
The De’ Costas

Follow the lives of two sisters who had been dwelling in a life of pains and miseary but just at their stage of giving up, fate brought them together and they discovered they were not only born twins but they have older brothers. And who are their brothers? The de'costas. The most powerful and feared mafia empire in Italy. The are best known as THE DE' Costa BROTHERS. What happened when they discovered they have two kid sisters who are broken beyond repair? Will they accepts them?? FIND OUT in THE DE’ costas Update is twice a week!!

Fety_Grace_5766 · Urban
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52 Chs

Antonio’s Casino

For the rest of the day, I kept thinking, panicking over what my sister had told me. My brothers didn't came back until evening. Only Liam and matoe though. I had dinner with matoe and Liam before going off to bed.

The next morning, I woke up very early as usual. Recheal was still fast asleep. I just stayed up on my bed but getting bored of the room, I decided to head to the living room.

At the stairs, I spotted Jayden at the dining he was operating laptop.

Oh No! I can't be alone with him.

I turned abruptly tto leave but then I heard his voice.

"Hey clarrisa." Mg heart churns at his voice. Slowly turning round I was met with his intimidating eyes staring at me.

"Good morning." I mumbled to him.

After replying my greeting coldly and asking about my night, he asked me to come that we need to talk.

I reluctantly went to meet him with my head bowed.

"Look at me clarrisa." Jayden said after the brief silence between us while I was sitting before him.

I slowly look up to face him. He sighed and shut down his laptop. "What exactly do I look like you to you?" He asked.

"Huh?" I breathed.

"Why do you always run away from me like I'll eat you up or something.." he rasped coldly. I swallowed. "Don't even answer. Look clarrisa you don't have to be scared of me okay. I'm your brother. I'll never do anything to hurt you. Yes I know I do lashes out on you sometimes but I'm so sorry really sorry." His voice sounded so soft and genuine but his scary eyes and cold face didn't add up. Either ways I just nodded.

"Verbal." He demanded.

"Alright Jayden."

Thankfully I didn't last alone with Jayden for long because Liam and matoe came into the living room at the same time.

That morning everyone was present at the dining.

We were having bread toast and tea for breakfast which mattoe had prepared.

We were all focusing on our food until received a call just few seconds into it.

"What!!" He barked into the phone after a while of picking it.

I flinched.

Liam's spilled tea on himself and the rest of my siblings just to turned to face Antonio who had this panic look on his face.

"What happened antonio?" Jayden asked immediately Antonio dropped the call.

" it's nothing I can't handle." Antonio said rushing up from his seat. "Clarrisa, recheal. I'll see you guys later." He said planting a peck on our forehead.

"Enjoy your meals sweethearts." He added. He gave the rest of our brothers a nod before heading for the door.

Everyone watched him exit and I watched my brothers share confused glances among themselves.

What could be making Antonio panicked anyway?

I just hope it's not something bad. We continued our meal and after some minutes, we were done. Everyone started leaving the dining. Jayden for the first to leave. Mattoe and recheal who followed him.

So it was just me and Liam in the living room.

Liam suggest we do something fun since it was just the two of us and don't judge me if I said, I chose to watch a movie. I use to really love watching movies but ever since my ex-brothers turned into beasts, nothing became fun for me anymore but I'm really, really grateful that with Liam I'm finding myself back.

I even bickeeed with Liam over the movie we are to watch. We finally decide to watch mine first and then watch his.

The cartoon I chose was so interesting and watching it with my most loving elder brother made it more fun. I was happy. We watched lot of films and Liam later me alone to go attend to something else. It was then just me but it didn't take long before I dozed off.

I woke up to find my on something warm and comfied. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. I realized I was in a somewhat unfamiliar room.

While my head was still rotating, I heard footsteps. I flinched but placed my palm on my chest when I see it was Jayden, clad in a towel. Water dripping from his hair and body.

"Hey calm down clarrisa. It's just me." Jayden said flat.

"Um..um I didn't know it was you." I said.

"It's okay. I see you are finally awake" he said as got busy drying off his hair. "I saw you sleeping at the living room awkwardly so I decided to bring you to bed before you break your tiny neck." He told me.

I just mouthed an 'o'. My heart fluttered at the thought of my brother whom I feared most, showed me are and concern to have brought me to his room to sleep. I fought back a smile.

"Anyways I've a surprise for you."  I nearly gasped as Jayden said that.

When I asked him what surprise, he just asked me to get dress up that we were going out.

Yeah! Going out.

I've never went out with Jayden before. It's either Antonio takes me out or he asks matoe and Liam to do it but never with Jayden and the thought of going out with Jayden to God knows where made me nervous but I didn't want to upset him so I just did as he said.

I went to my room and got ready. I settled for a pink tortle  neck and pinafore. Styled my hair in ponytail and went back to Jayden. I met him at the hallway. After complimenting my looks, he walked me down to the living room. We met matoe and recheal  bickering over  something.

He can handle it. He'll leave at the middle. After dinning everyone left. Liam put on Tv and they all watched. Liam Latter left She'll sleep off at middle of it. She'll wake up in Jayden room.

"And what are you guys talking about?" Jayden asked getting their attention to us.

"It's nothing serious. Are you going out?" Matoe asked with raised brow, glancing at me one time.

"Yeah going out with clarrisa and now that I see recheal. Wanna tag along recheal?" Jayden asked facing recheal.

"Where would we go?" Recheal asked after sometime.

"It's a surprise."

Right so this was what he meant by he had a surprise for me?

"Okay" Recheal accepted just like that and I don't know if I should feel relieved that recheal will be going with us now or more panicked.

"Hope you aren't selling out our sisters though?" Matoe joked. Yeah that was a joke but My heart still sipped three beats at the mention of that. I gulped hard to black out any horrid memory.

Suddenly actonio barged in on us  looking stressed out and dead angry.

Qual è il problema Antonio? Va tutto bene?"Matoe asked curiously.

[What's the matter Antonio? Is everything alright?]

"No, alcuni stronzi hanno fatto irruzione nella nostra casa ieri, hanno rubato e ucciso alcuni dei nostri uomini e nessuna traccia di loro nelle telecamere a circuito chiuso."

[No, Some fuckers  broke into our were house yesterday , stoles and  killed some of our  men and no trace of them in CCTV.]

"Che cosa?" A voice hacked in and we all turn to meet Liam walking into the scene.


"Aspetta che sia successo ieri, quindi come mai le informazioni sono arrivate oggi?" Jayden asked angrily. 

[Wait this happened yesterday then how come the information came today?]

"I ragazzi del magazzino hanno inviato un messaggio a John. L'informazione doveva pervenire a me tramite John. I ragazzi avevano bisogno di più uomini e un sostegno, ma puoi credere che lo stronzo sia stato impegnato a dormire per tutto il giorno ieri mentre era in corso un enorme pasticcio e ora è tutto incasinato" Antonio spat everything through gritted teeth. I could tell his was boiling hot.

[The boys at the warehouse sent a message across to John.

The information was suppose to come to me through John. The boys needed more men and a back up but can you fucking believe that the fucker was busy sleeping all through yesterday while a huge mess was on going and now everything is screwed.]

"Wow wow wow quello stronzo lo prenderà davvero da me"Jayden groveled, nodding his head and puffed out so much air.

[Wow wow wow that fucker is really gonna get it from me.]

The ringing of matoe's phone sliced through the tension.

Matoe brought out the phone, after checking the caller, he hung up.

"Umm I've to go off somewhere bros" he said scratching his head.

Jayden and Antonio stared at him without saying a word, obviously they weren't in the mood for any talks.

"You are really not goin to tell us about this your sneaking around calls of lately huh?" Liam said and matoe just glared at him. Without saying any word, he exited.

Antonio however asked where we were going all dressed up.

Jayden tells Antonio that he's going out with us.

Liam immediately requested to tag along with us.

"Faresti meglio a prenderti cura di loro Jayden. se una ciocca dei loro capelli scompare dalla loro testa ti uccido."

Antonio said sternly to Jayden as we were about to leave.

Recheal  rolled her eyes to whatever he said.

[You better take care of them Jayden.  if a strand from their head go missing I'll kill you.]

Antonio gave me and recheal a fare well peck, telling us to enjoy the day.

I really hope I enjoy it though—at least Liam is coming with us now.

Rechel's POV

Listening to my brother's conversation about some people breaking into them blah blah blah filled me with bliss.

A sense of fulfillment.

Fate was really on my  side. Who could have   thought my  little plot against John will bossom in such an unexpected form. Whoever those invaders are, I owe them one. At least, this  is a first strike for John.

You may be thinking why I'm still here, with the De' costas right?

Well I've decided to warm up to them cause staying here will get me close to John and I'll do whatever I wills to him.

He won't be able to lay a finger on me cause the de costas are being so over protective of me... maybe they wanna make up for lost time but who give a shit.

I'll be out here as soon as I'm done with John. For now let me play along with my the de costa family.

Especially mattoe, I'm being close to him cause he lets me take drugs secretly in his secret house well he have no choice or I'll rat him off to his bros.

Right now we are all together in the car driving off to the surprise location Jayden has for us.

After few minutes drive of literally flying on the road which is the type of driving I loves and enjoy, Jayden pulled over at some building. It took so cracked up and abandoned.

"Okay we are here guys." Jayden announced. He came out of the car and I did same. As the princess that clarrissa is, she waited for Liam to open the car for her as usual.

"Is this the surprise you have for us?" I asked frowning as I scanning the old and cracked building. I mean this way looks like an abbadon warehouse.

"Yes baby... and trust me you'll love it." Jayden replied.

"Like fucking hell it's been a while we done this jay." Liam bubbled with excitement.

"Um Where's this place?" Clarrisa muttered.

"It's place where are gonna be having lotta fun!!" Liam bubbled with a smile holding clarrisa's hands.

I could sense panic on clarrissa face as we proceeded towards the building. When we stepped into the building, the inside was way different from the outside, it was spacious and had lotta people especially bad guys shuffling cards and playing different games. Oh I need no one to tell me this was an illegal betting house.

Now I see the reason why Liam was sooo belated fucking hell, Betting games are my fun. I swear Jayden deserve an Oscar award for being me here.

I felt my bliss slowly saps off as I remembered how I use to come this kind of place with Maximo. Yeah Maximo introduced me to game house, infact Maximo introduced me to maybe.

I felt my heart beat increases as the memories came rushing in but trying to blank it off, I clenched my fist so tight.

No, I don't  want to have any traumatic memories. Weak girls do that and I'm not weak.

"Please...please...don't make me go there please..." clarrisa shaking voice brought me back. I turned to see a very terrified looking girl, tears glistening in her eyes and she was panting heavily as if she just seen a ghost.

Seriously is this girl trying to ruin this fun? What's with her now? 

Clarissa's POV

Right from the moment we stepped into this creepy looking building, I've fought back the thought that my brothers aren't going to sell me out. I tried to be brave and followed them in but as soon as my eyes catches all the bunches of men at different angles, I let down my guard.

"Please...please...don't make me go there please..." I didn't know when I stuttered that out. Halting right at the door entrance. I was panting beyond my control.

I hated myself right now. . She promised myself before that  I won't be scared of them anymore but then she remembered Matt words.

"It's alright clarrisa please clam down. We don't have to go in there if you don't want to. Let's just go home." Liam said with a worried look on his face, even something close to fright.

"What? We aren't doing that shit for real. Are we?" Recheal opposed, lashing out.

"Can't you see she's scared?" Liam said softly.

"And so? Is she the only one who've gone through some shits that she's rubbing it on everyone's face?

I admit I'm kinda  uncomfortable with this place too but will that bring back what happened here or stop what's happened?"

Recheal kept lashing out and Liam kept defending me.

Jayden suddenly called out my name. "Clarrissa..."

"Let's go in. I don't want to go home" I immediately cut him off. After all I  don't want my sister be mad at her anymore.

Jayden  to my  surprise held my shoulder and made me look him in the eyes then he asked "are you sure you want to do this.?" He asked and I nodded. Liam doubled confirm with his looks and I gave him a nod.

Recheal rolled her eyes as we all walked in. The men here kept throwing hails at my brothers as we walk past. Liam and Jayden's name rampage the air. Seems like they quite recognized here.

My eyes moved around and spots sole girls shuffling marbles, some group playing cards, sole drinking. There were many groups playing different games. Is this some sort of game house?

I settled down with my siblings at an empty table.

"Are you alright clarrisa?" Jayden asked and I nodded my head 'yes'.

"Um What's this place?" I asked for the second time .

Liam finally told me it's a casino owned by Antonio.

A lady approached us and asked us which game are going to be playing,

Recheal choose a game called blackjack.

The lady arranged some cards on the table. Recheal and Liam were all so excited about the game but I wasn't. Aside from the fact that I've no clue about the game, I was a bit nervous. I just kept failing while recheal never lost any round. She was a challenge to both Liam and Jayden. Liam especially who was so hyped about the game. Hours into the game, I became fully involved cause I was now understanding the game and it was seeing the fun in it.

I starts winning and will cheer my winning each time I won.

We decided to split ourselves. I and Jayden played as team while Liam and recheal played as team. "Now let's beat them at this baby." Jayden boasted as were about to start a new round. I screamed 'yehhh'

"Well get ready to be whooped with 10-0s" Liam challenged.

We starts the playing the game and in the first round, we won.

I happily high-fives Jayden and stucked my tongue out on Liam. We kept winning for first rounds but later recheal picked up and started winning. Even though I was loosing, I didn't mind.

This was fun. Infact the best fun I've ever had in my life. For the first time I was being so free around Jayden and I didn't wanted the moment to end but it ended when suddenly recheal stopped playing.

Her gaze was at a particular direction and she was looking like she've seen a ghost. All the veins in her neck popped out and she look extremely traumatized.

My brothers were calling her name and asking her what happened, we all kept looking at the direction she was staring at but saw nothing.

"Um..." she finally voiced out and turns to face us. "I...I will like to use the restroom. Excuse me." She stood up before my brother could say a thing.

"No recheal you don't even know the way to the restroom." Jayden  said.

"I've been in casinos before and I've been here before and I know my way around."

"Recheal are you alright?" I asked.

"I'll be fine." She said and walked off, more like ran into the crowd.

Jayden immediately stood up. He instructed Liam to stay with me while he go after recheal who'd quickly go out of sight.

I wondered what could be wrong with Recheal.

"Fuck fuck fuck." Liam's cursing hacked into the many thoughts I was having.

I turned to face him.

"Clarrisa can you do something for me?" He asked and I nodded. "I really need to Make use of the toilet. Would you be fine?" He asked with uneasiness.

I nodded slowly even though I won't be.

"I promise I'll be back even before you know it." He pecked my forehead and  left.

Now I was the only one sitting alone, I kept looking around if I'll se any trace of my siblings.

"How is Mi'Amore doing?" A thick voice startled me and turning to my side, I was met with a strange scary face.


"So indeed you are one of the De' Costas right?" He cut me off and leaned very close to me. He leaned down on table and my heart leapt when he cage me Inbetween his arms. "You know I've never really valued what a gem I'd all these while till now."

Who are you?" My voice quivered, everything about me quivered as the man's breath was on my face.

"Tsk tsk Playing dumb card huh? You know with you, my ambition to bring the De' Costas down is gonna be achieved sooner than I thought. John told me how they are being so over protective or possessive of you. You must be their weakness now." He say nodding. He gripped my both arms and told me I was coming with him.

No! I screamed and tried to struggle with him with all my strength. His grip on me became so tight that I felt his fingers digging into my flesh.

I was now crying for him to let me go but the scary man became fierce this time and was yelling at me to follow him peacefully trying to root me off from the chair.

No, This can't be happening. I can't face anymore hardship anymore. As the man continues dragging me, I bit his hands and he grew more fierce. His eyes killed a part of me before he landed a slap across my face.

I screamed as the pains shoot through my entire body. As if his plans changed, he gripped my jaw and started bringing his lips closer.

"You know I've missed these lips of yours my love." The man smiled creepily and was trying kiss me but I'd to defend myself.

God! Where are my brothers? No success in kissing me, the man down pushed me against the nearest wall and started ripping my clothes.

"No please don't please...." I was screaming and begging the man in tears but he didn't stop.

I closed my eyes as I felt his lips on my neck, bracing myself for my fate but in that instant, I felt him pulled away. The next thing I heard was a sound of pouch and something breaking.

I opened my eyes to meet the blazing  face of Jayden, he was angry. So angry that he was scaring the shit out of me.

The man who'd tried violating me was on the ground, bleeding from his nose.