
The Days When I’m With You

In the ocean of strangers, among billions of passerby, I who was reborn as Li Fei chanced upon you. And just like birds of the same feather, we flocked together. Seeking love and filling the empty hole, thinking the possibility of “us” that remained unknown. I couldn’t promise you my heart or forever. But know that if we did end up missing each other, please remember there was a time when we were in each other’s arms. There was a time when I had been your stranger and you had been mine. —————— “Woman, you should know that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach!” I sneered, “And do you wanna know the way to a woman’s heart?” “What?” I whispered closely to his ear, “It’s when the man do all the work for us.” Him, “...” With my index finger, I lifted his chin. “So, who’s gonna cook later?” “I shall gladly serve you, My Lady.” ________________ Follow my ig: @author_kiiara [Cover: credits to the artist | Source: Pinterest]

Kiiara · Urban
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239 Chs

Home Where Xiao Fei Is

Jin Longwen exhaled another faint breath into the oxygen mask. His eyes were unwavering, staring at the ceiling with a vague gaze. Everything seemed to have escaped his mind at the moment. It was but a plain blank sheet with the exception of her smile running through his head like a film roll.

There was tears by the corner of his eyes and they fell as he blinked. It wasn't just a break of sorrow he had shed, but also a form of relief, and the biggest part of it was a remembrance of fear. The fear of almost leaving her behind.

'Don't go.' She had told him.

'Stay...' She had begged him.

'Don't leave. You said you'll wait, remember? I'm already walking now. I'm halfway there. So, don't go.' She had said with her eyes reddening. He wondered then, had she cried or had it been just the rain soaking her eyes?

It was a foul move, Xiao Fei. Don't let anyone, even the rain carried your tears away. I hope I would always have the strength to wipe it for you.