
The Days When I’m With You

In the ocean of strangers, among billions of passerby, I who was reborn as Li Fei chanced upon you. And just like birds of the same feather, we flocked together. Seeking love and filling the empty hole, thinking the possibility of “us” that remained unknown. I couldn’t promise you my heart or forever. But know that if we did end up missing each other, please remember there was a time when we were in each other’s arms. There was a time when I had been your stranger and you had been mine. —————— “Woman, you should know that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach!” I sneered, “And do you wanna know the way to a woman’s heart?” “What?” I whispered closely to his ear, “It’s when the man do all the work for us.” Him, “...” With my index finger, I lifted his chin. “So, who’s gonna cook later?” “I shall gladly serve you, My Lady.” ________________ Follow my ig: @author_kiiara [Cover: credits to the artist | Source: Pinterest]

Kiiara · Urban
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239 Chs

Tea and Cake

"Miss...?" A soft gentle tone brushed over me.

I snapped out of my train of thought and raised my head to meet a pair of familiar eyes. A woman of late thirties with her hair tied into a low bun, an apron on her body, and a sweet smell of cream lingering around her. She was kneeling down next to me and her eyes were painted with worries.

"Are you okay?" She smiled. Her hand reached to pat my back. "You shouldn't sit on the ground in such a cold weather. You'll catch a cold."

But the fact was I could barely think, let alone feeling the cold. I had felt my senses gradually going numb just now until I heard her voice and her hand on my back. It was the feeling of warmth that I knew from a long time ago. Something that felt endearing and close to my heart. Something of memory tracing back to reality.