

Aanya is sitting in her class after not being in contact with Rivan.

She had decided to put more focus on herself and determined towards her dreams

She wants to become artist so she joined the college after completing school.

But Rivan never leaves her mind,she always think that now Rivan will come in front of her eyes and hug her.

She has figured out that if she has not been able to forget Rivan, it means that she has some feelings for Rivan.

She hopes that Rivan come to her and never leaves her alone again.

[Chaos of student]

Teacher(Marry) enters

Students silent let's start the class so.... as you know Art Festa is coming I want all of you to take part and show ur talents to world. Okay so I will say no more let's study!

(After sometime)

As the class ends Aanya stands and moves to her favorite spot she was thinking something while sitting.

She doesn't have friends yet. Ya she talks with girls but they are not her friends just hello and hi.

"Excuse me" she come out from her thinking

"Can I sit here"

"Yaa afcourse", Aaanya said

"I have been watching you from days "

You always sit here and think about something.

Ohhh how u....are you spying or


Ohh.. no..no I used to sit here but because of my medical break I don't came to college.

But when I came I thought of sitting at my place but you were already sitting here so I thought I shouldn't bother you.

Oh sorry I took your place you can sit here,Aanya said

No it's ok you can sit here I used to come here when I start to overthink or I have some problems

I think you're also dealing with something you can sit here.

If you don't mind can we sit together, Aanya said

Ya ok if you're ok with it

(Silence)(birds chirping)(fresh wind moving the leaves of trees and drawing current in pond that is front of them)

So what's your name?


"Don't you have any friends??"

No, I just sometime normally talk with my class girls


If you don't mind,can I ask you something??


What happened why did u took medical break

Ohh that when I was in my school I was diagnosed with some kind of disease it was minor not major.

That's why in the starting year of college I had gone for my treatment.

Hmm how are you now?? Aanya asked

I think I am good now

That's good,Aanya said

"By the way what's your name??"

"My Name is Kaviya"

Looks like Aanya had met someone

Thanks for reading this chapter,readers

Stay until next chapter

Lots of love and care ❤