
The De’ Costas

Follow the lives of two sisters who had been dwelling in a life of pains and miseary but just at their stage of giving up, fate brought them together and they discovered they were not only born twins but they have older brothers. And who are their brothers? The de'costas. The most powerful and feared mafia empire in Italy. The are best known as THE DE' Costa BROTHERS. What happened when they discovered they have two kid sisters who are broken beyond repair? Will they accepts them?? FIND OUT in THE DE’ costas Update is twice a week!!

Fety_Grace_5766 · Urban
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52 Chs

Back with my family

After that day my  brothers came to visit and hung out with me, my mind change towards them. I Decided to just  forgive them, or if I'll rephrase that, I decided to just accept them for whoever they are. Dangerous or not, they are my family.

I mean if they could accept a broken and weak girl as Thier sister then who am I to keep pushing them away. I decided to  move in back with them. They were so excited to have me back with them. Antonio bought  Mum a new house as his way of showing appreciation to mother for taking care of his sister.

Right now, we are all in the enemous mansion Antonio bought. Looking around the house for the first time and man this wasn't just mansion but heaven.

"Wow is this really necessary?" Mom voiced out to my brothers as we were all back at the living room. We've been checking out the different apartment inside the mansion and we didn't even check it finish cause it might take a whole day to do that.

"This house is too big for just me alone. Isn't this a waste of money?" Mother said with sincerity in her eyes.

Scoffs and groans from my brothers filled the air. But only Antonio didn't do anything of that. He just sighed and touch is temple.

"Don't get me wrong, I do really appreciate the gift but I'll still definitely appreciate it if it was just a normal bongalow." Mum tried to reason.

"Isn't even enough for a woman who breed my sister from infancy and treated her like her real child. Clarissa never had any bad record about you. I'm more than grateful to you for being a mother to my sister. Left for me you deserve every good things in life" even though Antonio said that without a single emotion in his face, it still warmed my heart.

I felt my eyes watered in admiration.

mother didn't say a thing for a while. No one did and we all about to leave when mother suddenly said something that threw silence in the air.

"Is... is it possible for you to please forgive my sons?" Mother croaked and then sniffed. Her head was bowing down. Avoiding my brothers gaze. "They are the  only family I've left." Mom say soberly. I felt my heart churned. I don't know if it's because of mention of my brothers or because of seeing mom,  hurting.

"Never" Jayden deadpanned and Everyone turns to face him. He had intense anger flaming in his eyes. "Unless I'm dead, those fuckers are going to pay a 100 fold to what they did to clarrisa and they haven't paid oup to 0.01 percent of it" 

We were all left in suspense as Antonio stared blackly into space, everyone was waiting for him to speak cause eyes had withdraw from

Jayden to Antonio.

"Well, I'm sorry but we don't forgive our offenders. Especially those who hurt our family." Antonio said coldly.

I swear I felt a sense of relieve as Antonio said that. forgiving them will mean them releasing my ex brothers and I don't think I can face them. I really don't want to experience what I want through in the past. They may just kill me this time around. Mum sucked in a breath. All her vain in her  neck came out.

I felt pity for mom but this is a situation I can't help. I felt a hand holds me to his side and it was Liam. He gave me a comforting nod and a smile as he noticed I wasn't in my best mood.

"By the way," Mattoe look up from his phone. "the cars we ordered will be delivered to you in few hours." Matoe said keeping back his phone.

"C—c-car?" Mother stutterer out, heavily shocked.

"Yeah. I almost forgot we ordered cars for you. They'll arrive today. Pick anyone you like or all of them if you wish" Antonio told mom.

"We will take our leave now. Anything else you like to say?" Antonio asked.

"Uhmmm... Is it alright if clarrisa gets to visit me at least.?" Mothered rushed out.

"I Can't really promise that but I'll see to that." Antonio said glancing at me. Mother slowly nodded her head.

Antonio checked his watch and said

"We will have to go now anything you need, I'm just a call away."

As we were again about to leave, I slipped from Liam's arms and went to envelope my mother into a bone crashing hug.

We hugged for a long time, sobbing and expressing how much we will miss each other. Despite the fact that we're taking time, none of my siblings complained. They all waited patiently. Racheal though kept rolling her eyes.

"The nerve of that woman to ask for her miserable sons forgiveness after what they did." Racheal yelled the moment we were all out of the mansion and now at the parking lot.

"Watch it Racheal. That woman you're referring to is my mother." I riposted.

"You really need to resume school clarriss so you'll still be getting tenses right. She 'was' your mother, not 'is" Racheal said and that made me cast a death glare at her.

"Hey chill girls. We aren't going to fight here are we?" Jayden half-yelled and I'd to comport myself. Racheal hissed and got into the car.

"Antonio can I ask you for a Favour?" I said as we were all in the car, I was burying my bottom lips in nervously.

I was really hoping  that they all doesn't see me as asking for too much.

"Speak on clarry"

"can go visit my mother randomly. Please Antonio. Please." I was pleading with my eyes. After staying silence for a while, Antonio smiled and said "anything for you princess."

I excitedly thanked him.

Jayden  who was at the stereo, ignited the car and zoomed up in the usual aggressive speed.

The drive was quiet And As we were half-way, Liam asked Jayden to stop in front of MCDonald building.

"What are you up to Liam?" Jayden asked as he nosed the car to a stop.

"I'm going to get us some M.C Donald goodies who's interested?" He asked.

"Seriously do you have to ask?" Racheal scoffed and started making list of things she want. "I want chips, burger, pizza, cakes, shawarma, chicken wings anf waffles."

Everyone turned to give her a stunned look, from the rare view, I see her rolled her eyes.

"Anything for you sweetie " Liam said and then asked everyone what they need.

I just chose pizza even though I really ain't hungry. I know my brothers are rich but I don't want to squander their money, especially Liams'

Matoe  requested for youghort and same with Antonio.

"Just hurry the hell up and come back let's go" was what Jayden said. Liam rolled his hands and then was about going out of the car when he dug his hands in his pockets but came out with empty hands.

"Fucking hell, I forgot my wallet at home." He whined like a baby making Matoe give him a nasty look. "Please Antonio you are lending me yours right?"

Antonio after giving him a skeptical  look gave him his wallet.

No one else may get the trick but I do, Liam just pulled trickishly extorted money from Antonio. Haha.

After few minutes of waiting, Liam came back with three poly bags. He got everything Racheal asked for and even added extra he also did the same for me. He got me everything I didn't ask for.

Antonio didn't even complain, he didn't even check his wallet before returning back to the pocket and when I complained about this.. they told me I deserve to be spoilt rotten.

Like seriously.

After few minutes, we arrived back at the mansion. I ate up my pizza but brought the rest goodies home.

And if I say Racheal is a foodie, it's an understatement. She finished up her junks  and kept throwing the sachets out on the road, breaking the road laws and my brothers didn't give a shit in the world.

From the moment We walked  into the house, Mattoe phone beep in his pocket. When he brought out to check it, he suddenly screamed interrupting whatever Antonio was about to say.

"The  fuck!!" Horror, pain and hurt danced in his eyes in that instant as he was clutching his phone.

We all turned him in shock.

"what's the problem Matoe?" Antonio asked but Matoe Didn't say a shit.

He just kept clutching the phone and I could see his eyes watering.

Liam asked him what's wrong and Racheal did too and even Jayden but he didn't say anything.

Not until Jayden have to yell and tried taking his phone but Matoe snatch back the phone and said. "It's...it's Nothing. I'm alright guys" he said through gritted teeth as she proffered towards the stairs in a rush.

"No come back here mattoe you aren't fucking keep going to be doing this." Antonio yelled angrily.

"I said it's nothing okay. Fucking leave me alone." Matoe yelled back while prodding up the Stairs.

I've always know Matoe had been weird but this is quite— strange. I couldn't help worrying about mattoe. What did he read on his phone that made him look so hurt, angry and terrified at the same time.

I really wanted to know what was wrong with him and do what I can help him tackle the situation for as far as I'm concerned my brothers deserve to be happy. They shouldn't be bothered about anything. They are good people.

I was feeling pity for him already and I didn't know if zoned out until I heard my name being screamed. It was Antonio.

I jolts back. "Are you okay?" He asked with worry, his hands on my shoulder.

"Yes I'm fine" I nodded. 

"Are you sure?" Jayden  who was also looking panicked asked.

"Yes. Of course. I'm finally back together with my family so what else could I ask for huh?" I cheered them up with a smile, they all beamed back with a smile, including Racheal.

"Okay now Clarrisa just go to your room alright. And Racheal, to your room too." Antonio Kissed us both  on fhe fore head to dismiss us. Liam and Jayden hugged us separately.

When I Walked into my room, I was surprised to meet everywhere looking to scanty and in new shape.  It had just one bed, my bed.

Racheal noticing the look on my face, told me

told me that her  room had been changed. She was now occupying the next room which was closed to mine. Her room was linked to mine.

"Wow really  congratulations." I bubbled with a smile. After dropping my junk packs on my bed, I followed her to go see her room and oh boy, the room screamed typical Racheal. There was no trace of a girl's Aura. She have paintings and photos of male rappers anf singers on the walls and most of her stuffs were in black.

She looked so excited while showing me around the room.

After we were done roving about her room, we went back to my  room and she helped me arranged all my stuffs at Thier places.

We didn't have to clean the room or restroom cause she told me, our brothers already have some professional janitors out the room in place. Little wonder everywhere was sparking.

It felt so good to be back home and I was so excited being all free with Racheal-my twin sister.

She was so excited to have me back home. We did lotta crazy stuffs together. After bathing, we were changing marching outfits and doing model poses on the mirror then we would laugh over it.

I felt like I'd been re-born because I wasn't an inch nervous around Racheal.

"Oh I almost forgot." Racheal said while wearing back on her original house wear and i as doing same. "Now that you are here. Can you please Help me with my home work pretty please!" She made a puppy face at me.

I was thrown back for a while, I nearly fell from surprise and confusion.

"You have started school?" I muttered.

Thinking about school suddenly creeped me out.

"Yeah started few days ago along with Liam" she said  rolling her eyes.

"Now are you going to help me? I was asked to sketch some stupid  sewing machine  in home Econs. Honestly God knows I wasn't going to do it but since you are here, I might as well be  that good two shoes  who shows off as best in class, even just for one day." She giggled and then rushed back to her room to bring her school supplies.

"Here's the diagram" Racheal  said showing me the diagram of a sewing machine   as we were both sitting on the bed.


Question for this chapter: between clarrisa and Racheal who do you think is older 😂