Jayden, Matoe and Liam shared glances but Antonio was just looking straight up with a blank expression.

So...wait my brothers push drugs? From what I've heard. Drug pushing is one grieve crime and people who do it are dangerous and ruthless. Does this mean my brothers are dangerous?

Signing, Antonio spoke up "look here, Rechel. We were all born into this business and selling drugs is a very crucial part of our business. We don't force people to buy from us but we don't take drugs in this family"

"You didn't get to this stage of being the most powerful and feared mafia empire by being decent or do you?" Rechel scoffed.

"No," Antonio nodded "but our success so far is as a result of our unity and cooperation right Matoe?"

Matt was startled a bit as Antonio mentioned his name. He looked so much uneasy.

"Yeah...Right," his smile quickly faded off as soon as it came.

No one said any more words until Jayden spoke just while we started eating. "Least I forget who's Angry bird by the way?" He directed to Rechel

"You of course.' Liam answered instead. "And thinking about that... the name suits you. If you ask me. " Liam shrugged and chuckled. Matoe did a chuckle too.

I quite agree with Liam tho and the name sounded funny but I dared not laugh or chuckle.

"Ever think of calling me that and I'll feed you with your head." Jayden groveled. Liam rolled his eyes and didn't say a word.

Sounds of cutlery were the only sound heard as we all ate the delicious pan cand Jayden had prepared.

After breakfast, Antonio gave us a piece of information that shook me with dread. He said he'd check Liam's school chart and next week his school will resume. (It was a shocker to know Liam was still a highschooler tho) but that wasn't my problem until he included that I and Rechel will be starting school too along with Liam.

I don't know but school is the very last place I ever want to be. Ever since my experience so far, I don't want to be in another hell mistaken for a school. I wanted to voice that out but was scared but my sister didn't waste time in opposing Antonio.

She declined to go to school with the claim that she isn't some kid who needs to go schooling.

"We will see about that" was Antonio's response to her which just completely broke my courage in trying to speak up.

Liam still maintains the frowning face he had the moment Antonio talked to him about school. He even grumbled. I guess he also doesn't welcome the school idea.

"So I'll be leaving now sisters. I've some business to attend to. Matoe, Jayden come with me." Antonio said while standing from his seat.

"I am sorry but I and Liam are going off somewhere today," Mattoe said glancing at Liam.

"To where?" Jayden asked him.

"You don't have to know my every move do you?"

"That wasn't the fucking question" Jayden growled dead stern.

"Well, we'll fill you both in later."

Antonio and Jayden shared glances. Antonio didn't protest. He just asked Liam and Matteo to make sure they are back on time so they won't leave me and my sister alone for too long and then he walked off with Jayden.

Antonio was really acting somewhat like an overprotective father.

Now that we were all four at the table, Rechel who'd been quiet, matte parked up the dishes and left. Rechel also stood up rudely to leave but Liam stopped her.

"Where are you going, Rechel?" He asked.

"Inside. I guess I've nothing doing here do I?"

"Come here, Rechel..." Liam said tapping the seat beside him. Rechel stood hesitantly for a while but as matte persisted, she just sighed and sat down.

"Look. I know Antonio can be a dick most times but believe me he has our best interest at heart. He may seem imposing but that's how he is. I know you are highly pissed about the drugs restriction rule but believe me, Antonio has a valid Reason for that rule. Our eldest bro wants the best for all of us. He's been a mother and father to us. Honestly, I won't do anything without him." Liam said and paused. "Look at me. I hate school but I have to go cause I have to take part in the family business. That's the least I can do to show my appreciation. So cheer up girl" he said soothingly and pats Rachel's back. I swear if Rechel had intended to lash out, there's no she'll do that now. Liam was being such a sweet and loving brother.

Rechel sighs quietly instead.

"Besides why would you take drugs even? You aren't an addict are you?"

I didn't expect Rechel to respond but she responded after some time. "I just took it to clear my head"

"No that's the wrong answer" Matteo seethed as he came into view. "We need to talk Rechel," Matoe said sternly. He was being so cold like Antonio. "We have nothing to talk about," Rechel said and left ignoring matte yelling for her to come back.

As he left, Matteo touch his head and sighed.

"Clarrisa" Matteo suddenly called my name. Got did I do something wrong?

"Ummm..." I mumbled.

"What happened last night? Why did your sister leave your room last night." He asked. Both Liam and Mattoe were looking at me curiously.

"I..." I was burning with nervousness and if Liam noticed it, he asked me to calm down. He elaborated that he really just want to know about Racheal.

Like why she would suddenly leave the room and turn to drugs. They wanted to know what happened last night and I was their only cue since we stayed together.

They looked really damn curious and I didn't want to rub them off anything. I wasn't quite sure but I just told them about how Rechel had woken up looking terrified last night. She didn't tell me anything instead she left the room.

I regretted telling them though cause if they decide to confront reveal, that'll surely get me in trouble with Racheal. I wanted to tell them not to tell recheal but Matteo's phone beeped even before they could make a reaction.

"Oops we have to Go now Bambina," Matteo said after reading the text.

"Take of yourself Tesoro" Liam kissed me on my forehead "and Don't fight with your sister okay?"

I gave him Nod and left together with matoe.

Where are they going even?

Jayden POV

We've just finished convincing some clients not to cut off our partnership with us and damn convincing those motherfuckers weren't a kid's play. They were so bent on getting back their money and never doing business with us again. Well if I'll be fair, they've stayed patient enough. It's been weeks since they paid an advance for their gun shipment but we haven't been able to provide them as our last shipments were stolen.

"Since we can't find those ass*** who stole our shipments and Rechel won't say a shit how about we order new ones already?" I suggested to tattoo as were walking out of our mafia trap house where we'd just had a meeting.

"$100,000 shouldn't make us lose those big clients should it?"

"Yeah I've thought of that too but I've asked John to do a background check on Rechel. When he finds out the mafia she worked with, we will get our shipment back."

"But how soon would that be? I'm getting impatient Antonio. Let's just order new ones."

Antonio Looked at me with raised brows. "I'm surprised you saying this cause you were so bent on finding out who stole our shipment"

" And you so bent on bypassing it." I riposted.

"Well..." he sighs. "I'm not entirely doing a check for us to claim our shipment back. maybe  it's part of it but I want to know the gang she works with, I want to know what they did to her to extent of resulting in taking drugs." I could hear the gnashing of Antonio's teeth

"I'm doing this search solely because of Rechel." He affirmed and I solely agreed with that. Hell, I want to know what they've made her go through that's made her despise her family.

It doesn't take long before we got a text from John.

John is good with installs. He already gathered so many details on Rechel and provided it on short notice.

Name: Rechel Hernandez

Age: 15

-once a street girl. Saved by Roman Hernandez, the leader of the black Angels mafia 

-and worked with black  Angel mafias.

What were the details he sent with an added location?

We don't have any history with that gang but I'm gonna make him regret cruising us.

Antonio gathered half of our boys and here we are heading down to the B. A mafia abode. Zooming fast and furious. We arrived at the location John attached to it in no time.

The building looked abandoned and old.

'Surround' Antonio said to our men as they surrounded the building.

I and Antonio proceeded into the main building with our AK47 active. We surveyed everywhere and there was no one in the house. We kept going. we search every nook and cranny but seems like they evacuated.

"Fuck No one lives here Antonio we could be at the wrong spot." I groveled to Antonio after we've devoured everywhere.

Antonio crushed under his breath and brought out his phone to call someone.

"Why the fuck did you gave us false in-tells John?"

"But who could have given them the clue that we were coming to attack?  We are the only one who knows we are coming."

"Well, f**k!!" Antonio hung. I didn't need him to give me any info before I know things have been screwed.

Reaching for the nearest object close to me, I smashed my phone against the wall.

F**k damn it!! I was beyond angry.

Antonio however sent a group text to the men we came with and tell them all it was a force alarm. While we coming out, we happen to meet a guy. He was beating up a woman like the pouching bag. Anger crossed Antonio.

Hurting women is a crime in the mafia but Antonio holds more distaste against it.  hates the sight of it.

"That's enough pls let me go." The woman was begging the ass*** in tears but he paid deaf ears. He kept pouching.

"Let her go." Antonio groveled and The man stopped.

"Who are you people, what are you doing here, and who are you to stop me from disciplining my wife?" He yelled at Antonio.

We didn't bother to bicker words with him. I asked him to provide every name of the member of this mafia household but he wasn't ready to talk and Antonio didn't waste time shooting him in the head. His skull splattered everywhere.

"Why did you shout that guy? He was our only link to get to the rest mafia members or even their boss. He could likely even be the boss." I asked Antonio as we got back into the car.

"A mafia boss wouldn't hurt a woman. And perhaps He isn't our only link. I can always get the rest mafia members and their boss if I want and then again, I didn't shoot him for refusing to talk. Every man who raised his filthy hands on a woman deserves death."

Matoe POV

Liam and I are seated in the car heading down to the police station. While Liam was driving, more flying on the road, I sits beside him tapping my fingers on my thigh. Fantasying about all the fun I'm gonna have whooping some Lil bitches asses.

"Don't you think we should have come with our men?" Liam suddenly asked as we neared our location.

"Which men?" I scoffed. "Cmon Those are girls. They Won't even be enough for one of our boys to handle."

"That's not what I mean. We should have a backup. Just in case the police are being a dick." Liam sighed.

"They won't do that. They won't dare. The money will bumps to them what they use for?" Here in Italy, the De costas are the law. Aside from the fact that we acquired enough powers to the point of taking down all law fame in a nanosecond, we still do them justice with our wealth. Courtesy of Antonio though.

After Minutes of flying on the road as we own it, breaking all the shitty laws, we finally arrived at the station.

We walked into the police station and after making inquiries from the cobs we met at the reception, we demanded for the girls sent here by Pablo (the person managing our mall for us). They cob bullshiting us with stupid interrogations but At the realization that we are the de costa brothers he knew better than to oblige.

He walked us down to the cell Arena.

"Here they are sirs," the cob said pointing to two Teenage girls who were behind the cell.

The girls had a terrified look on their faces the moment thier gaze met us. Guess they recognized Liam.

The cob opened the gates and walked them out. He told them they'll be going with us now.

"What? Why? Where are they taking us?" They were rambling on with different questions.

"Will see about that, sweethearts," I smirked and lifted one up to my shoulders. Liam Carried the other. The girls were screaming and struggling as we walked down to our cars.

We drugged both of them to sleep and threw them in the back seat.

When we arrived at the mansion we asked our men to take the bitches down to the basement since they were still having their beauty sleep. I somehow regret drugging them though because I just couldn't wait to find out why those girls did to make our sister cry. Don't get me started with the cry even for the slightest reason, No one still has a f**king right to make my sister cry and I'm gonna make those bitches realize that.

Who knows? they might be connected to whoever might have hurt her in the past.

Well, for their sake I pray they aren't.

Because if they are, I'll break every mafia rule that states 'we don't hurt ladies'.